What made you smile today?

New chapters for One Punch Man :pimp:
A Junkrat in an Overwatch match PM'd me saying I made a great Mercy and was cheering when I got POTG.... ;; They were so sweet!
My boyfriend's mother having given us a bracelet that has our names on it for his and my three year anniversary yesterday my time. c:
getting a text first thing in the morning from my friend saying he misses me  :cry:

I almost got 1st place in 8v8 Deathmatch but a level 300 Genji snagged a kill last second and broke our tie, so I finished 2nd as Mei

What made me really smile though was being able to kill a lvl 200 Widow who had a gold weapon with icicle headshots and freezing her to death. Cause that means my aim isn't totally shite. Lol!
LoopyPanda said:
I almost got 1st place in 8v8 Deathmatch but a level 300 Genji snagged a kill last second and broke our tie, so I finished 2nd as Mei

What made me really smile though was being able to kill a lvl 200 Widow who had a gold weapon with icicle headshots and freezing her to death. Cause that means my aim isn't totally shite. Lol!

That's pretty awesome!

Speaking of Overwatch, I managed to play and got a teamkill with Junkrat in competitive.
Shine's dorky laugh. I'm also pretty sure that it might make other people smile too.
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