What Grinds Your Gears?

Adult people acting like children. Like for instance a 28 year old woman aboard a Southwest flight punched a flight attendant because she(the 28 year old) was told to put on her seat belt. This incident caused the flight attendant to loose two of her teeth.
People getting an attitude because *gasp* they're surprise that they have to pay rent.
Time and again I keep getting this shit - shown in screenshot - from Facebook and I keep clicking X. They keep asking me. They keep sending me this. Stop the harassment, Facebook.

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June 24 update: People never fail to disappoint me with their selfishness and catty behavior. I work hard at my own home and caring for everyone and everything around me and yet I receive nowhere near the same. In fact I'm looked at like I'm a freak or inutile for this hard work and caring. I put myself last - always.

I'm always broken by people just when I start to feel a little proud, a little stronger, when I open a little - they strike to knock me down. It's why I trust practically no one. It's the only way to survive in this selfish world. I'm on my knees right now for strength to keep going and keep my mouth shut for speaking truth that will make people hate me.


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When people stand in the aisle and start chatting with the cashier :wagh:
Fandoms. Literally all of them. Let me explain.

So, I hate all fandoms because they cannot seem to accept anything (for the most part) as part of the story, especially if they don't like it. Look, I get it, sometimes we don't like what an author does to their story, I GET IT, but that does NOT mean you (or the stupid fandom) are capable of writing anything better. Most of the time, they don't. They always want to turn the current story, whatever it may be, into some cringy edgy story that has a ton of (forced) sex and shippings, 'deep' character stories, and suddenly add new plot elements or break existing ones. Basically having nothing to do with the original concept. The biggest example in my opinion? Look no further than the two fandoms I hate the most: Pokémon and Dragon Ball Z. There are more, but these are the two that I hate above all else. They take the simple concept of the story and make it into something that is just edgy and forced for the sake of it. To give you a few examples on each topic, I'll use Red from Pokémon and Broly from DBZ.

Red is a Pokemon trainer who doesn't talk and loves Pokemon battles. He's your typical Battle Knight Silent Protagonist. The only thing that's notable about him is that he's got an 'angry' look on him. Mostly because he's always itching to get into a Pokemon battle and test himself. The fans make Red into this edgy, super serious, doesn't give a fuck about his Pokemon as long as they win, monster trainer that takes no prisoners, and is the absolute strongest trainer in ALL of Pokémon lore and NO ONE comes even close to him. He's far from the strongest, trust me.


Moving on to Dragonball Z, the whole Broly and Goku issue makes me laugh at how cringe it is. Seriously? Fans (particularly English/American) think this is one of the strongest theories as to why Broly hates Goku. Broly hates Goku for the SOLE REASON that Goku didn't let him sleep as a baby because of his crying? This is an actual theory? An actual thing people argue about? There are actual videos that talk for 30 minutes about this theory and say it's 'deep and complex character development even before the events of the movie happened.' and in that same breath say 'It makes perfect sense even in the real world.'

1. You honestly think Broly remembered anything as a baby? Even if he did, how did he know it was Goku who was crying? He never saw him OR heard his name before they killed him.
2. The reason he knows Goku's Saiyan name (Kakarot) is thanks to Vegeta spitting it out every 5 minutes.
3. Broly is not insane because of a random crying baby that didn't let him sleep. He was already a murderous psychopath from birth.

In the Japanese version of the movie, it literally explains why Broly sees Goku as such a target. It has nothing to do with the baby incident. I don't know why the English dub just butchered that scene so hard because it was actually a lot deeper and meaningful in the Japanese version. It's simply because Goku had awakened Broly's fighting/Saiyan spirit did Broly actually become what he truly is. A genocidal maniac, AKA the true embodiment of a Saiyan. Since Broly is batshit crazy from birth (NOT from Goku's crying) he wants to test his already suppressed strength on an opponent that can actually fight back, in this case, Goku. Broly became obsessed with Goku because not only did Goku continued to get back up on his feet no matter how hard he punched him, he actually managed to beat him. Even Pegarus mentioned that Goku had awakened something inside of Broly.

