White Void

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Vala was pinned under Excalik, struggling to move from underneath him. She strained but wiggled her way out. "Good question... and who the hell are all these people? Never seen 'em in me life!"

"Oh my... what a terrible time to get sucked into a mess like this. Fighting a corrupted soul like this wasn't on the agenda today... when I get done with this, I'll treat myself to a long nap." A woman with lily-colored hair wearing intricate Paradican robes spoke to herself before letting out a small yawn. "Well, that's okay. I haven't gotten to do anything exciting in a while anyway. Where is my familiar?"

"Ouch! Watch where you stick that beak, you pile of feathers!" Asuza swatted at a ghostly raven angrily. She couldn't move very much because she was pinned under the woman after their bubbles got popped.

"Ohoho, is that you, Asuza? Fancy seeing you here- what a small world."

"That's because that guy over there is why we got sucked into a big mess, Okawa! AGAIN!" Asuza angrily jerked a finger towards Negative. "He's the last person I want to be fighting right now. Especially since he kicked our asses the last time I was unlucky enough! No way am I doing that again, forget it!"

"'Again'?" Okawa narrowed her eyes, dropping her good humor. "You mean you know him? This is news to me."

"You haven't heard yet? He got ahold of a fancy magic staff thing from Miss Z by threatening our lives for it like a bargaining chip. Who knew it would have led to this... he's impossible to fight at my level, and I haven't recovered enough mana to fight again. It couldn't be worse timing! I'm so tired, my bones feel like splintered wood."

"Oh, dear," Okawa sighed. "To get past Master Z and obtain an artifact she was guarding would be quite a feat, but then again, Paradice is technically operating under one Master instead of two right now."

"Feat, my ass! It wasn't a fair fight at all! If she was at full power I bet it would've ended differently. Thanks to an old fart with psychic powers, we couldn't even stand on even footing for more than a minute."

"Cheaters never prosper. Well, you sit here and rest your head then-- and, do consider picking lessons back up from me if we manage to get out of this pickle. Busines isn't quite like it used to be." Okawa pulled out a wand from her sleeve and made a few motions. "Arcane Hand."

Standing up off of Asuza, she conjured two giant hands from a gathering of magical energy to catch Kiki and Evelyn by the palms. The one that caught Kiki pinched the brim of Hatty before gently placing him back on her head. Okawa stepped forward to join the active fighters, looking over at Edge-Man with a frown.

"It's a far cry from ordinary black magic. Don't allow anything he casts to touch you directly. Stick together and we should be okay-- I can only heal so many times in a row but I've got your backs."

Agatha walked up behind Whitney and tugged at her hand to get her out of the crossfire, feeling that they would only hamper the others who could stand a fighting chance.

"Come now, Whitney, let them handle this. We can't do much like this now that your friend got shrunk into a toy."

Whitney picked up Broly off of the ground with watery eyes, silent except for a few sniffles. "Broly, you dummy. You're gonna be in a lot of trouble when we get home..." She stowed away the figurine into her apron pocket before following Agatha's pull. "But I'll still be your friend. He's too chicken to take you on himself anyway." Whitney muttered dejectedly.
Evelyn gasped as both she and Kiki were flung away by the black energy. Kiki yelped as she flew back but luckily Okawa's magic came in and stopped her from hitting the floor or walls. She noticed it was a unique kind of magic, far more advanced than her own. Hatty was fine but shaken up by Negative's powerful magic. Kiki looked like she was on the verge of tears but Hatty gently caressed Kiki's cheeks.

"Hey, no crying Kiki, you know I don't like girls crying." Hatty scolded. "Now I can't fight thanks to Negative almost ripping me in half, but I think I got something real nifty you can use."

"R-Really?" Kiki sniffled. 

Hatty dug one of his ribbon arms into the hat and pulled out a magical book that appeared to be written in an unknown language. He shoved it on to Kiki.

"You are one of the only magic folks who can read that spellbook. I'm sure in a situation like this, you'll be able to read some new spells! Just stick back and be careful." Hatty slowly wrapped his arms gently under her chin. "I'll help you out, but I can't go all out. Be careful Kiki, that Negative dude is no joke... The nice lady who saved us appears to know a ton about magic, so stick close and support her."


Kiki opened the book and skipped through some of the pages. Most, if not all, of the pages, were blank, lacking any visible text or writing. She landed near the middle of the book and only one phrase was written out in unknown symbols. Kiki lifted her wand in the air and slowly chanted what she could understand.

"Mega Magic! Squeezing Growth Spurt!"

