Pokemon: Dreamscape

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"Desert Oasis. As long as you two are okay with it." Bolin says.

His backpack was full of supplies, but his goggles are dirty, hindering his sight a bit. e3e
"Th-then let's waste no time." Noctis said, clutching the map in his tentacles. "I wouldn't want to be caught outside before nightfall."


"It's a way better name than Jaws, or whatever it is." Syn chimed. 

"You kids headin out already?" Asked Pangoro gruffly.

"Yup yup! Going off to a creepy forest to apprehend a couple of troublemakers." Syn said, trying to look confident in front of Pangoro. "I'll be back without a speck of dirt on my fur! Promise!"

"Well, alright. If you can handle it that is."
"Fine by me, Desert Oasis is fine." Calaro nodded.
"Yeah, we're gonna go on a super awesome mission! Bolin and I are gonna chomp up these thieves and make ya' super proud, Pango'!" Gatr nodded before walking proudly in what looked to be the opposite direction of where they needed to go. He seemed too happy about going on this mission.

"C'mon guys, let's catch our pesky thieves!"
"Right!" Atmos said. "Lead the way, Noctis."

Tamono nodded.
Bolin, being unable to see through his dirty goggles, just follows the sound of Gatr's voice. e3e

"Yay! Let's go!"
"It's always you and Bolin isn't it?" Syn mutters with an eyeroll. 

"No worries, Mr. Pangoro, we'll be careful." The Eevee chimces in, before looking at Bolin's goggles. She could hardly see his eyes through them.

"Are you sure you can see with those on?" She asks Bolin with a quirked eyebrow. 

Noctis led his group out of the Guild with his map in hand, using the landmarks as guiding direction. Eventually they came to the clearing where their searching would take place. 

"Here we are..."
"Alright.. now where that's Weavile so I can punched it's face in!" Atmos boasted.

"Hey, don't go on talking like that. We're going get jumped before we can even get started.."
The young Bagon was fired up and started running off to battle... in the wrong direction. "TO VICTORY!"
"Ehh.. we should clean your goggles first, Bolin. We can't have an epic fight when you can't see." Gatr attempted to remove Bolin's goggles and clean them.

"Hey Syn, do you have any napkins or something?" Bolin said scratching his head. "I don't think Bolin would like it if I completely soak his goggles. I mean... he's a ground type."
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