"Let's just hope nobody had the same idea as you before we got here." Violet said, her eyes darting around to scan the area. "I've only heard about those things when I've passed through places. Luckily, I'm not the poor son of a bitch who they talk about having the misfortune to encounter it."
"I've heard of one that can climb walls and jump onto lone survivors." Molly said. "And another that coughs up stomach acid like a water gun. Not sure about the validity of either of those, though."
"Maybe it's for the best we don't find out." Violet deadpanned.
"I've heard of one that can climb walls and jump onto lone survivors." Molly said. "And another that coughs up stomach acid like a water gun. Not sure about the validity of either of those, though."
"Maybe it's for the best we don't find out." Violet deadpanned.