The Arcane Apothecary

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"I am kinda on a time crunch. Anything you could produce in say a day or such?" The Dark Gunner asked before look towards Azura.

"Azura, it's polite to say hello." He said. The Wolver looked at him and then sent a telepathic message to the people in the shop.

Hello there. Don't mind me, I won't break anything.
"I should be able to do that in a day. Would you want five to seven of those wide range potions, or more than that?" Asked Okawa. She smiled at Azura. "I trust your word. Feel free to look around at your leisure. Petra won't mind." At the mention of the name, came a meow from a windowsill.
"I'm going to assume you don't take crowns or 'shinies' as the Strangers called them, so how about barter for payment?" The Dark Gunner said, reaching into his cloak and pulling forth a handful of ancient coins and small pieces of crystal.

"How much more of this will I need?"
The Dark Gunner and Azura looked at each other.

"I got thing to take care of, if you finish the potions early, give them to Azura. Thanks for the business." He said before walking out.
Okawa cracked her knuckles before grabbing her wand and ambling over to her cauldron. An old tome bounded in leather appeared in the air, flipping to a page to allow her to read the recipe she had in mind.

"Let's see. We'll start with a base..." The witch fetched a thinly necked bottle of Holy Water and began to pour about two cups into the cauldron before adding some kind of strange oil into the mix. "That should do a number for a base. Now, to ante up on the repellant..."
LoopyPanda said:
"General usage, huh? Then, I suppose I could create a few potions for you to throw, if you don't mind waiting a bit and paying. Depending on how many you would want, I could create a few that have a widespread effect. It's up to you how you want the potions to range in effect, of course." Okawa offered. "Is that your companion, I assume?" She referred to Azura, not minding since she herself had a pet inside the building.

"You bought all that to eat?" Lilith poked Z's forehead once more, perplexed. Just what was she? "Of course it wouldn't work on you.."

"Yes, this was to consume~" Z said calmly. "Someone told me to eat some poison because it was tasty but it is rather plain...~ I am quite disappointed by the taste of poison~" Z continued to put more of the poisonous plant in her mouth. "It looks like it would kill should I become human~"
"It isn't meant to taste good. Unless you put it in food to give to someone else. Regardless, it's rotten." Lilith said. "Well, all the ones I know of don't look appetizing."

"And now to add some agate to add a repellant effect..." Okawa walked towards the other end of the counter after pouring water into the cauldron and using fire magic to begin a boil. Reaching a hand into a bowl of stones, she pulled out a few pieces of agate in different colors and placing them in a mortar and pestle, grinding the stones into a fine enough powder to add to the simmering concoction.
"Ah.. where may I find this food you speak of~?" Z ate the last of the plant. "I am here to snack on this realm's food~ I do hope this is of no burden to you~ I am willing to pay if I must~"

Z floated in the air and landed casually on Lilith's head, poking at her forehead as Lilith did to Z.

"Is this a greeting from this realm, the poking of foreheads~?"
"For one thing we don't make food." Lilith answered, her patience not very good. "Meaning you'll have to find food on your own. Which shouldn't be hard. And sure, you could call it a greeting." She lied. "Jus5 a weirder one."

"What else could I add and finish the potion?.... hmm..." Okawa poured a bottle of a strange looking liquid before stirring the cauldron once more and picking up her wand to properly combine the ingredients into a potent lotion. "That should do it. Makes for a new age Molotov! Haha."
"I see~ You creatures are rather odd~!"

Z looked at Lilith and drew a mustache on her before sticking her tongue out cutely. She didn't mean harm but it looks like poison seems to make her a little...hyper? She sat on her pencil and flew about the shop, each time she floated near Lilith, she would have a near thing growing from her. Horns, beard, and claws.
"I told you, I am Z~"

Z casually floated over to Azura and poked at her forehead. She plopped down on her head, tugging at her hair slightly.
"What's all the commotion, Lilith?" Okawa shouted, filling up the potion bottles and stuffing flammable cloths in the the bottles' necks before sealing them off with a cork.

"It's easier to explain if you saw for yourself..." Lilith sighed, putting her head down on her desk.
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