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Undye looks so cool in your style! You should totally draw her in her Royal Guard Armor. :D

Dem transformers doe
ShineCero said:
Damn, so many drawings, kind of hard to pick out which ones I like the best since all of them are pretty god dang good :pimp:

I really like the Determination one.

I can totally see Sora looking like that if he was to appeared in Transformers xD

Soundwave certainly looks badass in human form. Give him a kick ass guitar and he's on his way to start a rock band XD

I plan on making more just to get over this art block thing! Thank you!

LoopyPanda said:
Undye looks so cool in your style! You should totally draw her in her Royal Guard Armor. :D

Dem transformers doe

Thanks so much!! I'll definitely consider it!
Awesome work Syn! I don't know much about Transformers, but I love your KH x Transformers crossover drawings. I think you captured the characters well, especially Marluxia. I'd love to see more :)
I love this! Your artwork is so amazing!!
And your style is so awesome, especially with the transformers!!
Luxtra said:
Awesome work Syn! I don't know much about Transformers, but I love your KH x Transformers crossover drawings. I think you captured the characters well, especially Marluxia. I'd love to see more :)

I had a Transformers!Demyx lying around which I'm planning on sketching out! Thank you so much!

Panich said:
I love this! Your artwork is so amazing!!
And your style is so awesome, especially with the transformers!!

Thanks so much!!

Anyway I should stop not updating this thread until like weeks later but here's some new art!

Awesome! Are the last three drawn by hands?
ShineCero said:
Awesome! Are the last three drawn by hands?

Nah, I just used pencil brushes that really emulate the look and feel of pencils!

Anyway, I have some cool stuff to show: talksprites!! Been practicing with them for a while, but here's what I have so far:





While I'm not a homestuck fan anymore, I've always liked people's sprites and talk sprites in general! 

I wish I could make some with different expressions without messing up the overall image. What is your process for making them gifs? Mine takes wayy too long and is excessively complicated. ;;
LoopyPanda said:
While I'm not a homestuck fan anymore, I've always liked people's sprites and talk sprites in general! 

I wish I could make some with different expressions without messing up the overall image. What is your process for making them gifs? Mine takes wayy too long and is excessively complicated. ;;

Thank you! What I do is make separate groups for each and EVERY expression, as well as clothes, body poses, etc. It's still super complicated tbh. Then I save them as separate PNGs and animate them in Photoshop. 

I think this tutorial has a simpler process though. 

Animating in GIMP

Xamag's tutorial on making/animating talksprites
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