The theme the movie touched on was a twist of two fates. Two Saiyans born on the exact same day, minutes apart. One is vastly superior to the other in terms of power, yet, it was the weaker one that made the stronger one cry. These two Saiyans survived the destruction of their planet, yet, lived entirely different lives without ever knowing the other existed. Yet, somehow, after 30(?) years, these two Saiyans meet again, completely unaware that their paths have crossed before. The superior Saiyan is quiet and reserved (albeit controlled) and holds unfathomable power, while the weaker Saiyan is spunky and loud and nowhere near as strong. The gap between the two is immense, yet, it was the spunky Saiyan that won in the end. In the end, they were always destined to fight, whether they knew it or not.

Sounds a lot cooler than the baby theory, huh? I don't know why the English dub butchered it so hard... It made the fans create cringy theories like this.
It grinds my gears when you drop a pen, and you literally cannot find it ever again because the abyss swallowed it into the Nether only for it to appear right next to you despite looking there a hundred times.
~ Z ~ said:
Fandoms. Literally all of them. Let me explain.

So, I hate all fandoms because they cannot seem to accept anything (for the most part) as part of the story, especially if they don't like it. Look, I get it, sometimes we don't like what an author does to their story, I GET IT, but that does NOT mean you (or the stupid fandom) are capable of writing anything better. Most of the time, they don't. They always want to turn the current story, whatever it may be, into some cringy edgy story that has a ton of (forced) sex and shippings, 'deep' character stories, and suddenly add new plot elements or break existing ones. Basically having nothing to do with the original concept. The biggest example in my opinion? Look no further than the two fandoms I hate the most: Pokémon and Dragon Ball Z. There are more, but these are the two that I hate above all else. They take the simple concept of the story and make it into something that is just edgy and forced for the sake of it. To give you a few examples on each topic, I'll use Red from Pokémon and Broly from DBZ.

Red is a Pokemon trainer who doesn't talk and loves Pokemon battles. He's your typical Battle Knight Silent Protagonist. The only thing that's notable about him is that he's got an 'angry' look on him. Mostly because he's always itching to get into a Pokemon battle and test himself. The fans make Red into this edgy, super serious, doesn't give a fuck about his Pokemon as long as they win, monster trainer that takes no prisoners, and is the absolute strongest trainer in ALL of Pokémon lore and NO ONE comes even close to him. He's far from the strongest, trust me.


Moving on to Dragonball Z, the whole Broly and Goku issue makes me laugh at how cringe it is. Seriously? Fans (particularly English/American) think this is one of the strongest theories as to why Broly hates Goku. Broly hates Goku for the SOLE REASON that Goku didn't let him sleep as a baby because of his crying? This is an actual theory? An actual thing people argue about? There are actual videos that talk for 30 minutes about this theory and say it's 'deep and complex character development even before the events of the movie happened.' and in that same breath say 'It makes perfect sense even in the real world.'

1. You honestly think Broly remembered anything as a baby? Even if he did, how did he know it was Goku who was crying? He never saw him OR heard his name before they killed him.
2. The reason he knows Goku's Saiyan name (Kakarot) is thanks to Vegeta spitting it out every 5 minutes.
3. Broly is not insane because of a random crying baby that didn't let him sleep. He was already a murderous psychopath from birth.

In the Japanese version of the movie, it literally explains why Broly sees Goku as such a target. It has nothing to do with the baby incident. I don't know why the English dub just butchered that scene so hard because it was actually a lot deeper and meaningful in the Japanese version. It's simply because Goku had awakened Broly's fighting/Saiyan spirit did Broly actually become what he truly is. A genocidal maniac, AKA the true embodiment of a Saiyan. Since Broly is batshit crazy from birth (NOT from Goku's crying) he wants to test his already suppressed strength on an opponent that can actually fight back, in this case, Goku. Broly became obsessed with Goku because not only did Goku continued to get back up on his feet no matter how hard he punched him, he actually managed to beat him. Even Pegarus mentioned that Goku had awakened something inside of Broly.

