DBXV: Universal Chaos

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Super Giant Star
A Star Is Born!
Sep 4, 2015
The Netherlands
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It was another day in Conton City. Fygg, one of the Human Time Patrollers hailing from a different timeline than Universe 7's residents, arrived in the city by flight, feeling refreshed as she had taken a bit of rest from her duties as a Time Patroller, having participated earlier in a tough Raid Mission. The city seemed to be at ease, with Time Patrollers going on and about with their usual business. Fygg was dressed in her usual outfit, beinjg a purple ninja-type gi with the pants similar to those of the old King Piccolo, while her boots and gloves were like of Vegeta from a timeline where the Z-Fighters fought a parasite, a machine-mutant-based super android and so-called 'shadow dragons' created from the Dragonballs' negative energy, or something along the lines.

Taking a seat on the edge of the fountain in the central plaza of the city, with shops and stands surrounding it, Fygg wondered whom she will hang out with today, not having heard much of her personal idol, but she assumed she had her own businesses to attend to at that time.
A while later, Rad'sha made her way into Conton City. She to came from a different timeline. As she walked looking around this new found area, she spots another person not to far in the distance.

"Hmmmmmmm. Very peculiar scene and it seems I won't be by myself either."  Rad'sha thought.
Fygg hummed to herself as she checked her scouter for any news on unusual activities. So far everything had remained at ease in terms of antics of the Time Breakers... and yet this seemed to unsettle her... as an adage goes, too much quiet means a lot of trouble brewing...
Rad'sha continued to observe her surroundings until she got tired and found somewhere to rest for a bit.
Rad'sha turned her head and noticed another person coming towards her. She even had a bit of a smile on her face as the person approaches.
"My name is Rad'sha and its a pleasure to meet you as well."  She said as she bowed.
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