Sometimes You Still Lose

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"What the hell.. a test?" Doom took several steps backwards. "I would be proud if I know the details of what the hell is happening here. Unless you're waiting to the end to tell me, eh?"
I should explain it all. You see, I am a multiversal Death God, who seeks to rule over the multiverse. I am a fusion of two different incarnations of Jacen Petronov across the multiverse. I need generals for my armies. Thi was a test to see how Jacen deals with someone of your caliber. Regardless, despite it being a test, all I'vd done is help you. I set up none of these situations.
"Multiversal.." Doom's voice was a bit of concern, yet took for a toll of surprise. He knew that there something odd about what he was doing, but couldn't figure out the cause of his suspicious of the character. However, thinking that this man was some on the scale of multiverisal entity was beyond of what he'd had hope for. Yet, he didn't question nor fight against it, especially when he brought up "Rule". "Rule over the multiverse..? Well, I suppose that's something I can sympathized with.." Doom seems to be humbled, but at the same time, the voice began to shift a more serious tone after the truth. "Well, if this was a test, I might as well see the final seed of this test to come alive." Doom turns his back on Black Kaiser, intending to meet up with Jacen. "Guess this will be easier to speak now that you're alway from my thoughts for the most part. Let's move."
"Rest assure.." Doom stopped for a moment and turned. "I'll keep those thoughts in mind.." Doom continued to his way onto the location they're set to meet. He looked around, waiting for Jacen to appeared.
A flap opened on the roof, Jacen and the last portal rising out of an elevator. Yet another was with them, a being of dark armor and death.

"Hello, Victor. I am the Black Kaiser." He said. The dual voice of a fusion with an Ebonics quality. Jacen meanwhile placed a hand on a katana. Proto-Jacen really was a prototype.

"Let's us end this Doom." Jacen said. He was adsorbing some sort of energy, his clothing glowing slightly blue.
"Before we start this dance. I want to ask you a question, a rather simple one." Doom said. "I assume that you're aware of what's going on right? This show charade of events that occurred here, I presume?"
Jacen's eyes widened in anger.

"You think that this was just some show!? Some charade!? I'll gut you for that insult." He exclaimed. He drew his primary blade, a katana wrapped in death. His power was growing interally, but also externally as his clothing's seams took on a blue hue. The unstability of time had generated a massive amount of energy, now all concentrated into Jacen. He was several levels above where he had been just a few moments before. A black spike erupted from the ground.

"Now now Jacen." The Black Kaiser's voice echoed from the side lines. "Let him ask his question before he dies. After all, it's only polite."
Doom observed the area around him. He doesn't know what the heck just happen to Jacen, but he's stronger than he was prior. Yet, this simply humble the doctor. "Touch a nerve?" Doom chuckled. "Well, if this was seriously a "test", then I suppose that you have already failed. After all.. you were checkmate from the very beginning.." Doom took a stance. "For my question before this fight. Do you have your own conscience? Your own will? Are you're nothing more than just a spawn of Black Kaiser? Unable to think for yourself aside of being a rap test dummy for his pleasure?"
The Black Kaiser laughed.

"If he was my slave, well... Things would be very different Victor." He said. Jacen started to garner energy into his sword.

"You know something, Doom?" Jacen asked. "This, is for, my friend, and my uncle!" Multiple tendrils of darkness burst forth around Doom, latching onto his arm, as Jacen fired a large bolt of dark fire at him.
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