Kiki fired off a ribbon towards Negative that harmlessly wrapped around his leg. Nothing happened at first until the ribbon began to slither up his body like a snake and wrap tighter and tighter, almost as if it was trying to cut off his air. This was not Kiki's magic but rather what the book was doing. It appeared to enhance her weak magic into stronger versions of themselves and even transform her ribbons altogether.

Evelyn was caught by the hands and gently placed on the floor before glancing up at all the popping bubbles, noticing more and more people fall from these mysterious orbs. The Lady waved a hand towards Okawa in appreciation of helping her.

"Thank you, Madam!"

Another skilled magic user, huh? So far this Negative dude has been canceling magic attacks, I hope this one can rough him up. She looks really strong, so I think she should be okay.

A large sphere fell right next to her and cracked the ground under it. Evelyn quickly moved out of the way and peered inside the orb before noticing a small creature with a pencil trapped inside. She knocked on the crystal-like orb, trying to wake up the little being. Whatever was trapped inside was healing from a massive battle that took place. The being inside the cast was none other than Z. Evelyn, having no idea who or what it was, decided not to mess with something she did not understand. She turned her attention back to Negative and knew she had to protect those who were not of top fighting capabilities.

Her gaze shifted to Whitney and her Grandma and rushed to their side, knowing that they needed help now that Broly was gone. 

"Hey! I'll keep you two away from that evil sage. Just stick close and I'll protect you guys as best I can. My martial arts is the best in all Empire State, after all! I was trained by the best of the best! Tho', I think I might be at a disadvantage compared to this magic user..." Evelyn giggled.

More like a severe disadvantage... I wonder if my gauntlets were only upgraded. Perhaps that could change the tide of this match.

Not too far from Asuza landed a redhead man with a mechanical arm. He hit the floor with a thud and grunted at his landing before rubbing his back.

"Ow, damn!" He hissed. "The hell's goin' on?" He looked up to see Asuza with his vivid green eyes, no doubt the look on his face spelled trouble and attitude. "Who the hell are you? You responsible for this shit, redhead?"

Shortly after he scolded Asuza, his uzi gun dropped from the sky and bonked his head along with his backpack of gizmos. He grumbled under his breath while he fixed his black bandana and gathered his belongings. It wasn't long until he noticed Negative and his magic affecting the others. 

"A Magic user? I thought them folk are supposed t' be in Paradise or somethin'. This ain't look like any area in Paradise I've ever been..."
SG stopped firing his beams when he noticed it didn't harm in the slightest. He looked up as he saw the hordes of people fall from the bubbles.  His gaze went back to Negative as he stood there preparing his next move.

"Larry, give me a deep scan, analyze his fight patterns. We gotta figure out how we're beating this guy."


"Alright, that'll be a minute or two." Four holes appeared on the armor's upper back side releasing multiple Micro-Missiles. They all went up in the air before locking onto Negative and going towards him. SG flew up in the air for higher ground. 


A long white-haired young man fell from the one of the bubbles. He was wearing a kimono and barefoot, his scabbard falling on the ground.

"You've got to be kidding me! I was going to get a happy ending!!" Seto said fuming as he picked up his scabbard slinging it across his back. "What the hell is happening."

A dark voice chuckled inside of Seto's head

End of times it seems. Someone is expelling quite the amount of dark energy. Mokuba said amused.

"It'll be the end of times for someone for sure. You know how much that massage cost per hour!" Seto looked onward, watching as people fell from the sky and looked at the heroes fighting Negative.

"I'm guessing these chumps are the start of all this." Seto unsheathed his katana as he walked towards the chaos.
Jacen, the Withered murderer, moved from his bubble and jumped off and across a few of falling bodies, ending up on solid, stable group. He looked up to Negative, and more importantly, the Retcon Dragon.

"All it took was the end of the world, but my journey finally ends here."'

The mage in blue robes summoned his crystals around him, glowing with energy, and ascended into the air atop a pillar of dark flames.

"RETCON DRAGON! REBOOT SPECTACLE!" He shouted in the air, drawing just a fragment, a tiny sliver, an spec of dust's worth of the dragon's power, and drew it into his chest, his gems feeding power into him, to control, to direct the magic being worked.

