The Valley of the Black Crystals
Hart crossed her arms at Bara’s powerful screams, pushing her back from the winds generated from the Majin. Yet, she continued to look on to see the result of the explosion to unleashed as the Black Crystal tipped over rapidly. The winds was simply not enough to slow it down—the moment it broke off, the signal for explosion was already set and stone.
Yet, it stopped midday in the air above Majin Bara with a purple energy field surrounding it. Hart looked around until she saw Bernkastel contained the falling in the air. “She managed to break out of the bubble--!”
The Black Crystal flare up multiple times rapidly until it exploded. Due to Bernkastel containing the crystal in an enclosed force field, it resulted the maximum power of the violet explosion. The shockwave, the boiling heat and powerful blast was condensed within the force field. However, the managed to greatly damage the force field from within, leaving it with cracks to showcase the sheer strength that exists in a single large crystal. A sudden rush of dark smokes ooze out of the cracks and hurled upwards the air, creating a strange dark cloud above the Valley of Black Crystals, unknown properties to even Hart, but remained stationary in their place.
Lucifer attempted to break free from the bubble as it became to decreased in size in attempt to crushed him. The small angel looked down, his eyes narrowing at what Bernkastel managed to contain. “Had it gone off…” The bubble started to shrink rapidly, causing Lucifer to refocus his attention. “Damn, I can’t concentrate in this condition.”
Wiping the dirt off her helmet, Hart looked at Bernkastel—wide open while the others are still stuck in containment. Spreading her arms wide, this was an opportunity to strike against Bernkastel with her attention shifted. Hart’s hands flared up with cosmic energy as she leaped over to her. Pulled back both of her hands with intention to strike full blows against Bernkastel to drive her towards the Black Crystal.
Cuki’s Apartment
Spina narrowed his eyes seeing Panich repeatedly pucnhing herself. Dark Energy was frightening thing, yet, somewhere, she can see the woman trying to rationalize her decision. His own body tensed up in anticipation, in such a short time, Panich rapidly climbed in strength in such a short amount of time, and able to unleashed those capabilities. To Spina, it was a waste--and at this point, talking things out will have no solutions. "Then, let's talk with our fists. That's the only thing we Saiyans understand, right?!" Spina shouted as Panich rushed at him.
However, Spina's eyes narrowed when the Princess turned towards the direction of Hart and the Breakers, a sudden formation of dark clouds formed overhead that can be seen in great distance; it sparks out black lightning so large, it can be seen for dozens of miles. Hart’s promise to bring back Panich’s family—but the cost was something that was left out in her discussion. Spina noticed that something had change--the sense of gravity became heavy all of the sudden; He knew that things need settled quickly.
In that window of opportunity, Spina tensed his muscles as he spat out bits of blood and several teeth from his mouth to his side. He leaped over to the distracting Panich, tackling her from behind with a powerful shoulder tackle to her back flying downward. The Old Saiyan extended both his arms forward as liquid particles formed around him as his aura flourish—and for a split second, there was a hint of black aura was seen briefly before disappearing—as he shouted.
“Flowing Strike – Joint Destruction!” Liquid particles dashed forward to Panich, striking against her body, unleashing a momentum of attacks like a machine-gun fire, slashing off bits of her flesh.
Turning his side to the left, his right arm raised bottom his hand as energy finally flourished to satisfactory level. His left arm disappears as it became to twirl around in Spina’s right hand, turning into a star-shaped energy blade. “Take this! Rising Star! Mizu Atomic Strike”; an attack that targets the atoms of a target, and forced them to go through an explosion. Spina dashed forward to Panich, closing the distance between them rapidly as launched his attack on the Princess. The attack happen quickly, appearing behind Panich, still holding the energy star-shaped blade as he skidded across the floor.
Spina breathe heavily and sweats dripped down from his forehead to the floor. “Stay down, stay down…” He muttered under his breath, not looking back at Panich.