Hero City City

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The Strongest
Sep 3, 2015

Hero City City

Welcome to Hero City City! The sole epicenter that represents the culture and values of Hero City. Stretching about 304.6 mi² wide from each side, it creates an energetic atmosphere, composed of many buildings across, to emphasized it's beauty! Housing nearly 8.4 million people, Hero City City earns the name: A city that never sleeps! It is always in a state of a rush to the next task, people are consistently active and everything is always moving, no matter what time of day! This is where the legendary hero, Image Man, was born! It is commonplace for many professional heroes to go and enjoy the epic scenery Hero City City has provided! However, it has another side: professional heroes are constantly common around here due to Hero City City always being under attack by various worldly threats! Especially since the city itself is a literal eye candy for causing havoc and destruction due to being the most populated area. Despite all of that, the city has enriched itself in a culture that is constantly adapting to new things. It's a popular area for tourism, starting different kinds of careers and the chance to meet plenty of professional heroes!

Notable Areas of Interests

Image Hospital: No other hospital in the nation of Hero City can compete with the sheer quality and quantity in terms of service, survival risk and care than Image Hospital. It is considered the best place to go for high-end treatment and led by the famous, Doctor MedicalMan from the Heroes Organization. 

Image Park: This park is famous for the gathering many couples to spend their days and time together. It also a place where outdoor concerts from "new bands" performed to show themselves to the world of their identity!

Imperial Region Building: The Imperial Region Building contains many leading businesses as a host of office spaces are rented out when available! It houses numerous television and radio broadcasting stations, home to art galleries, an observation deck for tourists and various museum exhibits. Visitors can also find gift shops, restaurants, cafes, educational programs and, more notably, the Top Deck. The Top Deck is 102 stories high and allows visitors to glimpse sights from more than 80 miles away. The deck can be reached by the historical Jones elevator.

Triplet Triangle: Where holidays celebrations take place for fireworks, Christmas celebrations, and the sort. Remember to mark your calendars for any Broadway shows!

Pop-afeller Center: An iconic midtown business complex! Be wary of scam/con artists lurking!

Ultra Speed Terminal: A beautiful architectural landmark and a transit hub! For those with vehicles, it enables to steam across Hero City City and the rest of Hero City, in a timely manner! It's called Ultra Speed for a reason!

Hero Bridge: The Hero Bridge is a hybrid cable-stayed/suspension bridge in Hero City City and is one of the oldest bridges of either type in the Hero City.

Hero Mall: One of the most popular malls in the nation. You will find plenty of rare items and the like; however, you might want to bring lots of money, they're stupidity expensive!

Heroic Island: Statue of Image Girl is where it located, representing the face of heroism and freedom of criminals rule. Famous place for tourism.
After the events of battle in Port Graham, dealing with a high level Dragon threat, heroes that fell in battle, including a mysterious man named Vail, were rushed to the Image Hospital. Feeling responsible for sending brand new heroes, without properly evaluating them, to a mission, Sneck went to visit all the heroes. Orso and Red were soundly asleep. Doctor MedicalMan, the lead doctor of the hospital, was informed that multiple civilians in Port Graham were to be transferred under his care. 

After visiting Orso and Red, Sneck left the room to let them have their sleep. "I'll send in the paperwork to give Orso a promotion, along with Red and Lyrik their ranks.." Sneck said to himself. He walk towards the room next door, where Lyrik and Pilotman were. When he enter, he noticed a few things. First thing he noticed that Doctor Shroom was not in the room with the other two. Possibly because of his position, he was transferred to a different floor due to being important to the Heroes Organization. Second, there were tons of doctors catering Pilotman and another person he does not recognized.

"An outsider?" Sneck thought. He tried to find Lyrik, but he was nowhere to be found. Seeing Doctor MedicalMan coming in the room, Sneck approached him.

"Excuse me, but where's Lyrik?"

