DBZ: Dominion War

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"It's never wise to judge a book by its cover, Piccolo," Brachi said, "although I do wonder why she's coming right towards Earth of all places."

"Maybe she is looking for a place for refuge?" Majin Bara offered as she approached the group.

"Maybe, but given the fact that WE are here, you could almost say that Earth is the center of the universe, in a manner of speaking." Brachi replied.

"I cannot disagree with that," Tempest said, "Earth is home to some of the most powerful fighters in the universe after all."

"But if she's a Saiyan, what does that mean for you?" Xeno asked.

"Evidently there are still some more Saiyans out there in the universe after all," Brachi said, "they could have had some trouble with their mission and/or had their communication equipment damaged, like with Rabi, or they must have been sent off or even exiled from the planet before Frieza even decided to attack Planet Vegeta itself. With the fact that we didn't hear anything from them afterwards means we must have forgotten about them, they must have failed their mission or in any other form faded into obscurity... until now that is..."

"You do raise a valid point." Tempest said, wondering what Panich would say about it.
Piccolo agrees with Brachi. Meanwhile, Rad'sha was making her way towards the planet Earth. Inside her space pod, she noticed her instruments have been scanned by an unknown entity..........

"Well, well, well, looks like I've been scanned. Hmmmmm. I wonder if those inhabitants will give me a warm welcome. If thats the case, I'am up for it." Rad'sha said to herself.
Brachi wondered where the pod itself would land, while Tempest telepathically told the Martians to keep a close watch on the area itself, just to be sure nobody was trying anything funny, while keeping their ships cloaked, only allowing to decloak whenever a fight was imminent, but always letting the enemy fire first.
"Even so, that sort of thing doesn't concern me. If she decides to come here with ill intentions, then we'll just crush her." Panich chuckled turning toward the group. "It's as simple as that."
Rad'sha's space pod finally lands. As soon as the landing was over, she stepped out of the pod. Rad'sha then sensed power levels not to far from her...........

"Hmmmmmmm. More power levels? On this planet? Thats kind of weird. I thought these Earthings were a weaker species. Looks like I have to go check this out." Rad'sha said to herself as she lifted off the ground.
Panich followed Brachi, hoping for an unforgettable experience with another of her kind.
Before Rad'sha got to far, she sensed that the power levels were closer than expected. Rad'sha then flew back to the area where her space pod landed. Afterwards, as she got closer, Rad'sha noticed two people near her space pod. Whether they be friend or foe, she approached them carefully.

"Well this is an unexpected surprise. Who are you two ladies?" Rad'sha asked smiling a bit.
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