"Aw, c'mon now, it ain't that bad being with me. Besides, we have to work together in order to save this town from those ugly goblins." Blazrin nodded to Vala and her suggestion. "Your friend has a point. Burning these flowers could definitely bring out those critters from hiding. I can use a little bit of fire magic but I'll leave the spells to your girlfriend. I can withstand the heat tho'! So I should be okay in the middle chopping those goblins apart."
Blazrin reached out behind him and placed the small backpack near Vala as he unsheathed his huge axe from his back. He held it above the two easily with one arm and gave them a cocky smile.
"I'm okay standing inside the ring of fire or near the exit to pick off any runners. I'll make sure none escape my axe or your spells. Oh, by the way!" Blazrin pointed to the backpack. "Just in case things get hairy, I packed some nifty tool you can use."
Blazrin reached out behind him and placed the small backpack near Vala as he unsheathed his huge axe from his back. He held it above the two easily with one arm and gave them a cocky smile.
"I'm okay standing inside the ring of fire or near the exit to pick off any runners. I'll make sure none escape my axe or your spells. Oh, by the way!" Blazrin pointed to the backpack. "Just in case things get hairy, I packed some nifty tool you can use."