Future Xenest however still felt something was off, as Future Brachi tended to the apparently semi-conscious Celicia, who moaned as she came to. But as she opened her eyes...
"Celicia? Are you alright? Why are your eyes so red?" Future Brachi asked.
Suddenly, Future Xenest felt the warning bells go off inside his head, the Scanning Machine warning him confirmed his fears.
"WATCH IT, BRACHI, IT'S A TRAP!" Future Xenest said.
"What?!" Future Brachi asked, right before Celicia punched Future Brachi away and got up herself, flipping backwards as she raised to full length and going in a battle stance, her red eyes and the uncharacteristic evil smirk on her face was an indication that she was possessed... or was she?!
"C... Celicia?!" Future Brachi asked, blinking at the unexpected strike.