After studying the rate of competitions throughout the year, I'd proposed a different take of how to accomplished "competitions". Before my proposal, here's are the problems I've noticed:
Problems with Boogaloo Showcase
Despite the suggested topics for competitions to use, it does not grant any interest for a member to joined in and participate—even from the ones that suggested them in the first place. If the competitions is confusing or a mess, we value everyone to place their thoughts on how to improve; however, we had yet to receive actual feedback for the most part.
Another problem is the lack of notification. While the newest skin solved the problem of the competitions, this does not transitions to those that are the on Deluxe Skin. Its makes it a lot harder to join something that they are seemingly unaware of.
Participation is another problem. The reasoning why we offer different kinds of competitions for members to join was to motivate one to join. Obviously, too many competitions resulted nothing more than total failure (too much content for people to joined in because they have to placed their focus on one thing)—furthermore, nearly all the competitions are practically the same either way. Usually, it because some members are currently busy (which is fine), priorities (understandable) or simply have a lack of interest. This also extends to voting, where members simply just have to vote—and that’s it. It still doesn’t encourage participation even though it takes seconds to do so—literally a click of a button! :lmao:
As I’ve highlight those problems, here's my proposal:
BGL Challenge
BGL Challenge replaces Boogaloo Showcase as the “main events” for the forum. Unlike Showcase, it will not be a cluttered mess and offers a more simple approach of how things will be done in hopes of promoting interests and participation. It's pretty simple. Each “Challenge Thread” will provides a topic and challenges you in order to tackle the topic. Below entails an example of what I’m talking about:
BGL Challenge #1: Improve Mario!
You along with your peers are now working with Nintendo. Your group first order of business, requested by Nintendo, is to give a redesign of Mario for their upcoming game. Draw Mario and improved from his original design. Whoever draws the best redesign of Mario will win the challenge.
Each challenge offers different topics—which includes arts, graphic designs, writing, and much more. Unlike Showcase, there will only be one challenge. Winning a challenge will grant you awards and other goodies, such as cash prizes. The schedule system is unknown at the moment. If you have any ideas for this, I'm all ears.