The screams were of pure agony. The voice of a soul, as it's history and reality were being rewritten, consumed in both flame and dragon's power. His past, his sins, his murders, being literally burnt away in his personal history, his past, present, and future all consumed in flame. As the past burns away from the power of the Retcon Dragon, so does his body burn away from his own flame. Forcing just a fraction of the Retcon Dragon's power through his body, every fiber of his existence across all of time and space was touched by flame. Holding onto the pain, however, Jacen managed to bend it to his will. The fire retroactively canon
izing a new form. As the past and body burn away, blue robes are caught aflame and turn to ash, revealing golden scales and red bands of armor underneath.

When the last of the robes burn away, Jacen returns to the ground, his screaming stopped. Draped in radiant golden scale male and red connecting bands, draconic armor for a draconic Withered. A flourishing cape of red on his back, with a white dragon emblem emblazoned upon it, a reminder of the dragon's legacy. Blue gems embedded in various parts of his armor glow and pulse like breathes, breathing with his power. A blue eyed hero stands in the place of the monster. Free from corruption, the Withered Dragon Knight stands with the other heroes to fight Negative.

"At long last, the power of the Retcon Dragon is mine to taste! And with it, history bends to my will, just enough to give me the power to fight you, destroyer! I am Jacen, son of the legendary Drake! Face the dragon's power!"
Note: Reminder, you don't have to RP every single character you have used in BGV history. This is just a way so that none of your characters will be gone. If you want to use one character for this event, that is perfectly fine.

“Ouch….” Liza landed on her bottom. She slapped her face a couple of times to see if she was still alive. “Okay, still breathing… what on earth happened?” She’d looked around hundreds of people coming down towards the ground. “Is this the afterlife?”

Excalik help Vala on her feet. “Sorry about that madam… but looks like we got caught into a heap of trouble.” He turned around, seeing several people going after that one figure with strange energy flowing out of him, along with a gigantic Dragon standing behind him. “I’m a betting man, and I reckon that he’s the culprit.” He turned and seen Liza on the floor. “We’re not dead… I guess… but I guess something must’ve happened.”

Liza seen Negative. "Negative!? What's he doing here!?"

Black Shadow walked up to the three of them. "He finally did it. He managed to destroy all worlds… but I guess it didn’t fully complete since we’re still here. Judging from what [Vosh] says… we need to defeat him.” She was concerned about fighting against her master, but he had fallen too far into the darkness. Black Shadow clenched her hand tightly. “We have to end him.”


Edge-Man stood up, but the effects of the negative energy surging through his body despite being healed by Kiki. “That should keep me stable for a bit…” His visons was blurry and unable to concentrate properly. After hearing what Okawa had to say, she was right that this black magic is way different. “Gotta keep my toes…”


“Give you enough time, eh…” Alice thought of something. Using Vosh’s head, Alice clapped her hands together. “Fairy Strength: Mind Expansion!” 

Under this power, she sent out a powerful wavelength across every single person, allowing Alice to speak to them through telepathy. “Everyone… I know this is confusing, but we’re dealing with a bad man named Negative! He took the Merlin’s Staff and used it to summon Retcon, the 7th Dragon Guardian! Using its power, it he managed to bring an utter destruction upon our worlds…but the Fairy Queen managed to prevent destruction by placing you guys in bubbles for protection… but now… Negative want to finish the job! We must stop him and the dragon before our existence is totally wiped! The Fairy Queen may have something, so we have to keep him distracted long enough for her to finish the job! He has Negative Energy… something that is a perfect version of Dark Energy…!” After speaking such message, Alice turned it off and passed out on Vosh’s head. It took a ton of energy to do it.


“Why do you mortals continue this foolish resistance? Don’t you lots remember that I single-handily erased all time and space? This world is just a cruel reminder of what’s left… and what’s left for me to purge.” Negative narrowed his eyes, raising his hand in the air to create a powerful shield to block out the missiles. He felt his body being squeezed, but the negative energy crackled throughout the ribbons and tore it into shreds. “Pathetic. I went out of my hand to do this, and you just refused to submit when the end is near...” Negative looked up, seeing Jacen absorbed a tiny fraction of Retcon’s power and activated his own transformation. His eyes rested in disappointment that another hero wishes to fight him.

“You have no idea… I brought you out here of your captivity so you can fall down on your knees and accept your death in fears, but you want to keep fighting.” Negative narrowed his eyes as veins bulged on the side of his neck. “Heroes, legends, all doesn’t matter anymore.”

Negative took one step forward to the large group. “See this? This is the first step of your deaths. So why don’t you lay down? Gravity Oppression.” Negative snaps his fingers, a powerful shockwave emitted afterwards, causing every single person to slam to the ground. “You people have your fun life, but it now come to an end.”

