"I don't know who misplaced your shampoo to put you in such a mood, but you ought to be at least a little more well-mannered." Pandaria retorted, putting her hands on her hips, looking Tobias up and down. "And at least have a better taste in fashion..." she muttered under her breath.
But then she straightened her shoulders out to broaden her torso. "Whatever! I was expecting a few here to be uptight anyway. Notjing to harsh my mellow over. Sweet, Yoshi, you got pizza?" She took one of the boxes he held and ruffled Zoey's hair to try and lighten the mood. Pandaria was rather annoyed by Tobias' rudeness, but she just brushed it aside. I'll rinse that lame hair dye of his out soon enough at any rate.
But then she straightened her shoulders out to broaden her torso. "Whatever! I was expecting a few here to be uptight anyway. Notjing to harsh my mellow over. Sweet, Yoshi, you got pizza?" She took one of the boxes he held and ruffled Zoey's hair to try and lighten the mood. Pandaria was rather annoyed by Tobias' rudeness, but she just brushed it aside. I'll rinse that lame hair dye of his out soon enough at any rate.