The theme the movie touched on was a twist of two fates. Two Saiyans born on the exact same day, minutes apart. One is vastly superior to the other in terms of power, yet, it was the weaker one that made the stronger one cry. These two Saiyans survived the destruction of their planet, yet, lived entirely different lives without ever knowing the other existed. Yet, somehow, after 30(?) years, these two Saiyans meet again, completely unaware that their paths have crossed before. The superior Saiyan is quiet and reserved (albeit controlled) and holds unfathomable power, while the weaker Saiyan is spunky and loud and nowhere near as strong. The gap between the two is immense, yet, it was the spunky Saiyan that won in the end. In the end, they were always destined to fight, whether they knew it or not.

Sounds a lot cooler than the baby theory, huh? I don't know why the English dub butchered it so hard... It made the fans create cringy theories like this.

It's basically an Mandela effect. One person falsely remembered something from the film, spread it out and now everyone simply accepts it as truth. Even though, as you said, the film practically spells it out for the audience of Broly's reasoning: his Saiyan's instincts was reacting to Goku's power, and the mind control device suppressing it (including his true personality) was starting to fail. It's why I seek out the original film and saved screenshots of what's actually the conversation. 

Paragus asked a scientist that worked on the device, thinking that something was wrong with it. However, the scientist assure him that it was working perfectly. This prompts the older Saiyan to question what other avenue that would cause Broly to react such a manner (in the manner that he feared). This lead to this dialogue:

Paragus: "Could it be Kakarot? Does this mean that Broly's instincts as a Saiyan have been awakened by Kakarot's power and he is starting to overcome the limits of my control?" Later, Paragus talks about how the twist of destiny about their meeting; nothing in this line (nor the rest of the movie, anyways) suggest that Broly was anyway affected by Gku's crying as his motivation for attacking him. Furthermore, once he realized it was Kakarot and remark how they were born on the same day, he said this:

Paragus: "Broly and Kakarot were born on the same day, one right after the other. If it is Kakarot...", "Damn, the threads of destiny have once again intertwined here, have they? The two infants, born on the same day and laid down in adjoining beds..."

Paragus never says or implies that their meeting as babies or that Goku's crying had any part in causing Broly's reaction or that Broly might remember Goku because of it. Instead, he seems to just be saying that it's a twist of fate, of destiny, that they were born on the same day and were right beside each other as babies and that they are now in that situation.

Paragus, once again, explains the history of Broly to Vegeta; he was already an rampaging manic in the past, which prompt him to use the device to suppressed his power (and personality) in the first place. Throughout the film, Broly never hated Goku, remembers him or have anything against him. Instead, it is presented that when Vegeta first met Broly, he's currently not the same one. He's docile, reserved and soft-spoken due to the influence by the device. Once he broke free from it, his true personality finally surfaces, hence Paragus boasting him towards Vegeta (he'd later wanted to rule the universe alongside with his son, which happens in video games as a what if):

"Broly was the very model of a saiyan. As he began to develop, the extraordinary battle power he was born with increased and turned savage as I, his father, felt terror towards him".

The flashback of the them in beds was nothing more than hint/foreshadow to the end: Just as Goku, an "underdog", managed to disturb Broly despite the huge gap in power between them, once again occurs in their final showdown. As the scientists said (their statements holding weight in this part), Goku has a lot of guts.

Even in the second appearance of Broly in the Trunks/Goten film, Krillin practically spells out why Broly is obsessed with fighting Goku now:

Krillin: "For that Broly guy to follow us all the way back to Earth, he must be really been upset when he lost to Goku, huh?"

But unfortunately, it's became a meme among the English fanbase. Even to the point that Abridged doubled down hard with this misinformation, which I'm actually surprised, considering that one of the minds behind the series was a active member of Kanzenshuu.
You can't even drive no more without someone else going into a rage and start shooting at you. This year alone, there have been so many road rage incidents nationwide that its become a hazard to drive anywhere.
People refusing the COVID vaccine, then act surprised when they have fifty tubes shove down their throat  :palm:
These careless parents constantly letting their child (children) get a hold to a loaded weapon in the house.
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