The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Brachi also avoided the mucus spat at her, letting Panich do her thing first while ignoring Gogeta's antics for the moment.

"You heard my new friend," Brachi said, "return our items, or I'll let her break your fingers, while I will break your legs. Perhaps that will teach you not to cross us..."
“Hey, don’t get mad at me!” Kazuki said “Blamed the doctor for editing the fight the way it was but thank you for at least giving the name of the guardian guy.” He pulled out a pen and started doodling his name on the notebook .”Byakko… Reincarnation…  That’ll get me some high prize for this.”

“So that was it was?” Spina thought to himself, remembering that weird form Cuki took during the Demi-fiend battle. “I guess that explains the cat-ears she has now… it never went away…”

“Byakko…” Lucifer rubbed his chin. “I see. So that’s what’s it called.”

“Hmm?” Spina stared at Lucifer. “You okay?”

“Perfectly fine.” Lucifer turns to Bernkastel, hearing her thoughts about the matter. “Cross doesn’t seems to think Ultraman is the type to do this. Based on the comments you gave out; do you think he has it in him to make a hit on you guys? Especially the one called Vegetto?”

Spina raised a brow when Lucifer quickly answered his question but dismissed it anyways. Nothing worth pondering on about. “He has pride. If he wanted to get Vegetto, I reckon that he’ll look for him by himself rather than hiring someone else. I mean, he always wanted to fight us, right?”

“Maybe he is working with the Coin Hunter, but under guise of picking down the biggest ones so he can take down the weakest? Maybe that’s what everyone is heading too?” Lucifer offered another explanation.


Blank Guy screamed loudly when his hand got nearly crushed. “A-alright!” Part of his body disperse for a split second, revealing all the stolen items he took from them, falling right out towards the floor.

He’d realized that sheer difference in power. If he couldn’t even tickle them, their force of breaking his arms and legs would be hell. Something he would not rather do

“Here… that’s all of them…” Blank Guy said. “Let me go… you damn savages.”
Brachi easily retrieved the coin the Blank Man took from her.
"Savage, huh? Quite a choice of words from someone who callously stole our possessions just now. I'd better think twice about doing so again, you hypocrite." She retorted.
"If only you had kept your mouth shut I wouldn't have to let you off with a warning." Panich replied, the force of her heel pressing down slowly on Blank Guy's hand, breaking each finger and palm one by one with a satisfying crack. She lifted her foot off of Bank Guy's now broken hand before retrieving her boot and putting it back on her foot. "Now get the hell out of here. And if I see you again your hand wont be the only thing I break."
Gogeta furrowed his brow in analyzing Panich's tail closely under the sound of bones shattering and cracking just a foot in front of him. He then perked his eyebrows, his blue pupils having seen the stolen items falling out and his expression lighting up with enthusiasm.


He let go of Panich's tail, rushing up and snatching up his wristband. Gogeta clenched his fist a couple of times in adjusting it onto his forearm, before his eyes turned to see Bernkastel's bowtie on the pavement as well. He quickly snatched it up with his free hand, keeping his cocky smirk.

"Thanks, Blank Man!"

Gogeta raised two fingers to his forehead, nodding to the others.

"I'll see you guys back at the shop!"

Without waiting for a reply, he suddenly vanished into thin air.

A light breeze suddenly kicked up from within the store, Gogeta suddenly appearing from thin air and accidentally bumping into Spina once more. He seemed to be mostly unaware that his new position knocked Spina off balance, and he strode forward with a happy smirk.


He reached lightly into his vest, pulling out the card Cuki had from earlier in one hand.

"I got the card back! But first-"

Gogeta kept his grin, his blue eyes and hair still indicating his transformed state in kneeling down. He made no effort to warn Bernkastel of his invasion of her personal space, haphazardly and awkwardly refashioning her bowtie on her collared dress piece in a slightly crooked fashion.

Once finished, Gogeta stepped back, proudly placing his hands on his hips with an enthusiastic tone to compliment his smirk.

"There! Good as new! Only the best for the strongest Breaker!"

Instead of waiting for a reply, however, Gogeta leaned forward with a wide eyed grin and clenched his fists together happily with the card in his hand with his face inches from Bernkastel's.

"Can you teach me Super Saiyan 4 now?!"
Putting the coin back in her pack and securing whatever other items the Blank Man may have stolen, Brachi teleported back to the remaining Breakers.

"There we go, case closed." She said.
Sheesh, talk about invading personal space... He's so weird but I guess he livens up the group a bit, although in an annoying way. Cuki thought to herself as she watched Gogeta. Well, looks like we gotta deal with him now. At least he's a nice guy and gave us back the card we lost...

Cuki remained quiet, listening to the others speak. Her ears flatten on top of her head as she flicked some dust and debris off her jacket. Her tail swayed back and forth and her eyes scanned the cards around them, realizing that Kazuki was right about there being few cards about her and Cross. The few she did manage to find were of herself before her transformation. One, in particular, caught her eye. One of her master, Zenta. It was not anything special, appearing as a plain card with no special effects or text written on it. Cuki glared down at the card and her expression turned dark. Her tail flicked in agitation and her body seemed to freeze in place. It was hard to tell if she was upset or depressed, especially since she has yet to see her Master in a long time.

Cuki said nothing at first and pinched her temple to rid herself of any visible emotions. She did not want to show her face to the others when stressed, so she lowered the card and turned to face the others. She had a bright smile, hiding whatever emotion she had in play. 

"Well, I'll let you guys handle this ordeal. Now that we got the card, Kazuki should be able to tell us who wanted it." Cuki chuckled. "Let's just get this over with soon."
"Eh?! What're you--!" Bernkastel had no chance to even step back from Gogeta from his sudden movements towards her. Completely caught off guard at his lack of hesitation, she could only stand there momentarily frozen watching him tie the ribbon around her collar. The bow was off-center and a bit uneven, but it sat on her chest like before. "O-oh... tha-" before she could get out a proper thank you he got within inches of her face with the same inquiry as before.

Instinctively, she put both her hands on his face to push him away since he got way too close for comfort. "Does it have to be right this moment?! We can't drop everything to do that just yet!" Bern reprimanded him. "We have to finish with trying to track the Coin Hunter remember? No idea how we'll be able to after all the ruckus you probably caused..." she grumbled. Then a pause, with her mouth contorted to a begrudging pout. "Well, you did get back my bowtie for me. So I'll do it to make us even, but only after we finish the pressing matter. Plus, you got us in hot water with the shopkeeper for messing it up so you guys have to get some pictures taken for his little card shop." Bern informed him and Brachi. "Panich too."
Cross asked those that went after blank man "do tell me you did think to bring our the one that tried to pickpocket us with? Odds are they could know about the coin hunter." The spell did undo all harm to the store. The part torn off did return to cross' robe.

Cross says "worst case we lay low for the reminder of the day. If needed a lieutenant of mine can hold us up for the time being." Cross thinks "I wonder how Lucifer will react to Asmodeus being one my lieutenants, if it comes to we needing a place to stay in the city."
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