Sometimes You Still Lose

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Doom himself, appeared on the ship, notably near the control panel room was. "They're most likely trying to pinpoint my location as we speak, but that's what makes this little game, fun." Doom head towards the control panel room.
A force field appeared around Doom, repelling all the attacks. "Yeah, didn't think this was going to be easy." Doom looked around. "Black Kasier, I'm sure you are expecting my visit. Don't think you can cause mayhem and expect me to let you get away! Haha! I, Doctor Doom, shall rip this ship apart and turned into my personal armada." Doom heads toward the control panel. "I have to become weary.. I'm still not used to this power I gotten from Black Kaiser. Whatever comes in, I have to be prepared." Doom thought.
Multiple men whose veins glowed stood in Doom's path. "And who are you to just teleport yourself onto the fleet of the Black Kaiser?! Someone who brought peace and order to entire universes! People like you, always seeking to ruin our lives! We've had enough!" The all fired another round of energy blasts, consolidating into one massive attack.
"Peace?" Doom chuckled and set up more force field around his body. "Fools. If this Black Kaiser is the bringer of peace, then I am the bringer of your destruction." Doom fired off multiple energies from his hands towards the men. Glowing veins? I wonder what's all that about..
The men replied with forcing the blasts away into the ceiling.

"You will be stopped. It's only a matter of time." Said the voice of the Black Kaiser tauntingly.
"Then, I would like you see you try." Doctor Doom rushed towards the men, slamming one of them towards the wall, while firing multiple energy blasts towards the other.
The wall didn't dent and the man shoved into it groaned. The rest deflected the blasts sent at them by shooting other energy blasts. Doom was then the target of a teleport into space, where hundreds of the Black Kaiser's ship were taking aim at him. The Black Kaiser himself was there, along with his four other beings who radiated Death energy.
"Hmph! I'm impressed! I thought you were just all talk, but this..! This is rather impressive, Mr. Kaiser!" Doom taunted. "They seem to have the same "death energy" Kaiser has.. maybe I shall take measurements of making them my pawns?" Doom thought before speaking again. "Originally, I was planning on letting you go and be on my way, but this. This is a great opportunity!" Doom chuckled. "How about you let me get all information to whatever you're doing, unless you want the hard way again?"
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