Overwatch Discussion

There's actually a lot of new things that's come out. Don't think this is just a thread about the gameplay! I'm also here to bring an update on the current storyline going on for Overwatch outside of the game, so I'll be going over stuff in order:

OVERWATCH ANIMATED SHORT: REUNION (McCree, Ashe & Bob, Echo reveal)​
Summary: Out on Route 66, McCree drops in on an old friend -- Ashe, the co-founder and leader of the Deadlock Gang. McCree gets into a fight with the Deadlocks over the cargo they have seized which is of particular interest to him. This cargo turns out to be a sentient AI named Echo (not to be confused with Iris, who was most likely a prototype Symmetra given she had more or less the same kit). Ashe is the newest hero added to the roster:​
The chronology of McCree being a cofounder of the deadlock gang and then being recruited into blackwatch as a teenager/late 20s before the fall of OW is a little more blurred now though since the "EST 1970" part of the Deadlock tattoo can make him anywhere between his stated age and 237 years old since Overwatch's current years are in the year 30XX... yeah it's weird

And here is the boatload of fixes and additions in the 2.54 ver update!
Brigette got nerf. Isn't this like the 7th nerf in the row so far? :lmao:

Ashe is pretty difficult to do (but she's still easier than Widow), just have to find the right settings so I can play comfortably.

Is it me or there's a strange lag on the console? There were times were I moved, stop, but for some reasons, it still registers as me moving until a certain point. :thonk:
I ain't complaining, Baguette is annoying B| XDD

There's been an issue lately with latency and registering hits, so I wouldn't be shocked if the update exacerbated this on the console.
Aah, that's might be the issue then. It's a pain in the ass to move around, only for that to happen. It's not all the time, but when it comes to crutches and whatnot, it's sucks.

:thonk: Bob seems to get taken down pretty quickly if you discord it, so keep that in mind.

Is Echo Athena, or an completely different character?
Athena is a computer AI that is situated in Watchpoint Gibraltar if I remember correctly, at least, I think that's where Winston is stationed at.

Echo has a different voice actress and seems to have been sealed away in some kind of crate for no explicable reason. Blizzard likes creating more questions than actually answering them.

Iris in the art background of either one of the animated shorts or the concept art book, and bears an uncanny resemblance to Echo. 

I don't see why they felt a need to give Echo a human face. She looks far more humanoid than an Omnic, so I'm not sure what she actually is. Iris' kit was basically split into Lucio's music and Symmetra's old abilities (minus the turrets). Jeff has stated they are working on 6 new heroes, but I'm not sure what exactly Echo could bring to the table if she actually will be her own hero and not an Assist trophy like BOB. She sounds implied to be a support hero.

Not sure what McCree means by "unfinished business" though. I know he's an outlaw in the current events of the story, but we've never actually seen him do anything that warrants a wanted poster (same with Ana, who is implied to be a mercenary that Egyptian authorities are currently after).
Apologies for the double post, but this just came out today!

Blizzard is hosting another Twitch Drops event! This time, it's 3 free sprays for Ashe and all you need to do is have your Twitch and Blizzard accounts linked up and watch ANY Overwatch streamer! Yes, any! Just for two hours. See the twitvid for details.

(Note, this is not enabled for those banned from the Overwatch League like xQc... which I'm fine with lol)
Is it me or is the Lunar Event...a  bit dull? I wasn't expecting anything fancy or anything, but Blizzard could've spic things up with the gameplay. Plus, I never understood why they can't shove competitive stuff on the actual competitive box, rather than shoving it in the arcade slot.
Nothing new, and a lot of hit-or-miss skins this time around. I enjoy CTF but I've had no real motivation to play considering it's always the same game modes to choose from with no new variety. They pour so much time and resources into Overwatch League that they leave casual players who aren't interested in competitive completely dried out of actual content. At this rate, just make the damn game free-to-play since you don't do anything fresh beyond adding new skins and the yearly exposition dump called Archives.
LoopyPanda said:
Nothing new, and a lot of hit-or-miss skins this time around. I enjoy CTF but I've had no real motivation to play considering it's always the same game modes to choose from with no new variety. They pour so much time and resources into Overwatch League that they leave casual players who aren't interested in competitive completely dried out of actual content. At this rate, just make the damn game free-to-play since you don't do anything fresh beyond adding new skins and the yearly exposition dump called Archives.


