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Parasite, apparently it was not a live action of Parasyte the anime/manga xD

Anyways, very good movie! I give it a 8 or a 9 outta 10.
Finally got to watch Weathering with You! Makoto Shinkai did it again! Gorgeous movie with a great cast! 8,5/10
Ni no Kuni... it has the honor of being the WORST movie ive ever seen.. what even???? I cant even give it a rating because it was that bad xD
Watched Hot Fuzz for the first time today, really good movie. It had perfect shot changes which is hard to find these days... course its like 13 years old now so...
Teen Titans Go vs Teen Titans. 2/5 

Nothing great, but isn't totally bad either. Just, well, average.
The Hunt, I definitely wasnt expecting I would love this movie so much when I read the summary but here we are xD I give it a 8.5.
Onward: 4/5 Great film :cool:
Palm Springs on Netflix. Overall it was a good movie. The film has that Groundhog-like feel to it as well. My Rating: 8.5/10.
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