The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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A black and blue blur moved through the city, generating gusts of wind and ended up vibrating behind Spina with an organic hum, speaking with an echoic voice.

"You seem to know something that you don't like. Something you wish wasn't be."
Brachi however caught what the voice said.

"Voice, or whoever you are, I don't know what you are trying to pull here, but my friends are NOT gone! Every single one of them is precious to me, and come hell or high water, Bara and I WILL be reunited with them. We've had so many adventures together in the place where I'm from that makes it impossible to break that bond; Bara and I need them as much as they need us." She said, crossing her arms as she felt very insulted at the mere thought of her friends being gone.
Cuki overheard Vegetto by the door and thought it would be a good idea to hear him out on what he wanted to do. She got up and headed to the door.

I guess he got a good scolding from his wife... Better see what he wants.

"Hurry up and open the door you weakling," A voice rang out, identical to Vegetto's. There was no mistake that this was his iconic dual voice. "I can't believe Kass is forcing me to apologize to you guys..."

Cuki stopped in her tracks with her hand already reached out to open the door. She let out a sigh and lowered her head and let her hand fall to her side. Biting her lip at what Vegetto said, she grabbed a nearby dumbbell and threw it where it slammed through and poked out through the wooden door. A click was heard and it was the sound of Cuki locking the door.

"I don't need you to look down on me!" Cuki snarled. "So go away!"
"Such passion!" the voice responded to Brachi's boast. "Hopefully, you'll be able to show off that passion against the Doctor. Assuming you don't get crush in the trials, which..." the voice turned his thoughts onto Bernkastel. "You ought to explain the concept of these trials once everyone is present." the voice pressed his thoughts for Kassava and Whis to hear. "So, you two came from Vegetto's world. Honestly, I did not expect the wife to appear. Oh, how the world works in mysterious ways. And your composure is similar to that of Spina, madam. How can you even handle such a brute?"


Spina instantly stood up. "Who's there?" He turned around after hearing an echoing voice from behind.
The lich keeps reading his book. The Vampire sends "Let me gest they perked your interest?" the lich sends "for now yes." The vampire sends "I understand master."
The black vibrating figure stopped his defensive constant shifting in frequency, rendering himself normal. Dressed in black low drag suit, with a dark emblem of a lighting bolt on his chest, and a mask over his face.

"My name's Raune, how about your's?"
Spina raised a brow at the mysterious stranger. "So another one appears..." He took on a stance, feeling weary of the sudden question of his name. "Rather bold in appearing out of the blue and suddenly ask for my name. It's Spina. You have any business with me?"
Kassava sighed heavily, dropping down into the nearby couch and sinking into the cushions. She rested her right arm on the head rest, turning her eyes up slightly at the Voice's question.

"He's not so bad when you get to know him."

She shook her head.

"And here I was, thinking he was supposed to be teaching me. Guess that all changed after...well..."

Kassava gestured towards herself, at her garb.


Whis peered up as well, his small smile remaining while he took a seat opposite to Kassava on the couch and addressing the Voice.

"You seem to be the overseer of this world. Kassava, here, is significantly stronger than her husband with her status as a god. Because of the responsibility, she has to act with a sense of maturity that Vegetto normally does not practice. Although-"

His smile faded slightly, turning his head back down and staring across at Kassava, who lightly cleaned the inside of her ear drum with her pinkie finger, her eyebrows perking up and having missed Whis' comments entirely.

"Hey Whis, can you change these robes back into my gi?"

She frowned, fiddling with the upper fan like top.

"This thing is starting to chafe a little."

Whis sighed, lowering his scepter down and aiming it at Kassava.

"She is a little hassle sometimes on her own. A work in progress."


Vegetto blinked, peering up at the sound of his own voice ringing out. His eyes widened, glancing down and hearing the door lock and Cuki's disgruntled rejection. He stood in silence, stunned in his confusion on what just happened, but soon recollected himself and knocked loudly on the door.

"Hey! That wasn't me...I didn't say that!"
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