More and more Blinders started to rush the group with Francis's loud voice. While Ezra kept his gaze fixed on Khan, it looked as if he was about to say something but quickly turned away to face the Blinders. He placed his gun away and took out his combat knife and delivered a swift stab to a nearby Blinder's eye. The Blinder hissed and gargled before finally falling to the floor. Ezra made sure to stomp on its head several times to make sure it's dead.
"Can you tell your friend to keep his dumb mouth shut before he calls a horde?!" Ezra snarled. "He's 'bout ready to call every damn Blinder in Jacksonville."
Boris made sure to keep close to Molly knowing that she didn't have any proper means to defend herself. Boris took a hold of a Blinder rushing at Molly by the leg. With nothing but brute strength, he flung the Blinder across the area, knocking over another Blinder behind Ezra.
"Ve must have at least 15 coming at us right now." Boris said while punching a Blinder away from himself. "Bring it on! I've handled a hundred of you beasts by myself!"
While some Blinders kept their attention on Boris, a couple more rushed at Violet and Wayne. One managed to grip at Wayne's leg while the other was chomping it's teeth in its attempt to bite Violet. Both Blinders were followed by about 3 more. As for Khan and Francis, there were two nearby Blinders clumsily making their way pass the shop in their attempt to attack them. Both Blinders wildly flailed their arms in hope of catching one in their iron grip.
God damnit, right when we get a break, we get an idiot to screw it all up! Ezra thought to himself. Let's just hope we make it out of Florida alive...
"Can you tell your friend to keep his dumb mouth shut before he calls a horde?!" Ezra snarled. "He's 'bout ready to call every damn Blinder in Jacksonville."
Boris made sure to keep close to Molly knowing that she didn't have any proper means to defend herself. Boris took a hold of a Blinder rushing at Molly by the leg. With nothing but brute strength, he flung the Blinder across the area, knocking over another Blinder behind Ezra.
"Ve must have at least 15 coming at us right now." Boris said while punching a Blinder away from himself. "Bring it on! I've handled a hundred of you beasts by myself!"
While some Blinders kept their attention on Boris, a couple more rushed at Violet and Wayne. One managed to grip at Wayne's leg while the other was chomping it's teeth in its attempt to bite Violet. Both Blinders were followed by about 3 more. As for Khan and Francis, there were two nearby Blinders clumsily making their way pass the shop in their attempt to attack them. Both Blinders wildly flailed their arms in hope of catching one in their iron grip.
God damnit, right when we get a break, we get an idiot to screw it all up! Ezra thought to himself. Let's just hope we make it out of Florida alive...