I think the Overwatch League is pretty important, but man, I never been so disinterested in an event (and Summer, Halloween and Winter were boring as fuck anyways). They need something to spice things up, rather than doing the same thing over again (and firing 800 people from work :pls:)

Not going to lie... this is the coolest thing ever came out of Overwatch. The presentation, the imagery, man, they really outdid themselves with this one.

So it seems that Sigma is a Tank (on the Talon side) and able to control gravity of some sort? I'm seeing that he floats, assuming he comes to the PTR tomorrow, so it'll be interesting to see how he works.
Sigma is going to be a new main Tank for me. and I'm extremely excited for Role Queue to go live, this'll make competitive so refreshing!
Linkaden said:
Sigma is going to be a new main Tank for me. and I'm extremely excited for Role Queue to go live, this'll make competitive so refreshing!

Agreed! I'm exciting to see how this changes how competitive and quick-play goes with this role-lock. Sigma is going to be my number one tank to go once he gets released on the consoles. His ultimate is interesting and does a lot of play, but he seems to be open to attack once he does his thing :think:
Linkaden said:
I didn't think QP was going to have role queue and I don't think it'll work there. xD

Don't worry, they stated that they will have Quickplay Classic, without Role Locks, in the Arcade slot. Though, it might push Total Mayhem into obscurity for a while if their rotation schedule is anything to go by.

I think it's a good thing for the game. It allows people who want to play Quick Play without the frustration of dealing with players who just messing around. Team Composition would actually matter and people are forced into playing roles they're normally comfortable playing as without throwing games by picking other characters outside of their roles. We might see a drop in player base or an increase. Only time will tell.

I'm checking out gameplay footage of Brigette and man, they really did injustice for her. I know she was incredibly frustrating to play as... but with the GOATS essentially dead with role lock, I don't see the need to nerf her this hard.
The patch notes for Brigitte were so extra... I'm pretty sure it said they HALVED her self healing. So even when she ults, if she's already in low health, you can just gang up on her and kill her off with any other low-health hero. It makes her Lucio II ability basically obsolete. I haven't seen her once in my rounds of comp.

Comp with Role Queue Beta though... I enjoyed it so much more than normal comp. I actually had 1 match end in a draw and another go 3-3 tie until we pushed the payload into its box a little and won before overtime was called. It was a very close match but i loved the tension. I also love that we're guaranteed 2 tanks and 2 healers-- I am absolutely sick of seeing 1 tank, 1 Mercy, and 1 mccree with 3 snipers who can barely get a kill per minute (no Widow, you are NOT TheRealKenzo and you will not beat that Gold portrait Widow in a sniper battle because she keeps picking you off in milliseconds... just switch). At first, going up against Sigma in comp was a little rough because I was expecting him to sit out, but it looks like people are quickly adjusting their play to him.

I'm not sure how accurate placement matches are now though, but I lost a few more matches with Tank and still placed higher than healer, which put me at the highest end of silver bordering gold before i won a game and promoted my rank. Course, I kind of suck with Mercy in comp :p

Moira and Zenyatta seem more viable in these matches, but i see Baptiste getting a higher pickrate than Brig.
They [Blizzard] did say that the placements will resume as normal once the beta season ends. So hopefully, that should weed out people who are unable to adapt to the situation of the new competitive mode as fast as the others.

Role queue essentially saved the game from being terrible for majority of the time. No longer you have to concern yourself with lack of healers and tanks because everyone instant lock onto DPS for majority of the game and maybe switch when they get their shit pushed in. 

Sigma is pretty damn interesting to say nevertheless, maybe a little hard to managed. Though, I haven't had the chance to use him since everyone in competitive is so ready to use him straight out the gate without much practice... lol

The only issue I have with the new format is the DPS and Healers. Healers because you have some that play them as DPS rather than healing. I can't tell how many games where the healers outright refused to do some healing because they want to get those kills. Thankfully, with the new system in the works, healers that can't do their job will take a huge hit in their rankings, and you'll rarely see them in your rank as an result.

I got plat in all three roles and honestly, I pretty much don't want to go back to the old system. Some might complains about the lack of flexiblity to switch onto counters because you have some people that are just use to playing a single hero, but I feel that'll improved over time. DPS will now have the responsibility of actually playing the game with their teammates, rather than bone-rushing in. 

