((Yeah, just pretend it's just space USB or something lol. Same function, but not the same actual configurations))
Vegetto soon reverted out of his transformed state, panting heavily inside of the golden aura as he felt the life nearly sucked out of him. His weary gaze turned towards Gogeta, watching his counterpart follow suit before slumping over.
Passing out into a deep slumber, both fusions remained nearly motionless as they followed Solaris' example, being pulled into the lead flagship of the fleet while the battle raged on all around them.
Various ships continued to pelt Brachi and Xenest with blue energy blasts, yet fire from the north end had suspiciously stopped. Three ships about a mile away from the lead flagship began to glow ominously from the ground, a bright blue glow slowly building in side between the three hulls.
Darth Marr ran forward on the opposite side from Mioi, swinging his saber in a gracious twirl as the group ran through the smoke cloud from the explosion into the open generator room.
A massive turbine taking up nearly three quarters of the open ceiling inside the room had turned to a halt, robotic soldiers from nearly every angle on the rafters and walkways above firing blaster bolts at the group breaking into the room. A red laser bolt rapidly closed in from the west, striking Red Mist's hip as another seared through the air and grazed Lily's left thigh.
((Also Z, I'm gonna go ahead and play out the computer terminal Kire's hacking. So it'll be a little more challenging for you
After a few seconds of folders and images popped up across the screen, the computer screen suddenly blackened entirely, before a small red glow began to illuminate from the screen. White, block letter text dashed across the screen in an alien language, but could be translated from a person fluent in the Basic language used across the sector of the universe they were in.