Sometimes You Still Lose

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"Hmph. I don't sense any form of signals from the bot." Doom said. "It seems that there are far more properties of this.. Black Kaiser than I imagined. A pity that I unable to analyzed more of this figure." Doom turns around. "Well.." Doom slowly opened his mask a bit, revealing his mouth. "There's always a way.." Doom smirked.
The Black Kaiser was in a sensor room, four people around him. A robot of death. A dragon kin slayer. A suited demon. And a shadowy seductresses. They were all looking at a holographic display tracking Doom.

"I think he'll leave us alone." The seductresses said.

"This is Doom we're talking about. His ego is bigger then the Black Kaiser's." The demon replied. In the corner of a room a rock was exploded into micro fragments before being reformed.
Seeing as reality returned, Doom landed in New York and started lead out to an location. It seems that he's rather in a hurry to get there. He look a quick look of his watch, pressing multiple buttons. 


Despite the nano bot being destroyed, another, smaller bot was latched onto the ship. It began to drill it way in.
"What's he doing?" The seductress asked.

"Doesn't matter. Whatever it is... If he so much as threatens my Empire... He'll be deader then he majority of people I kill." The Black Kaiser replied.


The ship's captains sat around staring out windows.
There was a building with the initial, D, on it. It was sort of his ego being this massive to spread throughout the city. Upon entering the building, he made his way to the very top in order to analyzed the information data dump he received from the nano bot. 

"The existence of other universes. Something beyond this plane of existence." Doom thought. "I remember the phrase "kamehameha"... don't know what this means, nor does it result anything other than the Hawaiian king." Doom rubbed, continuing to look at his master computer. "They're form another realm of existence that far exceeds ours... If I get my hands on it.." Doom chuckled. 


The nanobot entered the ship and began to scan bits and pieces of the area. It doesn't seem to be destroying anything, but more so then observing.
"Not good." Said the demon. "Good job Kaiser, you managed to really screw this one up. I mean you've taken on enemies who were too powerful for you before, but this one's self created. Heck it's even worse then Solaris. Do you have any idea what you've done?"

"You know Balnazzar. I don't care." The Black Kaiser replied. "If he so much as sends any sort of message to any of my empire, he will be destroyed."

"Despite the fact he beat you in battle using trickery."


The ship had a variety of systems, but seemed to run on some sort of multiversal drawn energy, not quite one source of energy, but seemingly an infinite supply of power.
"This should be sufficient enough." Doom said, analyzing the data gained from the bot. "Now for the control panel of the ship." ​


The nanobot continue it's journey, making it way onto the control panel. It began, as before, to studying the entails of what's going on, reporting anything it could fine. ​
Some information the bot would get.

Location: Deathlord's Homeworld

Class: Deathnaught Super Frigate

Armnant: Plenty of energy cannons, capable of multiple times of fire.

Crew: Max. Undead dragons aboard.

Additional Information: Primed for warp.
"Interesting data." Doctor Doom said, standing up. "I think it time for me to get up and personal for further data-mining." Doom pressed several buttons on his arms, as his body began to slowly disappeared.
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