I'm going to serve three more months of Institutional Punishment in the Academics, but I drastically changed my schedule about a week ago since I don't want to spend my summer doing more credits to actually get my degree.
-Fundamentals of Microbiology: idk why this sounds like an intro to micro course when there are like 2 other 3000 level courses that actually sound like intro levels. Apparently I took enough non-micro classes to be eligible to take it. If it were up to me though, I wouldn't be taking it.
-Basic Immunology
-Honors' History of American Musicals: it was the only fun-looking one to take for elective honors credit. It was either that or Geopolitics/Philosophy, both of which being 3000-4000 level classes. But if I take this, I can do that AND not have to take another history of science course (one was enough, thanks)
-Physiology lab: basically the lab version of the lecture that I got a C in because I was a dumbass last year thinking I could handle like 4 science classes in one semester. I heard it was way easy compared to my Histo lab tho, just meets once a week.
-Forensic Science and the Media: another honors' course, but it looked like an actually fun class to take for electives.
-Intro to Public Health: another honors section. But it actually pertains to what I want for a career in some way, so there it is!
Unfortunately, I don't get an entire free day off like last semester, but I do have only 1 class Tuesday and Friday in the early morning, so I technically will have 2 free days. I probably still have to study my butt off on those days, but I digress.