The Reality Vortex: The Black Rose


The Strongest
Sep 3, 2015

The Reality Vortex - Beach City

A strange world where the impossible happens. Eons ago, a celestial object called daffodil star produced three seeds into the Abyss of Darkness. By absorbing the Dark Energy around them, they would grow into Cosmic Plants and create their respective worlds. However, a war broke out between them for sole domination.

In reaction, the daffodil star produced a fourth seed, Jinaira, into the Abyss of Darkness to discourage in-fighting. However, upon completion, Jinaira didn’t participate in the war and created his own world instead, leaving the fate of those worlds to their destruction from the war.

Jinaira was more interested in creating his ideal world than some squabbles between Cosmic Plants. Since his creation was supposed to disrupt in-fighting, he was not granted the ability to create life. Thus, Jinaira designed his world to do the impossible: bring all beings from other worlds into Reality Vortex.

Thus, the birth of Reality Vortex was born. It was a world supposedly where all beings erased from existence gathered. There is no sense of time, scientific laws nor physics, no logical reasoning; it’s all a jumbled mess. It is the last destination before permanent, true death. Once someone enters Reality Vortex, they cannot leave under any circumstances regardless of battle power or ability. To drive further home, Reality Vortex is enclosed by a powerful barrier that prevents anyone from leaving the world itself. It also protects the world from the endless sea of Dark Energy; otherwise known as the Abyss of Darkness and a creature that lurks within.

Jinaira’s world was barren of life—it is exceedingly rare for anyone to be erased from existence. He’d attempted many times to forcibly will beings into this world—no matter their origin but failed each time. One day, a mysterious man appeared: Doctor Victor von Doom. He was in shock that someone appeared in this world and observed him. After days of studying the Doctor and his futile attempts to escape, Jinaira introduced himself to him. However long their conversation, upon Jinaira coming in physical contact, it overloaded the Doctor with Dark Energy and seemingly destroyed him. Displeased that his once chance to figure out what causes people to appear here, Jinaira leaves and seeks shelter at his manor.

Doom survived the encounter, and the influence of the Dark Energy invaded his mind. Unknown to Jinaira for a brief period, Doom built a machine capable of bringing beings from other worlds into Reality Vortex. Accomplishing this goal drove Doom to seek something greater: merging all worlds into one, where his rule is law.

Although time does not exist in Vortex, eventually, the Breakers formed. They were aided by a strange entity known as the Voice, a spirit guide of Reality Vortex. They were promised that if they obtain a device known as the “tools”, the Voice will help them escape Reality Vortex and return to their home universes. However, these tools were currently in the possession of Doctor Doom and must defeat him to get it. After a cruel battle that erupted between the Breakers and Doctor Doom that left half of the group permanently erased, the Breakers gave the tools to the Voice as promised. In a twist of fate, after Voice gained his physical body, double-crossed the Breakers. He was only interested in regaining his body and reclaim his place in the world—revealing to be its Creator God. He cleaned up the mess from the final battle and established a New Reality Vortex (Reality Vortex v2). Afterwards, after giving them pity points of returning two people erased from existence, force the Breakers to “clean up” the act in the world as he himself take shelter to Vortex Moon.

Now the Breakers are left with a dilemma where they cannot return to their homes, and live in a world thrown into chaos.

Premise: The tournament Clark hyped about turn out to be a means for Kaiba to capture powerful opponents and add them to his collections—for what purpose, no one knows for sure. However, despite the tournament being manipulated (and twisted even further by Lucifer), it had several revelations. The world is once again vast with various people from different walks from life and their own goals. Furthermore, there are powerful characters that have yet to be seen. Malugia, backed by Lucifer, claims that there is an entire city filled with Creator Gods, Omnipotent Beings that create entire worlds. And there are powers that are hard to understand, which lead to Daiman, an unlikely candidate, winning the entire tournament.

