DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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"So... Then what prevents you from being able to unfuse?" Atama further questioned.
"Well, believe it or not, but my wife and her counterpart whom lives here, are technically fusions too, but unlike my fusion, the fusion which created Brachi was permanent to begin with." Future Xenest replied.
"Correct. It has been like that for years though, so much that Brachi has a soul of her own, while the souls of the fourteen people whom made up her being have all passed on to Other World." Future Xenest said.
Atama's eyes widened at the word fourteen.

"That's... That's quite a number..." He replied. "Your children must be an interesting composition of genetics... Hmph. Genetics." The last word Atama said with particular malice.
"Our three children mostly have Human Blood, however they also have a bit of Saiyan Blood and the stamina of an android or cyborg, but only in a lesser quality than Brachi herself is. I am personally completely Human, my wife is a Human/Saiyan Hybrid with also having cybernetics within her which supposedly gives her nigh-infinite energy at her disposal... but while the power she wields is grotesque and uses it responsibly and for the cause of defending her home and everything she cares about, it is also her greatest weakness. Power always comes with a price..." Future Xenest said.
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