Beast Hunters - Chapter 001: Shadows


The Strongest
A Star Is Born!
Sep 3, 2015
Beast Slayers
Chapter 001: Shadows

Preface: Six months had passed since the White Space Event that led to the entire BoogaVerse to be wipe away from Retcon’s Reboot Spectacle. After Todasúl restored the world, with an ominous warning about future threats, the world begins its process of rebuilding and brings order back into place.

In Desolate Lands, guilds were extremely common in the region due to the abundance of monsters, demons and evil spirits. However, due to the lack of resources, manpower and foresight, guilds will cease operations within a year or so, subjecting Desolatians to the mercy of the beasts continuously. Inspired by the unified effort against Negative, all the surviving guilds merged into a singular institution: Beast Hunters.

The Beast Hunters is a Hunting Guild that primarily focuses on slaying various of different beasts in Desolate Lands. The objective is to build leadership and fellowship, creating a sense of a community. It emphasizes the importance of cooperation between fellow hunters by rewarding these efforts through completion of missions and protecting Desolatians from beasts. It is managed by a group of people called the Elite Five: Silence, Buccaneer Jack, Bronson, Deader Die and the leader, Valerie. They task the Hunters with missions, provide food, shelter, support and resources, and hire mercenaries.

The original building, previously known as Crescent Hunter, had expanded greatly to support the influx of new Hunters joining their institution. It add several elements from previous guilds to covered plenty bases for the Hunters. New additions includes: Mess Hall; a Great Library; an Infirmary led by Doctor Camellia; several training areas by Instructor Jason; a resting floor; a Weapons and Armory workshop; Priscilla, a large pirate ship; and finally, the Elite Five Meeting Room.

Under new direction, the Beast Hunters aims to become a glimpse of grace in the region filled with ruin. The future of Desolate Lands is now under their hands, with various beasts that lurks in the shadows, unknown enemies working behind the scenes and the ruthless Dalv tribe that controls nearly all valuable goods and resources.

Key Rules
  • It is required to create a character box before playing in BoogaVerse.
  • You can only play 4 characters per chapter.
  • Your characters cannot be in multiple chapters at the same time.
  • Do not break established lore in BoogaVerse.
  • Do not godmod, bunnymod or metagame.
  • Death can be an option for your characters.
  • If you want your own arc villain, you must discuss things with me, and we’ll work something out.
Premise: After six months of rebuilding, the Beast Hunters is now operational, and able to send its Hunters to various missions across the land. The Elite Five, looking through various reports, seen that there is still a contested issue in Garden Town; a town overrun by Goblins to hunt the precious flowers called Red Flowers. Using information gathered by Bronson and Monster Hunter, the Elite Five made their first move under the Beast Hunter banner: eliminate all Goblins and liberate Garden Town. Will the Beast Hunters leave a good impression in their first mission in a unified institution?

Focus Areas
  • The Beast Hunters Guild
  • Garden Town: a poor, rural town with no reliable source of food, water or utilities to function. It was once a beautiful town with beautiful, rainbow flowers. However, due to the Great wars, it decimated the town, and the flowers lost their colors, becoming bloody red to reflect the destruction.
  • Field of Bloody Flowers: A strange field of flowers that contains strange power. An influx of monsters attack the town to consume the flowers—which increased their powers and magic capabilities to unimaginable levels. And no matter how many times the flowers were picked, it will regrow within days.
  • Goblin's Lair: a strange, secret lair that is home to the Goblins and holds their leader.
“Excuse me. This is, uhh, Jason.” A voice intercom can be heard throughout all the Beast Hunters buildings. “All Hunters, please report to the main floor. The Elite Five have urgent news we wish to speak with you all. Thank you…” Jason said. “Is this thing off? Damn, this technology is confusing as hell. Oh, it is still on? Crap…”

The voice intercom ended after sounds of Jason shuffling through the wires to disconnect it.

