Things you hate in video games

When the only way to defeat a boss is to trip them up and stun lock them because their guard is unbreakable.

When enemies stun lock you and take you from 100 to 1 in an instant.

When the combo doesn't register so you fall to your death a few times trying to use a combo move to clear a gap.

When you nearly finish a boss and then get hit once by the adds and die, wasting twenty minutes.

Screw the Force Unleashed 360 version.
this isn't a general thing but I absolutely despite Hanzo's scatter arrow and its bullshit kill physics

how is it when I aim at the floor and do it, nobody is killed but someone always snipes me with that thing from 20 meters away at 2 hp!?
Luck-based minigames in a game that usually rewards skill, like the stupid pachinko machine level in Super Mario Sunshine.
When the game goes out of it's way of having a super hard boss battle and the awards you get afterward is no longer worth it.
When enemies/opponents interrupt you while you're charging an attack, forcing you to regain both ki and stamina in order to fight back properly.
Breakable weapons in a dungeon game and the overreliance on using items to prepared them; otherwise, they are lost forever.
Timed missions. 


LoopyPanda said:
That 3 minute-long unskippable cutscene that plays each time you lose the boss battle and start over again.

Is this Kingdom Hearts? It's Kingdom Hearts isn't it
Yeah unskippable cutscenes before a boss fight suckkkkk. Especially if you keep losing again and again and agaaaainnn.
cliffhanger endings when there is no sequel to the game  :notrust:
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