But the most surprising thing was the existence of Cuki’s son, Asher, and he’s an Alter Being. Lucifer was loose with his words regarding the fate of these kinds of people. Lucifer, grown disappointment that the Breakers did not meet the standards of “Limit Breaker”, departed with Berserk who became a Demi-Fiend to mentor her power. However, he gave them a warning: these battles before are nothing but squabbles, now, true battles will come your way.

The Breakers, already fractured, will face new trials that will test the limits of their relationship with one another. The biggest problem is Spina is no longer align with the group… and distance widen even further.

General Discussion Hub
Previous Chapters: Doom Arc - New Roads Arc - Red Reputations Arc - Shadow Games Arc

Reality Vortex Rules
  • The Breakers are the main characters of this story.
  • You are only allowed up to 4 characters to play at once.
  • You can have characters shift from Main Role to Supporting Role.
  • You can have a character leave for a period.
  • Nearly all rules that originated from the character's original world do not apply in Reality Vortex.
  • Death is not possible in Reality Vortex. If a character’s body is completely destroyed, they will turn into Vortex Coins.
  • Only one character has the power to erased beings—and that belongs to the Voice. If the Voice erases you, this is a permanent death.
  • Be courteous to other players; do not metagame, make your characters have extensive knowledge, etc.
Rules are subject to change in the future
After the conclusion of a rather chaotic tournament, Daiman was declared the winner. Using his wish to turn entire stadium into a high-class level style restaurant, all the participants were able to indulge in their favorite foods. In no time, nightfall arrived, and many participants left for the evening.

“More!” Roya shouted for more drinks. “Haha! Who cares about that stupid tournament anyways! I was starving anyways!” She paused. “Wait, I came here to do something… something… Anti…” She hiccups several times and loses her train of thought. “MORE!” She slams her glass against the table.

While Roya aggressively demands for drinks and forgetting her overall purpose, Clark slurped the last of his crunchy noodles. “Phew…” He let out a satisfied sigh. “Thank you, son. You did good on making that wish. I almost never get the right texture for this.”

Daiman blushed a bit. “T-thank you. I was hungry, so that was the only thing I could think of for my wish,” The young man looked around to see a everyone enjoying their meals—at least from his perspective, despite seeing some issues here and there, it all felt too familiar. “This reminds me of my family back home. Naolyn, Cernia, Yoon, Nessa, Xavier, Susie, Gio…” He stopped himself before tears rained down his cheeks. “Excuse me…” He wiped away his tears.

“I’m sure your family is out there, just need to find them!” Clark keeps high spirits to cheer him up.

Daiman smirks. “Thank you!” After seeing Lucifer and Berserk vanishing, the young man remembered something and left the table. “Coella!” He said as loud as he could. “I-I’m sorry that we crashed your game! That Lucifer guy was just doing what he wants… I hope we didn’t cause you too much trouble…”

“Speaking of that…” When Vegetto asks about Spina, two things came into mind. Firstly, is Vegetto concerned of someone’s whereabouts? “Whatever you are doing… keep doing that. I’ll probably have a heart attack from happiness if you make Vegetto start laughing! I’m serious!” He was 100 percent on Cayde’s side that she was an absolute treat. Secondly, where was Spina? “I assumed he wasn’t the social type… but he left his food! It’ll get cold!” More than that, the young man was stated to be Cuki’s son. Clark thought that Spina would probably make friends with him, but then again, he hardly knew the old Saiyan. “Maybe he wanted to clear his head? He was kind of intense during that tournament.”

“Want me to look for him?” Vortex-Man offered. “Kind of “intense” is underselling it. He was full-blown crazy.”
"I'll come too."

It had been Cayde's voice that chimed in that moment, having paused from his merry celebration with Mooli while Vegetto sat in his thoughts for a moment.

"Something's definitely wrong with grandpa...and I don't think it's just him. He's been walking around looking like he's arguing with more than just himself these days. Seen some messed up mind control in my days...and he's got all the symptoms of a terrible case of the puppet strings."

Vegetto kept his small frown, perking an eyebrow.

"Mind control can be countered though, Cayde. Spina is strong willed...he wouldn't let anyone boss him around and he's told us off for trying to already."

Cayde shrugged his shoulders, pausing at the mention.

