The Scorching Summit

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Black Jacket
Sep 3, 2015
cyberia cafe

LOCATION: A volcanic island off the coast of Shina Ania, NW of Deimos Valley.

The Scorching Summit is home to a multitude of creatures who are acclimated to the high temperatures. This includes monsters and Deimos who naturally thrive in such extreme conditions. Typically, you will find tribes of lava-dwelling creatures that travel between the lava floes.​

Those who enter this summit must endure grueling temperatures emanating from the lava rivers and breathe through some kind of mask, or face inhaling large amounts of the smoke and ash from erupted volcanoes. It is highly advised not to enter alone; for there are many predatory monsters that feed off of those unfortunate enough. Alongside the valleys from which lava flows, there are caves full of unmapped paths-- those who venture into these caves alone are said to have met with terrible fates.​
Many of these creatures frolic among the lava, and are naturally aggressive. The strength of these creatures can often entice visits from swordsman or magicians to challenge them as a test of their own strength. Of course, there are a few monsters that have no aggression towards humans so long as they are not threatened, which unfortunately makes them targets for swordsman. A few areas have treasures that are guarded by the inhabitants, which can lure in foolish thieves. Or, are lured to their doom by malicious monsters who pretend to be helpful guides. A place like this ought to be entered with caution.​
Through the entrance of the summit's cragged plains, a fierce wind began to blow. 

"Wahoo! Man, the ash just burns your nostrils." Came from the sky, with some kind of object sailing above the plains of the summit.

"Been a while since I took a ride on this thing. Usually Asuza takes me places." The person sailing had goggles over her eyes, descending before landing her war fan on the ground, the wind dying out. "Here we go." She folded the fan back up and slung it onto her back by its strapped casing. 

"Asuza's all about fire, so maybe she landed around here? Man, she's gonna be pissed once she sees me." Megumi took off her goggles and pulled the front of her shirt over her nose. "Man it's hot."
"Well, this is a scorching summit. It isn't exactly a place to get a tan" There was a pond, filled with lava, nearby Megumi. In it, was a particular demon with reddish-orange hair, with freckles scattered across her face. Her skin was pitch black, but had purple eyes. "It's a rarity that a "human" would come to this place; are you lost child?"
"Whoa! I didn't expect things to be living in the lava!..." Megumi sweated a bit from the sudden voice. "And I'm not really lost, but I don't know my way around. I'm actually looking for someone who's I... lost." She explained.

"Since she's a fire witch I figured she landed somewhere near here and came all the way over here. She's a bit taller than me, long fiery red hair, wearing some kinda black frilly dress. Looks kinda grumpy. You see a girl like that stomping around here?"
"Nope~" The woman said. "I haven't see anyone like that around here. She might be further down, I guess. Though, that would be mighty dangerous for her."
"Aw man! I must've sent her somewhere else by accident! Shit..." Megumi slumped over defeatedly before straightening up. "I may as well check the rest of this place out. "Eh, I wouldn't worry about her too much. She's kinda scary to most things rather than the other way around. She'll probably burn my face off once I catch her! But if I get her something from here, maybe she'll be a bit less angry..."
A man wearing a purple jacket with some light armor over comes into the area with a man wearing a gi over a T-shirt.

"Where are we now?" the purple one asks.

"I dunno, but it's my kind of place!" the other says.

They walk by some lava before looking at each other.

"Not one of these are dormant."

"Let's armor up."
LoopyPanda said:
"Aw man! I must've sent her somewhere else by accident! Shit..." Megumi slumped over defeatedly before straightening up. "I may as well check the rest of this place out. "Eh, I wouldn't worry about her too much. She's kinda scary to most things rather than the other way around. She'll probably burn my face off once I catch her! But if I get her something from here, maybe she'll be a bit less angry..."

"That's rather sweet to think about your friend, young one." She'd smile. "I can be of assist to help you out on this. Especially since your kind isn't accepted around these parts, anyways. So with me around, they won't instantly attack." She got out from the pool of lava.
"Asuza is the only friend I have. I don't think I could take it if she hated me forever! After all we went through together, that is." Megumi said, grinning. "Even though we don't get along much, I wouldn't trade her for anyone else! We haven't been split up like this in a long time."

"You could just do that, lady!? I thought you had to stay in the lava!" She looked surprised. "Damn, that's wicked cool! And thanks. Dealing with a fire witch is already hard enough on me!"
"No problem, and you can call me Lava Girl by the way." She stretched her body a bit. "Yeah, dipping the lava always warms me up. Anyhow, I don't know where to start, but I'm sure we might find some clues of your sister's whereabouts if other demons seen her."
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