"Lyrik?" Doctor MedicalMan said in response. He pointed towards Lyrik's bed. "He should be in his be-" He didn't finished his sentence, seeing that the bed was empty. "Damn it.. that fool." He turns to Sneck. "It seems that Lyrik, was taking it hard about the battle. I have to attend to a man named, Vail on his condition, so you have to look for him. I recommended a amber alert because he still hasn't been properly heal."

Sweating a bit. "Shit.." Sneck thought. "Alright, thanks." Sneck took his leave out of the room. "I need to informed Lovely Gril about this quickly..."
Lyrik was already outside and wondering the streets with a crutch to aid his wounded leg. He finally settled down in the Ultra Speed Terminal, waiting for the train to come by. He put his dreads in a high ponytail and made sure to keep his face covered by the shadow of his cap. He didn't say anything to anyone and made sure to fix the bandages over his body.
"God... it been three hours already. Where the hell is he with that brat? It shouldn't take him that long to get to Magician Square." A strange man next to Lyrik, talking to himself. "Never let a robot do a human's job." Scratching his head. Hearing the train coming by, he attempt to searched for a ticket to get on. "Ah damn.. where is it?" The man wondered. The ticket he was looking for was on the floor, next to Lyrik's feet. 


Gravity Girl arrived in Hero City City with the waitress floating in the air. "Hope the trip wasn't that extreme. I didn't have cash to catch a train." She said, heading to the Image Hospital.
Lyrik stared at the ticket by his feet and picked it up. He handed it back to the man as the train finally arrived. He didn't want to make eye contact with him and he struggled to get on his feet. He fiddled his own ticket and wondered how far this train will take him in his search of power. Of course, he wanted to make sure no one turned him in for running away.
"Thanks, mate." The man said, noticing that he was struggling a bit. "Err, need help there, buddy?" The man asked. 


"It's much more sufficient than riding a train anyways. Too many weirdos.." Gravity Girl said. "Really? You never been here before? Well! I can definitely give you a tour when discharged from Image Hospital~!" 

Gravity Girl and the Waitress both arrived in front of the building. There were several heroes, most that weren't directly from Port Graham, but rather, other places, surrounded the place and dropping off civilians. One of the medic noticed Gravity Girl and apporached her. 

"Injured civilian?" The medic asked.

"Yes, she's from Port Graham." Gravity Girl responded.

"Ah, then placed her on the gurney. We'll have her treated right away. You wished to attend this young lady to her room?" 

"Yes. She was working at the Port, so it makes sense to explain her boss if he wishes to visit her here." Gravity Girl responded. She turns to the waitress. "Is that fine with you?"
Lyrik nodded to the man before letting out a sigh. He didn't want to admit it, but he needed help more than ever. He just wanted to help others but, as of recent, he's been the one who needs help. He finally spoke out.

"Y-Yeah... I just... wanna become stronger." He struggled as he spoke.
"Eh?" The man said. "Stronger..?" He looked at the clothing of Lyrik. "S-say.. you're a hero, right?" The man offered his hand to keep him up straight.
ShineCero said:
"Thanks, mate." The man said, noticing that he was struggling a bit. "Err, need help there, buddy?" The man asked. 


"It's much more sufficient than riding a train anyways. Too many weirdos.." Gravity Girl said. "Really? You never been here before? Well! I can definitely give you a tour when discharged from Image Hospital~!" 

Gravity Girl and the Waitress both arrived in front of the building. There were several heroes, most that weren't directly from Port Graham, but rather, other places, surrounded the place and dropping off civilians. One of the medic noticed Gravity Girl and apporached her. 

"Injured civilian?" The medic asked.

"Yes, she's from Port Graham." Gravity Girl responded.

"Ah, then placed her on the gurney. We'll have her treated right away. You wished to attend this young lady to her room?" 

"Yes. She was working at the Port, so it makes sense to explain her boss if he wishes to visit her here." Gravity Girl responded. She turns to the waitress. "Is that fine with you?"

"Y-yes, that's alright." The waitress replied, feeling and sounding exhausted.
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