Excalik, a cowboy mummy, was strapping his boots on as he sat at the edge the bed. “We might finally have our first mission as the Beast Hunters, right Blue?” He stood up and did several stretches. “Beast Hunters… I like the sound of that.” He walked outside of his room and waited for Vala to come out of her room.
Blazrin was leaving the Mess Hall once the announcement was made. He munched on an apple as he listened about the meeting that was going to happen. The Warrior began to walk down the halls, following the arrows to where the Main Floor would be. Ever since his last battle against Negative, the fires that ate his arms left faint scars. He seemed to be a little worried about the futures he saw but figured he could do nothing about it. He wondered about how everyone held after the event.

Huh, I sure hope that we never have to deal with that nasty Negative blob thing again... No way that Todasul guy would forgive us a second time.

Blazrin continued to think to himself until he bumped against a wall on the Main Floor. He looked like an idiot but turned to see the Elite Five and waved to Silence.

"Heya, Boss! I got up super early to get a huge breakfast! I'm ready for anything you got for me!" Blazrin turned his head, almost as if looking for someone. "Uhm, I think Elilinor should be coming soon. Can't go without my partner!"
"Kyuu!" The little Will-o-wisp at Excalik's side wiggled its flame body. He seemed to like the nickname given to him. Blue slid under the gap the door had between the floor and its frame, making a ghostly wail to signal Vala it was time to come out of her room. She was in the middle of reading a book that was floating in midair while she buttoned up a vest over her blouse. 

"You almost scared me," She flatly said although she was smiling. "I'm joking." Reaching to pull her cloak over the rest of her outfit, she grabbed her scepter and tied her boots on securely. Vala opened the door with Blue flying back to his place on top of Excalik's hat. "I see you're raring to go," she greeted. "Though I'm a bit nervous since we've never worked with anyone else from other Guilds before this..."


"Man, and right in the middle of my workout..." Eleanor grunted between push-ups. She finished her set and stretched a bit more before she was sure her muscles were completely prepped for the day's work ahead. "Phew! I still got it!" Eleanor rinsed her face off to freshen up and she strapped on her harpoon spear to her back. "Ooh, I can't wait to use this~ traded in my old chakram for it."

Exiting her room, she slid down the railing of the stairs and landed feet-first. "Yahoo! Who's ready to pummel some skulls?!" She shouted.
Excalik blushed a bit upon seeing Vala coming out of her room. Clearing his throat, he agreed with her statement. “Yeah. Have you seen the other members? Some them are quite a loudmouth. I think I seen a lady that was apparently an ex-con before this.” He adjusted his hat, hearing Eleanor’s loud voice that echo across the room. “Speaking of the devil… shall we head down, ma’am?”


The Monster Hunter woke up and went to freshen up. Their amor fully clean inside out, and the rotten smell of monster guts no longer emitting, they put on the armor and headed downstairs to the main area.


Silence frowned in embarrassment upon Blazrin shouting at him. “Loud as ever Blazrin? You really have to shout at me every morning?” He attempt to composed himself as others are coming in the main area. Silence was standing on the stage podium, waiting for the other Elite Five members to arrived.
"Aww, you know I don't scream that loud, Boss. Think of me as this guild's official alarm clock." Blazrin said proudly. "Besides, you're the Boss, how can I not be excited? You're like... a super Boss now! You're the top of the top! I wanna be like you one day, so you're an inspiration."

Blazrin perked his head upon hearing Eleanor's voice from down the hall. He poked his head out from the door and yelled out for Eleanor.

"Aye yo, Elilinor! The Boss is here! Get in here!"
Vala sighed to herself since she disliked loudmouths like that who were always seen needlessly causing a ruckus. "Well, if Valerie wants to work with them, it can't be all bad..."

Eleanor rushed into the center of the main floor with a big grin on her face. "Man, this place is huge! Beats sleeping outside or in that old dinky cell I used to have," she said. "But it's so quiet! Where is everybody?!"

She was struck on the back of her head with the handle of a sword from behind, making her grab her head and yelp with pain.

"Quiet down, you're making too much noise this early in the day." Valerie withdrew her sword back. "... oh, it's you. I thought you were supposed to rot in jail somewhere?"

