DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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Future Brachi and Future Xenest immediately charged in to assist, with Future Xenest emitting a howl which alerted the Martians to the attacker. Ruthas growled as he powered up and moved back to avoid Atama's strike.
Atama's face hardened as he jumped back, using Darkness to propel himself. He said something to Memora, and the two moved away from each other, Atama launching homing orbs of darkness and Memora burning rays of light.
Ruthas snorted and suddenly summoned chain spears from below Atama and Memora to stab them several times, interrupting their attack, just before Future Brachi and Future Xenest attacked with a dual punch to the face.
Memora cried out in pain after being impaled by the chains, much more then Atama did who managed to get stabbed less. Atama flew up into the air, and pointed his sword at Ruthas.

"ULTIMA CANNON!" He yelled, as the sword transformed into a cannon and shot a massive orb of darkness at Ruthas.
Ruthas snorted and retaliated with his Cursed Assault energy wave, the blood-red colored energy wave clashing with Atama's ultimate Cannon, while Future Brachi prepared a Galick Gun, while Future Xenest went to prepare a Metsu Hadouken, transforming in his Omega form to do so.
Atama fell from the sky after unleashing his attack, crashing limp onto the ground, looking severely weakened. Memora limped, trying to move fast enough to protect him.
"Memora..." Atama said weakly. It seemed Darkness rose from his body and blood spilt from his wounds.

"Listen, you'll be okay." She replied emotionlessly.

"I have enough energy for one, blast. Then I suppose, I'll fade back, into Darkness." He said.
The attacks hit their mark as an explosion was seen in a nearby mountain area, prompting a few Martian Scout and Fighting Machines to move in, their funnels raised as they proceeded to pelt the area with their Heat-Rays, intending to incinerate the attacker into oblivion. However, a few seconds later, a massive explosion blasted the mountain area away, the blast already vaporizing two of the Scout Machines, while the debris caused the remaining Scout Machine and two of the Fighting Machines to stagger from the impact, eventually collapsing in sheets of flame, leaving only one Fighting Machine in the area. In an attempt to avenge its comrades, it unleashed the deadly Black Smoke, only for four blood-red colored spheres to strike its legs, causing the Fighting Machine to collapse to the ground to its doom.

Angered at the loss of his comrades, Future Xenest powered up to Phantom mode and launched its own 80 Krk X-Ray attack, just as Ruthas came in and grabbed both Future Brachi and Future Xenest by their heads and bashed them against each other, before tossing them aside, right as Deramas moved in with a vicious combo of his own. Ruthas was impressed at seeing that Deramas had been training with vigor himself, but it didn't matter to the Demon Lord as he still outclassed his opponent...
"Ruthas! Finish me!" Atama called out.

"What are you doing?" Memora replied emotionlessly.

"Come at me! Finish what you've started!" Atama continued. A hand held an orb of darkness.
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