[iOS/Android] Pokémon GO

ShineCero said:
Haha! That sucks dude. I literally experience the same thing with I was about to caught a Growlithe, but the game frozed. I did managed to caught a Cubone on my street though xD. Ha, forget them man, it's all about catching Pokemon and be the very best! 

 They really need to fix the server issues and fast before people lose interest. :think:

also finally challenged the gym.
I had no idea pokemon battles were real time. You have to manually dodge while attacking at the same time...and dude because of this rattata is the pokemon to go for. His attacks are quick and he dodges super easily.

Buuuuut the battle disconnected and I was forced to close the app. Damn it all man One of these days i'm going to try it at my local mall and see where it goes from there. until then I just gotta keep farming the same pokemon to make them stronger....which also suggests that starters are useless.
fullblue said:
My phone can't play it

What kind of phone do you have?
I don't like game mechanics, because I can't play it "anywhere".

Cannot play it in home/work, because you need to walk there and there.
And I cannot play it outside, because it freaking needs nonstop internet connection, and there is no wifi outside (except some places).

To workaround these problems, I've tried to "fake GPS", but the game was able to recognize such hack and no pokes appeared.
Later today I've read a discussion where people were doing all kind of gps spoofing and location hacking, but (because app needs internet+gps) their servers are able to recognize such activity. And in some cases they ban you, or just ruin your game experience.

I would not need to "hack" if the game would allow me to sit down and hunt/train pokes.
Also if the game would be able to run offline, then I would have a reason for a walk outside.
But nope, it's 2016 and they are not able to implement offline capabilities. Really sucks.

Not to mention "how do I fight this poke" situations when you don't want to capture it, but train your existing ones. Not intuitive.

Oh, and my first feeling was "how can I move? Clicking doesn't work, c mon. How do I get there..." :)
Eruner said:
I don't like game mechanics, because I can't play it "anywhere".

Cannot play it in home/work, because you need to walk there and there.
And I cannot play it outside, because it freaking needs nonstop internet connection, and there is no wifi outside (except some places).

To workaround these problems, I've tried to "fake GPS", but the game was able to recognize such hack and no pokes appeared.
Later today I've read a discussion where people were doing all kind of gps spoofing and location hacking, but (because app needs internet+gps) their servers are able to recognize such activity. And in some cases they ban you, or just ruin your game experience.

I would not need to "hack" if the game would allow me to sit down and hunt/train pokes.
Also if the game would be able to run offline, then I would have a reason for a walk outside.
But nope, it's 2016 and they are not able to implement offline capabilities. Really sucks.

Not to mention "how do I fight this poke" situations when you don't want to capture it, but train your existing ones. Not intuitive.

Oh, and my first feeling was "how can I move? Clicking doesn't work, c mon. How do I get there..." :)

I think the game can be run solely on 3G and 4G without the need of wifi. 

Yeah, there are reports that anything hacking related will net you permanently banned. So if you want to catch Pokes, going outside is the only option.

Speaking of that, I caught a snake when I was outside catching Pokemon. I should really paid more attention to my surroundings. There isn't a gym for miles in my place lol.
ShineCero said:
Eruner said:
I don't like game mechanics, because I can't play it "anywhere".

Cannot play it in home/work, because you need to walk there and there.
And I cannot play it outside, because it freaking needs nonstop internet connection, and there is no wifi outside (except some places).

To workaround these problems, I've tried to "fake GPS", but the game was able to recognize such hack and no pokes appeared.
Later today I've read a discussion where people were doing all kind of gps spoofing and location hacking, but (because app needs internet+gps) their servers are able to recognize such activity. And in some cases they ban you, or just ruin your game experience.

I would not need to "hack" if the game would allow me to sit down and hunt/train pokes.
Also if the game would be able to run offline, then I would have a reason for a walk outside.
But nope, it's 2016 and they are not able to implement offline capabilities. Really sucks.

Not to mention "how do I fight this poke" situations when you don't want to capture it, but train your existing ones. Not intuitive.

Oh, and my first feeling was "how can I move? Clicking doesn't work, c mon. How do I get there..." :)

I think the game can be run solely on 3G and 4G without the need of wifi. 

Yeah, there are reports that anything hacking related will net you permanently banned. So if you want to catch Pokes, going outside is the only option.

Speaking of that, I caught a snake when I was outside catching Pokemon. I should really paid more attention to my surroundings. There isn't a gym for miles in my place lol.
Well that sucks
And did you hear about the guy who tried to play pokemon go by setting the gps link on his drone and turning ar off? Didn't go so well.
There was a guy who used a drone to use GPS? Imma need that link, broham!

It is possible to catch Pokemon around your home/within your neighborhood's vicinity but it often is pretty spontaneous. I have better luck catching things in my room at night.

Unfortunately if you have limited or no data whatsoever, it would be easier to use it within a free wifi area. I have caught plenty at the supermarket lol

I have alsl caught things whilst in a moving vehicle, but Pokestops and gyms don't load. I don't have any pokemon gyms near me either that don't require a drive around town.

I hope to use this when I start going to school again since I prefer to walk there alone rather than random areas. Nice for when you're out running errands though. 

Whoever goes on 3 a.m. jogs around town though are nuts. That's askin for trouble xD
To be honest, unless you do NOTHING but nonstop Pokemon GO, you won't drain that much data. Over the past week, playing for an average of approximately 2-3 hours outside each time, (I have a pretty damn good battery pack, so my phone is Pokemon GO-proof XD) I have used up a whopping 65.3 MB of data (compared to 105 MB on the GODDAMN NEWS APP). The smallest data plan I've seen is 5 GB from AT&T, so once again, data shouldn't be much of a concern, unless you're that kind of person that watches Youtube on the go, for whatever reason.... With limited data... Yeah...

On another note, my GO journey has been really nice to me. I recently hatched a Bulbasaur (super rare, since starters [including Pikachu] only hatch from 2km eggs, which is full of common-ass pokemon) and found an Onyx as well as a Growlithe. I also have a CP 661 Pidgeot, which is my most powerful Pokemon at the moment, followed by a 554 Weepinbell and 514 Jolteon. I've seen 1200+ Vaporeons around tho, so I'm not sure I can take it. Maybe if I'm careful enough, just maybe...
Ha! That's hilarious.

But it shouldn't be a big deal because Pokemon are randomly generated. This is just a case of bad coincidences.
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