Sometimes You Still Lose

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"!!!?" The sudden raise of temperature, Doom felt that he couldn't breathe. Instantly, he looked down, upon seeing the field of fire. Yet, Doom hasn't shown fear - instead, he simply laugh. "Impressive! You're are indeed a worthy foe! Glad that I managed to take special effort in planning on taking you down.." Doom tried to move his arm upwards towards Black Kaiser. "And have you kneel before me- as I already have you check mate."
Black Kaiser frowned.

"No. You are impressed by that? Pathetic. You're even worse then Jacen was in not realizing just how far gone you are." Doom started to fall as the Black Kaiser teleported, slashing him with an upwards dash and knocking him back up into the air, followed by another teleport dash sending him horizontally away, a third sending him back up before a overhead slash sending Doom crashing back to the ground.

"Feel the might of the Death Pendragon!"
Being slammed to the ground, Doom was stuck in place. Yet, Doom chuckled after the brutal assault dealt on him. "You misunderstood what I meant about.. impressive." Doom's body began to disappeared. His particles flew within the sky into nothingness. In a instant, a hole was ripped through space and time behind Black Kaiser, with Doom grabbing the man on the back of the neck, charging an brutal electric energy through-out his body.

"For I, Doctor Doom is impressed in your inability to understand what I'm truly, capable of."
The Black Kaiser spasmed slightly.

"You destroying the fabric of reality is counter productive to your goals." He warned with a solid voice. "It seems you underestimate me just as I do you." The Black Kaiser pointed his hands backward, a massive amount of black energy generating in them quickly before a beam of raw death energy the size of a man and as solid as concrete hit Doom with massive force.
"Destroying it?" Doom was slammed by the brute force of the attack, being flung backwards as his body. "You're truly mistaken.." The eyes on his armor began to slowly fade away. Another hole within time and space appeared next to Black Kaiser, throwing in a fist towards the Black Kaiser's face - backed himself with demons that he had summon using the mystical powers. 

"I'm merely using this as a tool, borrowing myselves for a moment, in order to give myself enough time." Doom slammed both of his hands together, radiated with massive amount of energy and fired it off towards Black Kaiser.
The Black Kaiser reeled back from the attacks, sinking down.

"Why... Multiverse... Victor... VON... DOOOOM." The Black Kaiser muttered straightening himself as he dropped down into the ground as massive pillars of shadow fire burst upwards around him, engulfing the Black Kaiser. He stood on the ground staring at the flames around him, waiting for Doom's next move.
"There are many things to considered, Kasier" Multiple version of Doom appeared at various spots, all surrounding The Black Kaiser - about seven of them in total. "There's a sheer difference between the likes of you, a death god, and me, a foe that sends even the mightiest of gods to their knees." 

Another version of Doom spoke. "Your lack of awareness of your own self being was your downfall. The more you continued to play this game, the more opportunities you open for I to abuse." He fires off multiple energy-like blasts towards the man.

"And by the end of this day, I'll have you begging for your life and have you work for me as my lackey." The other said. 

"There are infinite possibilities across the multiverse, Black Kaiser." Another said.

"In all of them, I'm supreme.." All of the Doom said at the same time. "Now, yield." All of the other Doom burst out multiple waves of energy towards the man. Some summoning demons they have gathered within their own respective universe or timeline, ranging from small spirits to demonic colossal giants.
The Black Kaiser staggered as his body withstood the extreme damage, but it was obvious he was badly hurt for several moments before his body rebuilt itself to continued withstanding the onslaught. He shoved an arm into the air, firing off a black energy shot before crackling.

"You make me proud Victor. But you thought you could kill me. You can't even hurt me faster then I can heal." He said before throwing his sword out, which implanted itself in the shoulder of one doom. The Black Kaiser then rushed at another, planting a black energy capable of destroying planets on his face. He vaulted over that Doom and fired a massive black beam of shadow fire and death energy at a fourth, followed by a teleport and an energy enhanced upper cut at a fifth, with a dash and a body slam into the sixth. For the seventh, the original 2099 Doom, the Black Kaiser took him in telekinetic grasp and launched him into the air before firing a plentifully series of black planet destroying blasts at him.
Series of energy attacks launching towards him, Doom placed up a force-field around himself -- however, the sheer impact when it collided with it, send all the other defeated Dooms away from him into different directions. As the smoke clears, Doom let down his force-field. "There's no need for me, to hurt you. I'm already have you check-mate." Doom disappeared and appear behind Black Kaiser, grabbing him in the back of the neck and sending thousands upon thousands of volts of electricity before knocking him away from him. Slamming his hands together, he generate enough energy from the palm of his hands, sending waves with the force that ripple through space and time towards the man. 
The Black Kaiser smirked teleporting as the heat on the surface began to rapidly increase, as the sun went super nova. When the Black Kaiser teleported back he looked at the dark void that was left of the solar system from the destruction, adsorbing all of the death energy in the air in order to fully restore himself.

Do you really want to keep on fighting Victor? Look what you caused. All you had to do was walk away, but oh no, you had to attack your benefactor. Whose the real bad guy here? You. Weren't for your selfish power hungry ways, all of those people would still be alive.
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