Vegetto's GFx Shop

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Giant Star
A Star Is Born!
Sep 4, 2015
Hey guys! Remaking this thread here, and starting off with my most recent creation:


Yay for Photoshop! Anyways, let me know what y'all think! :)
The return!!

Looks great. I like the effects around his upper body. Cool af
Very good sig, I like the effects...
I don't really liek the text it isn;t very readable...
And the render needs more blending specially around the hair...
but good job it turned out nicely...
Yeah, I was planning on making this a bit more unified with the colors. But I didn't like how the hair of the transformation would be less recognizable, and wanted to make sure this was a sig dedicated to my new RPG form for the fusions. The text, however, is just my usual failing at getting that down correctly haha xD

Thanks for the feedback guys! Really appreciate all the comments :)
I wouldn't say it was a failure. I kinda like the text placement. I also like that radial effect of sorts. It looks like a massive amount of energy is being sent out from the sheer power of the form.
Nice stuff, Vegetto! :D

Always super jealous at how cool you make your DBZ signatures. I wish I can edit and make cool stuff like you! D:
Yeah man, post more of your content :maybe: It's pretty flippin amazing, bruh.
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