What classes are you currently taking?

Just started taking the summer session for Calculus I and Analyical Geometry. And my rented book won't come in until Wednesday.
As of now, the classes I'm currently taking is:

Web Design - Basic: I wanted to expand my ability to code and create websites. So I'm once again learning html and CSS, in order to see where that takes me.

American History through Films: A interesting course to analyzed and determined how films accurate described American history and how it influenced people's view on it.

Non Western World: A class where we talk about countries in "third world countries" to see that some of them are quite on par with the western.
Currently retaking Statistic 2023. Love the prof so far and I REALLY hope I pass that class since it's the only one I need to graduate.

I'm also taking DIG 1302. This is a digital animation class and I'm super excited to start going into the field I personally want to go in.
Gonna be taking 3D Animation, Motion Capture, Music Technology and an internship starting Friday
US and Islam Relations, Modern Latino History and American Childhood :wagh:
Physics 2414: Physics for Life Sciences. Basically non-engineering physics introductory course. Linked with a discussion course where I do the homework stuff and tests. Corequisite is a 1 credit lab that has its own practical and final. Sounds as sticklerish as any Chem lab is.

Sociology Introductory class: it is what it is. Lots of essays.

Organic Chemistry 1, essentially life science chemistry that you have to pass the 2 inorganic chem semesters to take.

Evolution: Biology major course, looks interesting at a glance. Hopefully we don't get some creationists, but hey, if it makes the lecture interesting. Lol

Lots of coursework, but I couldn't fit statistics in. I need it kind of asap. Lol
Starting April 3rd, I'll taking the next quarter courses.

Firstly, I'm taking HIST-594, essentially an research seminar. Looks like I have to write out an scholarly history research paper for this semester. Thankfully, I have all the sources (primary and secondary) from HIST-494 in regards to Iran-US relations.

Then, I'm taking an Introduction to Creative Writing. This is just a elective in order to received enough units to be considered "Full-Time". Since, I was originally supposed to graduate this semester, but all the United States History courses seems to disappeared this Spring Quarter. :Pls: 

Finally, I'm taking an Social Science course. I think. Don't know what it entails, but again, an elective in order to get the required units to be considered full time. Hopefully, college won't be as draining as last quarter where I literally had to read, examined and analysis around 16 books (220+ pages) and dozens of sources :wagh:
Right now its (if i literally translate it) Law and Criminology in Society. Its about current issues in the world like illegal immigration and other problems that have been arising in society. It's pretty interesting. Though i'm retaking it because i didnt pass it last year bc of reasons. xD
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