The Reality Vortex: The Black Rose

"Can I get you something to eat, Whis?" Majin Bara then asked, wanting to help Whis recover.

Meanwhile, Brachi and Dielec both were for the moment observing the fights going on, as if they were going to get a reading on the opponents involved, letting others have their shots at them first. It was as if they were both trying to get an understanding of how the adversaries fought, and got ready to adapt accordingly.

Mentally conversing with each other in regards to their plan, including Bara herself, Brachi and Dielec got ready to join the fight, with Brachi at first going just Super Saiyan God, while Dielec moved to get into a proper vantage point, first setting up an invisible barrier around Whis, with the intention to repel and/or reflect any blast directed at Whis back to the attacker to give them a shock, while Brachi herself was looking for an opening in the fights to capitalize on, figuring that the training she had underwent with Jize would hopefully come to fruition.
With a small yelp, the rabbit witch flew backward and smacked into the crumbling wall, and upon impact, she burst into puffs of fur. Emerging from a new location, Coella tilted her head. "Well, that went a lot worse than I imagined," the witch ran her finger across the rim of her hat, before continuing, "It's as they say, if at first you don't succeed..."

She pulled her hat off of her head and waved it above her head. With the movement, a horde of Coellas came tumbling out of the hat above her, copying the original and creating more with the swing of their hats.

"Try, try again!" All the witches announced in unison before moving in behind Avalon's clones, working in tandem with them. The Coella clones jolted around Avalon's attacks, bounding toward Vegetto trying to get their hands on him, as if they were playing a game of tag.
Cayde glanced back towards the battle at Daiman's request, briefly taking in the scene above. His eyes danced between Sinister Bernkastel first, then to the impending danger of Vegetto Black. He quickly hurried Daiman to the side behind a nearby building, peaking around the corner.

"Looks like they aren't focused on us. Let's take the time to power everything up."

Cayde held tightly onto his hand cannon as the metal began to burn with paracasual energy; sizzling fumes beginning to radiate off the gunmetal while he kept his eyes peeled around the corner.

"I'll raise you on that one: two shots for the price of one. Let's make 'em count kid."

Whis sat slowly upright as the team of Brachi, Bara, Dielec, Victor and Mooli had fully arrived, prepared to defend. With Bernkastel nearby with the wounded Zenta, the angel quickly shuffled a bit after shaking his head at Bara. His attention, however, lifted a bit at the sight of Brachi transforming into a Super Saiyan God, briefly thinking to himself before answering Bara's request.

"No thank you...I have enough power for now."

Whis lightly shook his head once, dismissing the thought within his own mind for the moment before glancing towards the others.

"We must focus our efforts and fight together as a group. Dueling Black will cost us severely, and we must defeat him before the other Bernkastel can assist him."

The angel maneuvered towards Zenta next, kneeling down and resting his right hand on the gaping wound in the beast's chest. Ki and energy swirled within the beast; the angel attempting to empower the cells within Zenta's body with his energy to repair and recover from the damage beyond their normal capabilities.

"I do not have enough power to engage yet, but I can support you. Go now...Avalon, Asher and Coella need you."

Vegetto Black's eyes met Zenta's as the beast had taken the killing strike meant for Asher. The confident and deadly stare of the doppelganger only grew in its potency at the sight; Vegetto Black clearly proud of the result. One of the Breakers' strongest fighters already incapacitated by a single swift decision, one that was potentially premeditated.

The doppelganger had already prepared his blade for another strike, preparing to end Zenta completely this time. Yet as he swung, Avalon had already dashed in, and swooped up Zenta just as the menacing Spirit Sword harmlessly slashed the air where the pair had been milliseconds before. Vegetto Black turned his gaze, following the threat and narrowing his eyes.

At the sight of the clones all rushing in, Vegetto Black threw up the arm with his Spirit Sword in the iconic Big Bang Attack pose as if he were preparing to blast away anything in front of him with a cone energy blast. However, the energy of the Spirit Sword morphed backwards; expanding immediately instead into a bubble of pure energy that encircled the doppelganger completely.

The water shurikens collided and stuck neatly into the bubble, the lightning jolts of Coella's enhanced magic radiating brilliantly along the sphere's surface. Yet still, all of the attacks were incapable of penetrating Vegetto Black's bubble; the doppelganger's smirk growing at the sight of the magnificent crackle of lighting lining his bubble.

With the entire sphere coated in dangerous water shurikens lodged into it, Vegetto Black let out a thunderous roar as he pushed his free arm forward that powered the defensive move. In an instant, the sphere suddenly opened up from behind him and flung outwards into a long, rectangular energy plane in front of him. The water shuriken's served as spikes on the energy plane; instantly cutting and stabbing into any clone caught within melee range of Vegetto Black as he turned the attack forwards.

The energy plane suddenly bent like a bear trap, immediately folding into itself and using the water shuriken stuck in the energy plane as makeshift spikes to impale all of Avalon's and Coella's clones in its deadly sandwiching of the attackers. The energy smashed into itself, and erupted into a massive explosion of fire and dust.

However, the immense smoke cloud dissipated away in an instant from Vegetto Black's energy surging, then retreating. His narrowed eyes landed on the pair of Avalon and Coella standing in front of Asher, the doppelganger addressing all three with a confident tone in his dual voice.

"Is this your best? You fight like children...the new recruits so eager to live up to the legend of the Breakers. Yet as you seek excitement and hope for yourselves, the real ones use you to understand my abilities. They would let you die, just so they might be able to find an advantage against me."

His smirk rose slightly.

"Are you willing to sacrifice your life...for people who are eager to throw away yours for their own gain?"

Vegetto Black did not wait for an answer, however. In an instant after his final question, wind gusted outwards in overwhelming bursts like a storm. The doppelganger once again ascended on the pair, and Vegetto Black immediately slapped Avalon to the side while he simply moved past Coella. His eyes never left his target, locked fully on Asher.

With his Spirit Sword brandishing around his right arm once more, Vegetto Black aimed to end the boy's life with a confident smirk. The strength of his disorienting blow was not powerful enough to completely stop Avalon however; both the ninja and Coella could still feasibly stop Vegetto Black from killing Asher in this moment, as well as Asher defending himself against the attack.

As Vegetto Black counter attacked Coella and Avalon's efforts, the fighter seemed to be more similar to a traditional Saiyan in only that particular moment. Ki spiked and flared dramatically in the doppelganger's efforts to thwart the pair, exposing the same weakness of strength that most Dragon Ball universe warriors have: power granted by ki, but lacking in base strength.

Yet as the counter attack ended, so too did Vegetto Black's flair of energy. Unlike a traditional Saiyan or power up, his ki almost seemingly vanished in an instant. The ominous pressure of the man never dwindled, however, as if the strength remained even without the ki empowering his body and attacks.

The only instance of Vegetto Black's energy surging once more, was in the man brandishing the second Spirit Sword. His arm traveled in speeds far greater than the average eye could detect with strength capable of leveling more than a city, but the only source of energy that could be sensed was the Spirit Sword itself.

In this move it was clear: Vegetto Black has the raw strength and speed of a fighter capable of matching Saiyan powers without empowering himself with ki.
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