Future Brachi nodded, giving orders to her clones as they prepared to evacuate the Hubrin where needed, while Future Xenest moved outside and breathed in deeply, before emitting a deafening howl which roared like thunder. This 'Ulla!' howl may be confusing to those who didn't get why he would do that, but merely seconds later, his howl was answered by the Martian Machines, emitting the same howl of their own, indicating they were more than ready to come to the aid of their comrades.
Already, several Flying Machines arrived and traveled between the Hubrin Fortress and their bases in a Roam and Attack fashion, while Fighting Machines, Bombarding Machines, Electric Machines, Scout Machines, Scanning Machines, Constrictors, Xeno-Telepaths and the Tempests all gathered and moved into positions as if preparing for an offensive.
Already, several Flying Machines arrived and traveled between the Hubrin Fortress and their bases in a Roam and Attack fashion, while Fighting Machines, Bombarding Machines, Electric Machines, Scout Machines, Scanning Machines, Constrictors, Xeno-Telepaths and the Tempests all gathered and moved into positions as if preparing for an offensive.