Mokaine said:ShineCero said:Nice and holy shit dude, how the hell did you do that? That looks amazing!hdear:
Thanks! I like to think my art is improving steadily!
If you mean how did I do the animation, I created several layers where things were moved slightly or redrawn entirely, and turned them on and off and saved them as individual pictures, then used Photoshop's Timeline Window -> Create Frame Animation option and loaded each picture in as a layer. You can set up how long each frame is on screen and set it up to loop, and then Export -> Save for Web -> GIF 128 (Dithered) when you're satisfied. Depending on how much detail you draw in it doesn't take too long c:
Interesting! Since you mentioned being an art student, do you draw on a tablet with a screen? Or is it one of those wacom tablets?