Sometimes You Still Lose

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"!!?" Doom tried to put up a force field; however, his reaction was delayed for a split second. Due to this, an explosion occurred around Doom from Jacen's attacks. Within the smoke, Doom was on his knees. Well, this will be proven difficult.. He thought. Energy surge through his body as the armor glowed as he struggle to stand.
Jacen chuckled.

"Don't give in yet Doom, I haven't even used my new tricks thanks to this energy! Or my signature technique. Though, where are you drawing that power from?" Jacen then winked as he teleport rushed Doom, slamming down his sword from multiple sides in quick succession before a back slash with enough force to send his back a few feet.
Taking the punishment from all sides, then eventually being flung backwards towards the ground, bounce off the platform a few times before crashing through a wall. However, Doom grabbed onto a object to lift himself up off of the ground. He dusted himself up, though he was still a bit staggered from the beating. He looked up towards Jacen, then let out a chuckle. "I see.. so my observation is on point."
"You know.. I had my suspicious that this isn't what it seems, but decided to play along with little charade your honor have bestow upon me." Doom. "So for the while, I been examining the environment I was in, preparing myself for something like this; why did you think I haven't gone the full extension of my capabilities?" Doom said, chuckling a bit. "Before the destruction of the portal.. I decide to take.. "some" and do a little examination. What you see now.. is the result of that." Doom's armor pulse with energy as it stored in a center point on both of his hands. "Now, let's go.." Doom fired off multiple forms of energy towards Jacen.
"Get out of my head." Doom observed the area. He put up a force field around him to tank the energy waves. From there, Doom's armor began to light up. "Let's kick this armor into overdrive, shall we?" He'd teleported right behind Jacen, firing an stronger energy blast behind his back.
Jacen fell to the ground but rolled over, his energy being used up to heal from the attack.

"That's it. The gloves are off." He said getting back up. Massive amounts of energy flowed into his hands as he rose into the air.

"Kame?" Doom didn't recognized the phrase he was using. Whatever he's doing, it isn't looking too good. Doom jumped far away. He moved his arms in a particular movement, summoning demons and launched them towards Jacen.
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