"I was, but they let me go on parole!" Eleanor stuck her tongue out at her. "Bet you used my bounty money to finance half this stuff."

"Not even half. Barely was enough to afford a proper fur coat. Now sit before I make you, jailbird."

"S-scary...." Eleanor took her seat.

"Oy oy, it sure is lively this mornin'." Bronson had already made his way to the podium, so he watched them bicker from afar.

"If you could really call it that." Valerie stretched her arms with a yawn before she took her spot beside them. "I'm a bit surprised that punk ended up with you guys. She hasn't been... troublesome, has she?" She asked Silence as they waited for the remainder to come in.

Vala gestured to sit down across the table towards the unoccupied seats. She wanted to keep her distance since she wasn't very good at socializing with semi-strangers.
Silence narrowed his eyes, remembering the actions Eleanor did during the mission in Shina Ania, and how they threatened to kill one of the hostages to force their hands, among other things. “Uh, yeah, she’s been a good spot during my time. Never an issue.”
“Wow, this is livelier than my time with the Heroes Organization. Everyone actually came.” Deader Die stepped onto the podium with the other Elites. “Looks like all the elites are here…?”


Monster Hunter entered the main floor, still as silence as ever. They sat down in the front row to have full view of the meeting. They were unfazed by the amount of shouting by the few.

Excalik raised a brow in concern, seeing all different Hunters in the area. “Phew, strange seeing so many different kinds of people. I mean, one of the Elites was originally a hero… and he is... a Zombie? Don’t you think it’s kind of creepy to have an undead work as a hunter?”


“I think we’re missing one. Where is that clown?” Silence asked.

Suddenly, the main doors burst opened, as Buccaneer Jack entered the premise. “Aye… looks like I made it in time, mates! Could’ve gotten here earlier, but I was sniffing out me gold at the bay area you see.” Jack laughed loudly as he walked through the podium. “Gooday, mates. This be the first time we have an official meeting as the Beast Hunters. Silence, Bronson, Deader, and Valerie, today a good day as we worked as a united team.” He dig into his pockets and outright started chewing on the gold he found.
"Nice to see you this morning, Elilinor. Hope you slept well on your best, sure beats sleeping outside for a change, eh?" Blazrin sat next to Eleanor and ruffled her hair. "I think Boss is gonna give us a super secret mission or something. I mean, if the Big 5 are here, it's gonna be something important, right? It also looks like we got some new faces too." Blazrin pointed to Excalik and Vala.

If I'm not mistaken, I think those two helped fight against that Negative blob 6 months ago...
Vala side-eyed Excalik with a blank look on her face. "... It's starting to feel like weird is the norm."

Valerie cleared her throat. "Thank you for the introductory remarks, Jack..."

"Alright, that's well and all, but what's it got to do with today?" Eleanor yawned, stopping to adjust her hair since Blazrin ruffled it so much she looked like a sheepdog.

"For starters, we've more manpower now. A lot more that we can focus into places more efficiently than having you all scattered here and there. The world is a dangerous place, little bird. You should know," Valerie taunted with a chuckle. "Considering the severity of what has been going on as of late, it's too risky to operate disjointed like that at the moment. So a unified coalition was in order. Your debut as Beast Slayers begins today, for something that is too dangerous for just three people to handle alone. So listen good 'til the end."

Valerie nodded to Bronson to step by her and speak his piece. 

"Awright. A while back, I was approached by a new recruit to the Crescent Hunters Guild for assistance. But I understand today might be your first time meeting everyone else, so do stand up and make yourself known, Monster Hunter." He stated, making an open-handed gesture to the silent one in armor. "At their request, I went with them to scope out the problem of those wretched little creatures terrorizing Garden Town but it's turned out to be a bit more complicated than a simple cleanup job. Since this is your home we're talking about, we'll let you have the floor here."

Eleanor tilted her head in confusion. There was a person in there? She thought Monster Hunter was just a suit of armor sitting there for decoration.
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