DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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Memora then disengaged, retreating back. She sent out some sort of pulse, the last of her dark power used up. The outfit formed around her melted away, leaving her on all fours and exhausted.


Atama woke up, feeling the energy signal sent out by Memora. He quickly rose, but was puzzled by the energies he felt, and looked at the healing tubes.
The healing tubes appeared empty... and yet the devices appeared as if nothing had touched them, showing the same signals as before... what was going on?!

FUture Brachi and her clones soon joined Future Xenest as the apparent possessed group also got together, the latter powering up. In response, Future Brachi and Future Xenest transformed into their team form: Infinity Brachinion, the skin color of the four was a total dark gray, while the hair, clothes and base of the shoes were a ghastly white, the shoes themselves were an ominous black. But the most striking feature were their eyes, their eyes were a piercing golden-yellow, their expressions being that of total insanity with rage. This was also reflected into their power, which seemed to have a constant shared flow between the four, putting them at an even higher strength that they've ever been before. Another striking thing is that both of them had scars all over their bodies, even though they were more visible with the male of the group, as the scars were mostly hidden on the females because of the ghastly white fur on their bodies.

One of the Future Brachi clones moved her left hand in front of her chest and powered up as a golden-yellow sphere was being charged on the left hand, before it was directed towards the hostile group itself, exploding in the center. But as this happened, a sphere above the group appeared and seemed to grow and grow, engulfing the entire area until with a loud explosion, it dissipated. The hostile group was looking at this in wonder as the four were ready to attack.
Atama gritted his teeth, teleporting to Memora's side in the battle. He looked at the four in their Infinite Brachion state.

"Immense power. But it might not be enough. Just in case." He said. Memora nodded, and began to draw from his own massive power reserves, restoring her Dark Mode, which appeared in a flash. The two flanked the hostile group, both with weapons drawn.
This ignited a fierce battle as the Infinity Brachinion team went on the offensive this time, unleashing multiple blasts and melee attacks at the now-hostile group, who was now put on the defensive. Seeing this as an opportunity, Future Xenest powered up and set his left foot on the other side of his right foot, while crossing his arms in a similar fashion above his head as the area around the group seemed to change...

"The Dimensional Borders will be split open!" Future Xenest proclaimed, as suddenly the surroundings turned black, and a torrent of Golden-yellow beams were blasted out of a single point in the sky above, striking the group, but only Atama, Memora and Future Brachi remained unaffected.
Atama instinctively raised a barrier of Darkness, and Memora tried to use her Keyblade to block the attack. Both realizing they were unharmed continued their strikes at the back of the group.

"Nothing makes sense!" Atama said.

"I am Nothing!" Memora replied.
"Think, think!" Atama muttered. He looked at the possessed group and covered himself in Darkness, before popping up one of them, trying to deliver a firm uppercut.
This uppercut managed to hit Tamar, sending him flying, prompting Shonfu to retaliate with his Arm Cannon, which was intercepted by one of Future Brachi's Clones.

Future Xenest, while in his Infinity Brachinion state, was starting to become more aggressive against the enemies... as if threatening to slip into his Berserker form as the apparent possessed or mind-controlled group just kept getting up, not knowing that Ruthas had planned it all, just to spite the vulnerable group...
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