The Retcon Dragon roared tremendously in recognition of Jacen. “Retcon on my side, you have no hopes of winning.”
Vox says "I have to agree with the Biomancer we need to fight Negative. I hate to tell you this Liza but we cant grant him mercy." Vox interlay got force down but got right back up. Vox Casts a spell to counter the effects of Negative's spell on those that are fighting negtive.

Vosh dos make shore Alice is safe. Vosh thinks as he is getting up and his butterflies start to start to fly once more "I hope this works because we are going need a counter." It seems like Vosh is trying to tap in to the Energy of Suyoi.
SG fell from the sky from Negative’s attack but used his repulsors to slow down his descent. He landed on the ground and coming people.

“Here’s come the cavalry.” He stood up and put his focus back on negative. “Larry, you there?”

“For you sir, always.”

“That’s my guy! What am I looking at in options here.”

“The numbers give you a better advantage but this person is mighty.”

“Made the universe into an endless void, go figure.” SG narrowed his eyes as he ran towards Negative with the other fighters. The nanobots on his left wrist shifted creating a small slit which released his energy shield.


“Uhhh, who was that voice?” Seto asked scratching his head.

This plan of his... brilliant! Mokuba laughed. Went beyond anything I could’ve mustered.

“Aw, do you want to tag out so you can go dog this guy?” From an onlooker’s pov it would like Seto is talking to himself. 

Silence and yourself and those childish remarks! Mokuba’s voice echoed in Seto’s head painfully.

Seto dropped his katana and clutched his head from the pain. “F-Fu don’t do that!” He grit his teeth as he started to ease up. He picked up his blade and joined the group of people running towards Negative. “Hey do you lot have an extra pair of shoes my feet are killing me. Also one of you guys were Naruto running you know who you are.” Seto said pointing.
"So this weirdo magician is plannin' to end the universe or somethin', huh?" the redhead said with a hint of annoyance. "Guess we ain't got much of a choice, figures... All I know is that I got someone worth fightin' for and I ain't 'bout to let some Negative-whatever get in my way."

Easier said than done... them magic folk always got some trick up their sleeves. Guess I should test the waters first...

The redhead cocked his uzi gun and yanked a cable on his gauntlet arm to attach to his gun. The gun began to glow with a mysterious power before being unplugged. He rushed to Silver Gunner's side and decided to help him out by shooting special bullets that were highly compressed. These bullets were specifically made by him to break to magical barriers and help him against magic users. He shot at Negative while keeping himself safe behind Silver Gunner's energy shield. He eyed the technology on Silver Gunner and scoffed.

"Hey buddy, hope your primitive tech' has somethin' against a mega wizard," The redhead chuckled. "Don't worry tho', my tech's got your back. By the way, name's Kire. Kire Rebbel."

Kire nodded to Silver Gunner before turning his attention back to Negative, unloading a whole clip of bullets towards the wizard.

Kiki gasped when she noticed her ribbon ripped to shreds, losing confidence in her ability to even hurt Negative. She backed away, letting Silver Gunner and the newcomers Kire Rebbel and Seto attack Negative. She carefully read through the mysterious book and slowly recited a spell she saw. The spell was still hard for her to make out.

"Quaked earth... hear my demand..." There was a slight pause from Kiki before the tip of her wand started to glow green. "Stop my opponent from where he stands..."

Kiki's wand fired a green ribbon towards the ground, startling the little witch. The ribbon burrowed underground, shaking the area slightly. Suddenly, around Negative appeared several green ribbons that were covered in rock. The ribbons began to morph until they formed four large hands that were made of stone and earth. Two clamped around Negative, preventing him from moving and squeezing him tightly while the other two, even larger than the ones trapping Negative, attempted to grab and hold down the Retcon Dragon One hand grabbed the Dragon's leg while the other grabbed his neck. Kiki stared in awe at such a powerful spell.

"I-I did that?!"

"Looks like that book is full of a ton of super powerful spells," Hatty said. "It's odd that only you can read it... I thought only top tier magic users were able to read it."

"Whatever it is, it looks like it can hold Negative down!"

"Let's not get our hopes up Kiki, I doubt Negative will just topple over so easily..."

"You two should be safe from Negative back here. I think he'll be more focused on fighting those near him." Evelyn said to Whitney and Agatha. "But I can't stick around and do nothing! I have to get back there and figure out how to help out those folk. You should stick here and keep an eye on your granny and your little figure, okay sweetie?"

Evelyn smiled, gently petting her head to comfort the girl. She placed a hand on her shoulder. 

