[iOS/Android] Pokémon GO

I've barely got any in the 100 mark, y'all are fast af with this

All I'm currently doing is just catcjing whatever I find. I did manage to catch an Eevee and a Venonat. Which I like the most. I'm not even level 5 though.

Also that article is just unfortunate. I hope in a future update we'd be given an option to report Pokespots so they can be removed from maps. You really shouldn't be playing any games in a memorial museum of all places. Have some respect.

 There are some other Pokespot hoaxes going around in addition to reported deaths that occured from playing Pokemon Go being false, so it is best to look to Snopes for them.
Im loving Pokemon Go! I cant believe I'm going outside for a stupid game app. XD
So far my strongest one is a magnetron with 400+ cp, im still a bit confused about the way gyms work and dunno what the best way is to make pokemons stronger. 
But im gonna try to catch em all. :D
Ploep said:
Im loving Pokemon Go! I cant believe I'm going outside for a stupid game app. XD
So far my strongest one is a magnetron with 400+ cp, im still a bit confused about the way gyms work and dunno what the best way is to make pokemons stronger. 
But im gonna try to catch em all. :D

The best way to make them stronger is to keep powering them up in their base form until max cp then level them up. A huge jump in CP will occur and it will cost you less stardust.
As far as gyms go battles are real time where you have to dodge the attack. With the help of other players you can fortify a gym making it harder for challengers to capture it.
No Spinal, that's only a waste of candy.
Max CP is only per trainer level. So you can't actually get to "max cp" unless you reach max trainer level.

What I'm doing is I save up my candies and stardust. I will give an example with Gedude. To get to Golem you need 125 candies. The thing I would do is transfer all but my strongest Gedude. By the time I have 125 Gedude candies I would have had caught 32 Gedudes. The strongest of the 32 is the one that gets a full evolution and the rest get a transfer. That's how I have a 958CP Golem. After getting this Golem(from a 370 Gedude) I can spend Gedude candies to power it up.

But power up requires Stardust which all pokemons need. Think of evolving again, since it only needs candies.
I got 2 Golbat at 900+ cp, because I get a lot of Zubat, I evolve the strongest Zubat I catch. I actually got 7 Golbat that are all 500+.

The waiting to evolve thing can be useful if you combine it with Lucky eggs btw. Lucky eggs give double exp and they are rewarded after reaching certain levels. I used one recently and evolved like 10 or so pokemons. Got tons of exp.
Tadashi said:
No Spinal, that's only a waste of candy.
Max CP is only per trainer level. So you can't actually get to "max cp" unless you reach max trainer level.

What I'm doing is I save up my candies and stardust. I will give an example with Gedude. To get to Golem you need 125 candies. The thing I would do is transfer all but my strongest Gedude. By the time I have 125 Gedude candies I would have had caught 32 Gedudes. The strongest of the 32 is the one that gets a full evolution and the rest get a transfer. That's how I have a 958CP Golem. After getting this Golem(from a 370 Gedude) I can spend Gedude candies to power it up.

But power up requires Stardust which all pokemons need. Think of evolving again, since it only needs candies.
I got 2 Golbat at 900+ cp, because I get a lot of Zubat, I evolve the strongest Zubat I catch. I actually got 7 Golbat that are all 500+.

The waiting to evolve thing can be useful if you combine it with Lucky eggs btw. Lucky eggs give double exp and they are rewarded after reaching certain levels. I used one recently and evolved like 10 or so pokemons. Got tons of exp.
your 958 golem.
If you can go by a university you will find high level pokemon just like it. My brother found a 980 cp Arcanine over at Texas Tech.
I bet your brother is level 18+. I found a 900+ Primeape and I'm level 19.

I was just giving an example to explain what I was saying anyways.

My university is full of Pokemons, maybe all are as well.
Tadashi said:
I bet your brother is level 18+. I found a 900+ Primeape and I'm level 19.

I was just giving an example to explain what I was saying anyways.

My university is full of Pokemons, maybe all are as well.

He was level 11 at the time. After going back the next day and grinding he came back home level 15.
I'm barely 10 at the moment.
I saw a Clefairy in my room earlier.. then I ran out of Pokeballs.. :wagh:
ShineCero said:
I saw a Clefairy in my room earlier.. then I ran out of Pokeballs.. :wagh:

Worst feeling ever I know.
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