Brigette... I'm on the fence. I seen a few Bridgette in comp and when she shines, she shines like a diamond. But when she doesn't.. it gets pretty rough for her. I feel like they should give her 500 HP shield back? Kind of ridiculous that McCree can break through it with fan the hammer, lol.
I'm glad they decided to take the most direct way of gutting GOATs. It saves the game for the playerbase who doesn't care about OWL because we are damn SICK of league wannabes taking notes from OWL one-trick ponies (one team literally began to get booed for going back to GOATs after using a more unique team comp to capture the point). I actually enjoyed comp this round, and you can also view your stats for it separate from your normal ones.

Damage has been hardest to get into games with, the skirmish search time is kinda long.

With Moira I found myself running out of healing juice every 4 seconds, but idk if that was because my Tanks were being too stubborn to back tf up or all my team went into the point together and the enemy team wasn't focusing on one person..  either way, healing orbs >> damage orbs outside of snagging hanzos skulking the hallway.

Sigma in my experience seems to have a high difficulty since his kit is so unlike the others. I could only play him in No Limits, but unlike the other tanks and Symmetra, he can extend his shield to whatever distance and draw it back with no cooldown (to my knowledge). He has a succy vacuum to charge his shield back up but it is not meant to reflect an attack contrary to what you might think

Him logging a bigass boulder at you is his best move really, it's a guaranteed stun + hammer down fall to interrupt an ultimate. His hardest move is the ultimate since there seems like you pick where he does it after he launches himself into the air as opposed to picking a spot beforehand.
Bruh, you don't have to tell me twice that GOATS is finally fucking dead. They been dominating the game for too long, restrictive the healthy meta of using other characters and everyone does the same thing. I didn't even know that one team was being booed for using it... I would love to see it.

I'm assuming since everyone and their mother wants to get DPS, they get longer queue times. Perhaps once ranking gets settled, it'll be shorter once everyone know their placing. Tanks and Healers being fast since they're a high demand for them :think:

This is what I do whenever I play Moria: Healing Orbs for mass healing (since it will get more people), while using healing sprays for squishes or those that aren't in the danger zone. That way, you don't have to worry too much about wasting your spray quickly. If the tanks are out of positions and refused to come to you when you call for healing, that is their fault.

Oh really? I played Mayhem last night and I was able to absorb Zayra's Ult and Hanzo's ult (all by mistake... I was just using it to stop getting gutted from all sides). So what exactly is his ability? Does it reduced the attack? :thonk:

His boulder is the best thing in the game... especially against charging Doomfist and co... XD
I'll see if anyone snipped it on twitch, but I read it first on a Kotaku article or something similar to them.

There's a lot more heroes to pick from too compared to tank/support. I loved playing an escort with Mei though, she dominates stopping payloads with Moira and Orisa... at least on Havana. I felt bad headshotting the enemy Widow to death, but she switched to Ashe thinking BOB would stop me... omae wa mou shindeiru! :Interesting:

What Sigma does is absorb the attacks and the damage they're supposed to do goes toward regenerating the amount of HP his projected barrier has... at least that's my interpretation. Zarya's does a set amount of damage but can't really kill you. I didn't know he eats Hanzo's ult though, or do you mean just the arrow itself? I haven't ever been able to eat that ult except with DVa with extremely good timing... and luck
His ult is basically the opposite of Hammond's but I have yet to see anybody pair it up with the mines... Hammond can launch the minds while Sigma lifts them up, since they go down the same spot he picked anyway... INSTAKILL
Nice! I noticed a serious lack of snipers in this game barring Ashe and Widow. And once you put pressure on them, they'll switch off pretty quickly if they're not getting efficient hits.

I usually main Reaper on Attack since he's an excellent flanker and tank buster. Teleport behind them and bam, take own the Orisia or Rein, and the rest of the team scrambles to regroup while the rest of your team storm in. There was one competitive match that had an defense Bastion on the first point of Hanamura (round 3) that was fucking up our team right. He was on the rock smashing his weapon all willy nilly with Baptiste healing him. So what I did was I would teleport behind them, get on the point which cause those two to rush him and take me now (but I use this as an opportunity to gain ult). Once I got my ult (and constantly getting on the point which cause the two of them to remain stationary on it), I advise my plan. At the laat push (we had like 30 seconds left), and they were so narrowed focused on making sure the rest of the team to be concern with me, that I teleported on the top of the little house and ulted near them, killing both of them (including Moira and Ashe who jut happened to be on that point). Needless to say, we dominated that battle :maybe:

Oh wow, I didn't know he can do that to Dva's ult... I wonder what angle you need to do to accomplished that? I remembe that Hanzo threw his ult directly at me and the dragons never appeared (no animation, no ult sounds). It just vanished and we don't have a Genji or DVA :thonk:
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