hős Complex

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"Damn..." Cursed Dragonfly as he put Construction down. "Hope we're not too late." 

He looked around somemore until his scanner and amplifier picked up lots of noises in one direction. It sounded like the battle was that way. 

"Come on. Let's go." He called his comrade then started running.
Construction nodded and followed. Both of his arms began to change, turning his usual human flesh into something as strong as pure steel. "Dragon or God threat, I'm knocking anything that comes my way!" He boasted.


"Yes! I'll signal you when it happens!" Engine-Man turned around and stared at the skies, where Gravity Girl is still firing rapid attacks at the alien mage. However, he noticed that Gravity Girl had been compressing everything using her gravity attacks, preventing debris from falling onto people, oppressing the fire from spreading out too quickly. Her attacks are becoming weaker and weaker by each shot, to the point that they were no longer effective--simply mere annoyances due to taking on too many tasks at once.

"Gravity Girl's strength is draining away. I need to get up there." He crouched downward, revealing booster on the bottom of his feet. At the sound of ignition, fire blasts out of his feet, launching him upward towards the air, dashing towards the Solarian, readying a punch in his direction.


"Then we have no reasons to hold back!" Red looked at the skies. "Let's do something to distract that dude!" He grabbed onto the ledge of the building, breaking off a piece and tossing it onto the man.
The Solarian looked to see all the others around him preparing their next volley of attacks, he himself touching the holes in the projection where the blood was flowing out of.

"My time's almost up... They're stronger than expected but-" he mused before rushing Engine Man, the last of his flames covering his body as he dashed forward, intending for one final blazing strike.
Dragonfly arrived just when he saw the Solarian attacking the heroes. He looked around a bit then increased his strength. The man hoisted up a large piece of debris and threw it as strong at he could toward the villain. Well at least he hoped it wouldn't hit anyone else and helped a bit.

"Hey! CAREFUL!!" He warned the other heroes while boosting up his wings again to fly closer.
Engine-Man notice that the Solarian rushing him as well. "Hes doing one final attack. Not going to let that happen, you damn alien!" 

Engine-Man waited until the absolute last minute, before turning to the left to go around the mage. Once behind, boosters appeared on his back, exploding with rapid energy to push him downwards to delivered an devastating kick. 

"Now Metal Bat! This is your opportunity!!!" Engine-Man shouted, slamming his leg on his back and hopes that any objects thrown by other heroes will hit him as well.
"Here we go!" Metal Bat lunged forward to close the distance between him and the Solarian, with no intention to stop his momentum. Any debris that hit him didn't stop him, rather it motivated him to keep moving for the final hit. He swung his bat in an uppercut on the man, aiming to send him rocketing back into the skyline.

"Amazing... nothing phases that guy, even with a million objects hitting him by accident..." Orso watched Metal Bat from the distance. "I think it just makes his attacks hurt more when he's enraged."
The Solarian reacted too slowly to Engine-Man's kick, being sent crashing downwards into the hit of Metal Bat's, bat. Nothing could stop the blow, his vision turning a flame shade of red as the hit connected. Flying upwards, the projection dispersing into soft embers, burning out in the light, ceasing.

Another projection defeated.

But this was only a temporary setback for the Solarian, and his inevitable approach to Booga. When he arrived, his full power would be much, much stronger than this fragment sent to scout ahead.

In one surprise attack he ruined an entire community. How much more damage could he cause if left unchecked with his full might? Enough to sunder a continent?
Red stared at amazement from Metal Bat's strike. "Yeah..." His response to Orso's comment. "He hits like a truck and takes like one too. The Heroes Organization got some amazing guys at their capacity." He looked up, seeing the man disappeared in thin air. "Looks like he's done...?"

Engine-Man landed on the ground, resulting a few cracks underneath his boot. "He's still not done." He looked up, seemingly angry about his event. "He let hell loose without any form of consequences." 

Gravity Girl landed on the ground, breathing heavily. "What the heck was that?" She turns to the people that were in the vans, pulling one of them close to her. Grabbing them by the collar of their shirts, she demands some answers. "What the heck is going on?" 


"Damn, show's over." Construction said to Dragonfly. "Might as well call in the Heroes Organization for this place to be fix up. All these causalities..."
The man grabbed started to squirm and kick, freaking out in Gravity Girl's grip.

"Hey hey hey lay off me! No need to get so handsy when we're on the same side!" He complained. "Don't you know about the Solarian? The alien space mage coming to attack Booga? That was one of his projections, copies of his power sent as scouts or something! I don't know the details I slept through the meeting and didn't read the memo!" At this point several other Meeting soldiers looked over to the pair unnerved and stepped closer to their van.
“He’s speaking the truth, Gravity Girl. He’s with the Meeting of the Dark I presume.” Engine-Man said, trying to reduce the level of stress in this situation. “They warned us about this alien coming to destroy this world… and as the man said, this is simply one of his projections.” 

“Meeting of the Dark? The guild from Desolate Lands, right?” Gravity Girl asked, but understood the situation. She turned to the man once again, becoming a bit more angry and tighten her grip. “Sleeping?! I was informed that this was a god-level threat and you should slept through it?” She dropped the man on the ground.

“This thing… alien or whatever the hell it is caused this much damage and it was just a projection?” Gravity Girl stared at the other members. “And I guess you’re all on the same boat and don’t have any other useful information when the real one shows up?”
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