The Blinder that had its attention on the two girls was swinging his arms aimlessly, trying to grab one of them but looked about as dumb as he acted. He kept on grunting, struggling to catch one of the nimble girls with his sluggish movements. When Francis tossed the rock to his head, the Blinder looked up and swatted at the air, making a wide opening for the girls while he stupidly attacked at nothing. When the big one was hit on the knee caps fell instantly and let out a groan of gargles while landing with a thud. No pain on its bloody face. It struggled to get up but wouldn't be able to thanks to its busted knees. All it could do was helplessly swing his arms in the air in a flail.
The Blinder attacked by Molly fell to the floor. The small tendon that connected his calf to his foot was completely severed. His foot twisted almost a full 360 by how fast he tried to pull himself off the ground to the point where it was almost completely ripped off his leg. Gargles and hissing were heard from the Blinder who struggled to attack Molly. At this point, it began to slowly crawl to her in its attempts to bite her.
The Blinder that was behind Wayne rushed at the man and tackled him to the floor. Wayne fell a couple feet away but the Blinder was quickly crawling to his direction in hopes of biting him or eating him.
Boris took a hold of a Blinder rushing at him and gripped his throat, avoiding any contact with his mouth. He noticed Wayne tackled to the ground and he didn't know if he would be able to help him.
"My Vayne!! Get up!"
Ezra growled at the mess the group had to fight with. Molly and Violet had successfully disabled the Blinders attacking them but his noticed Wayne struggling. He gritted his teeth and rushed as fast as he could to Wayne in order to help him. He only had one chance to help Wayne. He took a hold of his trusty combat knife and tossed it over for Wayne to catch.
"Wayne, catch!"
The Blinder attacked by Molly fell to the floor. The small tendon that connected his calf to his foot was completely severed. His foot twisted almost a full 360 by how fast he tried to pull himself off the ground to the point where it was almost completely ripped off his leg. Gargles and hissing were heard from the Blinder who struggled to attack Molly. At this point, it began to slowly crawl to her in its attempts to bite her.
The Blinder that was behind Wayne rushed at the man and tackled him to the floor. Wayne fell a couple feet away but the Blinder was quickly crawling to his direction in hopes of biting him or eating him.
Boris took a hold of a Blinder rushing at him and gripped his throat, avoiding any contact with his mouth. He noticed Wayne tackled to the ground and he didn't know if he would be able to help him.
"My Vayne!! Get up!"
Ezra growled at the mess the group had to fight with. Molly and Violet had successfully disabled the Blinders attacking them but his noticed Wayne struggling. He gritted his teeth and rushed as fast as he could to Wayne in order to help him. He only had one chance to help Wayne. He took a hold of his trusty combat knife and tossed it over for Wayne to catch.
"Wayne, catch!"