DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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"Classic trick. But not good enough." Memora replied, dark energies flowing into her hand before launching a blue and white ball of fire at Cecilia.
Celicia merely hopped to the side, still displaying that smirk on her face.

"Fools, you think I am alone out here?" She then asked, her voice having gained some kind of demonic undertone to it.

Future Xenest however narrowed his eyes.

"On the contrary..." Future Xenest said, before he teleported to the side, shocking Brachi as suddenly Anne appeared from behind Future Xenest, having tried to attack him from behind, right before her senses went haywire and caused her to hop to the side, avoiding a strike from... Goles?!
"Wait, these are people supposed to be in the healing tubes..." Memora stated. "If only I still had access to the Keyblade's full power!" She then covered her weapon in dark energy, throwing it at Cecilia, the weapon turning many times quickly.
Celicia fired a blast at the spinning keyblade, before she was covered in an energy barrier, courtesy of... Judy, who displayed her Mobile Shield Generator... but she too had the red eyes and the smirk on her face, right as Future Xenest blocked an attack by Tempest and Xeno, whom tried to attack him from the sides, before tossing them to Sheila, whom had her Shark Tooth Knives with her.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Future Brachi snapped at Goles, reprimanding him like a mother.

"Don't you dare talk to my son like that!" A familiar yet demonic voice said to her... it was Brachi herself! Also with those red eyes...
Memora dashed towards her Keyblade on the ground, her movement speed fast. Her dash seemed to be less running, more her being propelled by dark energies. She picked up her Keyblade and unleashed a darkness infused strike on the shield.
The two girls were hit, but they recovered quickly and joined Celicia's side, just as Deramas hopped backwards, avoiding two attacks by... Abaddon and Malia! Deramas blinked.

"My children! Is this how you treat your old man?!" He asked, narrowing his eyes as the Demon Siblings merely grinned, their canines having become fangs.

Future Xenest knocked Tempest and Xeno backwards, before intercepting Bulma Jr. and Marron Jr., grabbing them and tossing them to the ground, only to be knocked to the side by Rabi. Future Xenest recovered, only to be restrained by Busa, while Future Brachi was being blind-sighted by Majin Bara... Future Xenest could sense something was wrong... and it drove him mad.
Future Brachi summoned her two clones to aid her in the fight as more of the group, whom were supposedly within the healing tanks, appeared and attacked the remaining heroes in a frenzy! Each of the new enemies sported the uncharacteristic evil smirk and those eerie red eyes, which felt as if they were possessed by something. But what caused it? Was it the greater exposure to the ambient energy of Anomaly space? Did the Metar have anything to do with this? Or was it Ruthas whom had somehow taken control of the group and ordered them to attack the rest!
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