DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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Atama's interested was gained at the mention of a phyric victory.

"A group of multiversal travelers abandoned a different incarnation of your wife, leading to the enemy gaining a phyric victory. Could you tell me more about this?"
"I probably should start from the beginning, but I'll keep the background short. We had been informed by Shonfu and Tamar, two soldiers formerly aligned with the Planet Trade Organization, now valuable allies to us, that remnants of the very army they were once members of have been looking for some kind of hidden artifact within one of the Frieza-controlled planets. Despite our interference and an unexpected clash with what appeared to be rogue demons, the soldiers managed to get away with the artifact, resurrecting Siber, one of the Arcrosians... or Frost Demons if you prefer, depending on how you would designate the race of which Frieza, Cooler and Siber are members of. We fought what appeared to be a hologram of Siber on the orbital base of that planet the soldiers took the artifact from and we had to destroy the base to prevent it from crashing on the planet.

We and a Strike Force of the Martian Space Fleet managed to intercept Siber and his men at a star system formely known as the Hypo Prime system, where we got involved in a space battle against Siber and also a contingent of Demons with warships of their own. We managed to keep Siber's forces and the Demons occupied, although we lost a Martian Dreadnaught and its escort force in the fight. However, as we were about to turn the tide of the war, one of Siber's underlings warned us of Siber's intentions to destroy the entire star system, forcing the soldier by detonating a Gravity Attenuation Device near the black hole in the system, causing the nearby sun to destabilize and go Supernova, oblitering every warship and planet and other interstellar body. Due to us being warned beforehand, our fleet, save for the ships already destroyed during the battle, managed to escape the ensuring cataclysm in the nick of time.

We sought to end this war by predicting where Siber would head to next: The Cold Prime Star System. We managed to reach the star system first and were successful in brokering the surrender of several ships formerly loyal to Siber; it turned out he gave the Hypo Prime System, a star system serving as a primary resource production facility for the Organization, to the Demons in exchange for their support and destroyed it when it became apparent he would lose it to our fleet. Together with our new allies, we managed to infiltrate and disable a few capital ships as the Battle of Cold Prime commenced. It was in the chaos of our mission within one of the enemy fleet's flagships and having to deal with an invasion force entering the star base we occupied that Vegetto, Gogeta, Goku, Vegeta and Beerus vanished without a message or even a trace. While that was going on, we managed to enter some escape pods and fled to Cold Prime I while their main flagship, the Terrapin, was destroyed from within thanks to a Martian Drone we had beam over, set to detonate upon our departure. As we made our way to the planet, the escape pod containing my wife's counterpart was hit by enemy fire and crash-landed on the planet. My wife and I arrived later due to other circumstances, but we learned later that, while trying to get out of the escape pod and wanting to find the others, Brachi was ambushed by none other than Siber himself and his entourage. Although Brachi managed to use psychokinesis to take down a demon, Siber then impaled her on a sword he had with him, before snapping her neck and firing a finger beam through her heart, destroying it. This was witnessed by Piccolo, who told us about it. Celicia, Dielec and Brachi's children were among the first to discover Brachi's corpse, which was quite traumatizing for the children: Brachi's son Goles, and his sisters Marron Jr. and Bulma Jr.

While Siber's troops managed to conquer the Cold Prime Star System, they lost a large portion of their invasion fleet as the Terrapin detonated, obliterating several ships within direct vicinity and damaging or disabling others caught within the debris of the destroyed starship." Future Xenest said.
"A shame, really. My dominant part fought in a war. It was after his close call with death, but he succeeded in single handedly leading a campaign to victory. In the end, it was for control of a satellite capable of destroying planets in a gigantic burst of solar energies. It was during this war, however, that he managed to get himself killed, after it. Leading to my, creation, eventually." Atama replied.
"I see," Future Xenest said, nodding.

"After Brachi's death, we had to take on a long chase to hunt down Siber and his lieutenants. We managed to take care of his lieutenants fairly easy, but Siber himself was the toughest to deal with... we eventually ended up victorious, but that too went at a great cost..." He then said.
"Yet most if not then are still among the living? Part of me only came back from the dead with divine assistance, yet that only lead to the creation, of myself." Atama said.
"We revived those whom had been killed with the Dragon Balls, hence they are back among the living... until now probably... and the whole situation wasn't easy in the aftermath either..." Future Xenest said, sighing.
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