P.O.H.: Unanswered Questions

Aliss jumped between the roofs of parked cars and climbed onto an abandoned minivan, shooting in one of the windows to climb into the apartment building without having to get onto the concrete down with the other creatures.
The skull fragments took curioisity of Tekina. Before overhearing Hircine's orders.

"Looks like this is going to be easy pickings..." Tekina mumbled to himself before dashing towards the apartment building. He reloaded his grenade in case of any beasts were to surprised him when he entered the apartment.
Eos, having jumped to the balcony of the second floor of the apartment (because saying 'moved to the apartments' is nondescript) smashed through the nigh destroyed sliding door into an apartment
(Now that I've finally re read everything I can continue. Also I find it stupid I said the next audio log was in France and yet I dropp the squad off in Sweden.)

On the first floor Hircine and Tekina were looking at more zombies, this time skeletal wearing body armor. Hircine ran up to one, swiping the head off with his claws.
On the second floor Eois and Aliss would see a trail of dirt heading towards a room.
"Nope, thats definitely not drag marks, not at all..." said Eos
"Man, body armor huh? Child's play." Tekina ran towards one of the skeletal zombies and slammed his grenade launcher on top of their temple.
Aliss stared down at the dirt trail with scrutiny. Something happened before we got here. Without a word, she followed the trail cautiously, weapon ready in case it led to some trouble.
Hircine looked at the body armor the zombies were wear, tearing it apart easily. "Six hundred year old armor all the way from Britain. These revenants seem to have done a lot of walking."

The trail lead to a room with a computer and a human sized dirt pile on a bed.
"Must've been here a long time the poor bastard..."
Eos quickly moved towards the computer and checked to see if it would power on
"Bodies don't just turn into a pile of dirt do they?... You think there's anything under all the dirt?" Aliss approached the dirt pile with a glare, almost staring it down. Tentatively, she dragged the barrel of her gun over the top. She wasn't sure what she'd expect to happen from doing that.
"It's all ancient history." Tekina defeated several more zombies in his path. "Though, I wouldn't mind taking one of these armors as a souvenir."
"In fact, I think, they might have been from an early war in the thousands." Hircine remarked. "What's a group of British zombies doing all the way in Sweden?"

Nothing happened with the pile of dirt. The computer booted up on a decade old version of Windows. There were a variety of files, including photos of monsters up close and at a distance. There was an audio file marked as #6.
Eos jammed a random thumb drive into the computer and transferred everything she could to it.
"Must've lost the war and their bodies were never recovered." Tekina thought. "They don't pose a challenge though. Can see why they lost."
"Did you find something useful here?" Aliss looked over her shoulder before looking at the dated computer. "An audio file! Must be from that woman. Is that what the boss wants us to retrieve?"
"Well let's go kill some more." Hircine said making sure his rifle was still on his back. In the starewell there were giant spiders, hissing at the two.

He transferred the audio file and some other documents but not everything on the comp.
"Right behind you." Tekina stated. He checked his bag to see how many left he has for his launcher. "Definitely need to save this for bigger fish, whenever that be." However, his skin seems to be riddled with shivers. His eyes narrowed as if he seen a ghost and his skin turned pale.
Eos, after the file transfer, plays the audio file aloud through the group's communicators
Hircine pulled out his rifle, shooting straight through one. The other leaped at Tekina.

The audio log clicked, the sound of someone sitting in a chair. "It's been a few months now since I've started using the control melody on these zombies... Bringing them all the way from Britain to here. I, I like to think that it saved a few lives." The Pale Woman then yawned. "Need... Sleep..."
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