What made you smile today?

Several thing ^..^

 Finally going to be able to hear my friend's voice again on Skype, because she's buying a new mic for her laptop today. 

The fact that I thought my friend and I were doomed, because I din't have a normal credit card, I just have a prepaid one, but I can't use it for incidentals for our con hotel room, but my friend that I'm going with gets her card today, so, we can breath easily again. 

The fact that the con, which starts on February 8th, is only 1 week, 5 days away! 

And finally, this'll be my friend's first anime convention, so, I'm excited to see her reactions!
Finally getting the hang of posting at an regular rate, instead of posting in randoms.
Fire Emblem Three Houses  :katcry: Nothing but love for that game, it's just too good! Makes me so happy when I play it.
Seeing everyone's artwork improved dramatically over the past few months!
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