Pokemon: Dreamscape

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"I don't carry napkins on me. But I'm the only one here with paws, so just spray water on them and I'll wipe it off easily." Syn said, pulling off the ribbon she had tied around her neck to use as a drying cloth. "I don't mind getting this wet if you can just wash the dirt out first."

"Calaro, you're going the wrong way!" She called over her shoulder before sighing. "This is going to be a long day..."


"A-and Weavile won't be alone. They have really long claws, r-right?" Noctis asked. "W-we could look for damage on the trees here. The wanted poster said it liked to destroy habitats..."
Calaro stopped and turned around, "I knew that." He blushed. "Er, I'll just follow you lot."
"Yeah.." Atmos looked to examine the trees from afar, talking ahead of the grou, to see if they left any markings. "Nothing weird so far.." Atmos shouted back to the group

Tamono was thinking something. "Hmm, it's possible that they could be hiding within the trees.."
Gatr gushed water from his mouth on to the ribbon and allowed Syn to do her thing. He was jumpy at the mission they were going to take and he didn't want to wait a second longer. 

"I wonder if this missions will play out smoothly..." Gatr pondered. "I hope they aren't anything too hard or tough." For the first time, he sounded concerned.
Bolin let Syn clean his goggles before speaking up.

"Thanks! We can handle anything as long as we work together!" he cheers. o3o "And take naps." ouo
"What, having second thoughts already?" Syn questioned while cleaning Bolin's goggles. "I thought we could take anything, or were you just bluffing to impress Pangoro?" She returned Bolin's goggles before tying her ribbon back on. 

"I don't think it'd look good on us if we turned back after all that fuss you made on our behalf anyway. It'd just make us look like some blowhards. And I'm not taking a nap in this creepy forest!"


"The Dustox could be hiding anywhere in this canopy..." Noctis floated out to the middle of the field, looking around. "I could float up there and check?..."
"W-We're stronger than you think!" Gatr bluffed. "Bolin and I can easily stop these thieves all by ourselves and get back home before dinner! W-We only need you to tag along so you can take some lessons." He soon dropped his act before scratching his jaw. "Well... we could use a little help. Besides, the sooner we can get this done, the sooner Bolin can take his naps."

Gatr tapped Bolin's jaw and made a toothy smile.
"That'll be a wise decision. I'll scout the area while you look to the sky." Tamono said, leaving to search for any clues. "If you see trouble, get us." 

Atmos was looking around, wondering where was the Pokemon at. "Jeez, where are they!?"
"Now, whoever knows which way we're supposed to be going, lead the way!" Bolin cheers, lifting his leg up. o3o

...before tipping over. o3o;
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