"Just stick strong and don't give up. I'm sure you'll find a way to bring your friend back in no time. Lickety-split!" The Lady turned back to see Negative until she remembered the strange creature in the cryostasis crystal. "I have to get going, for now, I have to help them."

Evelyn smiled to Whitney before dashing off to see the hibernating Z in her odd crystal-like cocoon. She tapped at the crystal, trying to see if Z could hear her but there was no response. Evelyn reeled her arm back and launched a super-charged fist towards the crystal and barely managed to leave a scratch on it. She kicked it, tossed it, and stepped on it, but nothing seemed to be working. She stared at the sleeping Z, seemingly having no idea who this is.

"C'mon! Something has to wake you up!" Evelyn noticed Liza nearby and waved a hand towards her. "Hey, Hey! Miss! I need your help! This little creature appears to be asleep! Can you help me wake her up?" Evelyn said as she punched the crystal high into the air, letting it land with a thud. "I think it might be trapped or something. Maybe if we free it, it will lend a hand against that Negative jerk."
Jacen teleported next to Seto, reappearing in a blue flash of light.

"Heard you complaining about a lack of footwear, let me try to help." He stated, holding out one hand and then clenching it. Blue energy rapidly formed and condensed over Seto's feet, forming into a pair of comfortable, yet combat capable, shoes. "Hope that helps." With that, he jumped away with superhuman strength, shouting out through a dragon's voice.

"Retcon! You have to disregard this mad wizard! He'll destroy everything! There'll be nothing left if you let him finish the Spectacle! We need to save this world and improve it, not leave it in eternal darkness!"
Asuza forced herself to get back up after Vox cast a counter to the magic. "Not this again! Can't this creep think of anything new?!" She seethed in annoyance. "But how are we gonna kick this guy's ass at the level we're on?..."

"Right then, we fight this clown or we all die for real? What a mess." Vala looked over and saw Evelyn approach Liza with the strange ball in her hand. "And what the dickens is in that thing? Looks like the imp I saw a while ago..." She mindlessly poked the shell with her staff but it didn't do anything.

Asuza jabbed a finger at the ball hurriedly. "Th-that's Miss Z! Thank goodness she made it here with us... she must've been resting all this time, so we'd have to interrupt her nap if we want to have a fighting chance here..."

"We'd better think fast if that imp is that important to you lot. We could work on overloading that barrier with enough damage while the stronger ones hold him off." Vala suggested to the others.

"This is no longer the mage you knew. Fate is a cruel mistress, but we must fight even if it makes us traitors for it." Okawa was able to get up with the help of Arcane Hand, though she held up an arm to dismiss them into nothing for now. "I have a few trump cards myself, but this is the only other mage that holds the highest rank. We will have to catch him off guard, but until that happens, we'll simply have to go on the offensive."

Okawa's raven, Sayer, had blended into her shadow, appearing out of it solidly only to peer at the Retcon Dragon for a moment. 

"Words serve little use now, Dragon Knight. I am afraid the control he has over the dragon is too strong." It cawed at Jacen in an eerie echo. "It too is our enemy. Do not think that it won't act on behalf of the wizard."

"Then it's a good thing it can't move right now, eh?!" Okawa quipped, moving to take advantage of Kiki's attack. She held her wand close to her forehead. "From radiant brilliance to dull white, become swathed in soothing moonlight... Illusory Repose!" Thrusting her arms out, the wand glowed bright as thousands of flittering white butterflies billowed out from Okawa's robe sleeves to swarm all over the Retcon Dragon and obscure its vision; their flight and movement scattered magical powder from their wings' scales that intended to induce deep sleep on their target.


"What a nice young lady," Agatha said watching Evelyn take off. "If I were a few decades younger I'd have done the same. Watching from afar is so nerve-wracking... maybe after this she can teach you a few moves instead of that rough-houser of yours."

"But you saw what that jerk did to Broly and Edge-Man... it looked like it hurt! A LOT!" Whitney said worriedly. "And all we can do is just watch!"

"Don't worry, granny, I'll protect you!" Eleanor said, puffing out her chest confidently. "I can't fight mages for shit, but I'll keep an eye on you guys so the fancy lady helps the big guys out. And then when they get the slip on that Negative dude, I'll jump in and give 'im a bunch of whallops with Blazrin!"

"You, protect us? You look like you can hardly defeat a sandwich!" Agatha whacked Eleanor on the head with the end of her cane as she scoffed.

"Ouch! You old bat..." Eleanor sulked. "W-well, I'll at least move you guys out of the way if I gotta."
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