"Look...all I'm saying is that the guy had a pretty clear reaction when someone implied he was your lackey back in the tournament. As someone who hears that a lot too...I get the frustration-"

Cayde briefly glanced at Avalon, a teasing raspberry of an expression being thrown towards the ninja, but glanced back to Vegetto without much emotion; recognition that he had taken Avalon's comments about the very thing, but did not hold a grudge over them or even sought to deny the logic behind the belief.

"-but even I don't get offended that much by the insult. Most people don't get that defensive...unless there's some truth to it."

Vegetto raised his right eyebrow.

"You think Spina really sees me as a threat like that?"

Cayde nodded.

"Think about it. He wouldn't feel inferior to you...but anyone should hate your guts with the way you treated him. Making decisions for everyone that only help yourself...running out on them after the big battle with Doom...telling him to 'get gud' when he was dying and needed your help back in our old city...plenty of reasons to hate you. Especially now that you're back...trying to boss everyone into being your friend in your usual short sighted, stupid way."

Vegetto deadpanned, unable to retort the cutting remarks Cayde was making, but the android shifted gears from badgering the Potara Fusion about his terrible behavior towards the others.

"But maybe he's just found someone that's manipulating him to act on his hate fully. Deal with the devil sorta thing, you know? You're the problem...and whoever is messing with promising to deliver on killing you."

Vegetto narrowed his eyes, thinking for a moment. He lowered his hands quickly, his dual voice serious in tone.

"Then it has to be only one other person. He's already tried messing with the Breakers before, and took over Gogeta's mind briefly."

He kept his frown.

"It has to be Black...the other me."
Victor thinks as he eats "I gest for now I with this group of odd balls. Whom knows their travels may be entertaining and somewhat worth the time. The only thing I don't get is there little game of whom is the leader every so often."

Victor thinks as he eats with the group "how long will it take for those kids to notice some random old man eating with them like it's nothing"
Hours after Lucifer left, Zenta was calmer and more relaxed, appreciating the moments spent with Asher and Bernkastel. His animalistic side vanished and he showed not an ounce of his usual banter as he did with Lucifer. There were several plates on the table before Zenta and Bernkastel, primarily from Asher trying to overfeed his grandfather. Zenta adored the new food Asher and Bernkastel introduced him to, being fond of fish and, oddly, sweet potatoes.

However, from being overfed, Zenta was visibly full and sick, not having a massive stomach like Cuki or Asher. The fox groaned slightly, slumping in his seat with his ears flat on his head.

“Lady Bernkastel… is there a miracle you can perform to rid me of this nausea…? I think my grandson has gotten a tad carried away…” Zenta hiccupped, his ears flattening more. “Ugh…”

“Oh, c’mon Grandpa! You haven’t even had dessert yet! I barely fed you anything at all.” Asher protested. “Even Kettles has a bigger stomach than you.”

“Please, no more, Asher… I cannot eat another bite.”

As Zenta pleaded for mercy from his grandson, Avalon sat down next to Zenta, silently staring at his scroll and examining everything he gathered over his adventure with the Breakers. His fiddled with Berserk’s ribbon in his hand, hardly focusing on his work. He missed his friend… His ears perked up as he heard Spina was gone and Vegetto mention something about another him?

“Black…? Who is Black?” Avalon asked softly.

Zenta’s ears perked up at the familiar name. He remembered him from his time working with Doom. It was brief, but he did recognize the man somewhat.

“You mean the man who believed mortals were inferior to Gods?” Zenta hid a chuckle. “He seemed interesting, but I doubt we could talk for long. He probably would not tolerate me...”
What a nice kid. Too nice for his own good maybe... I feel like I should stick close by and keep an eye on him, Mooli thought with a sad smile as she watched Daiman scurry off to apologize to Coella. "Another Vegetto? I sure hope not. One of you is bad enough as it is..." she said, frowning at Zenta's description of the man. "I don't like the sound of it."

"..." Bernkastel overheard the conversation and fiddled with her bowtie pensively looking like she badly wanted to say something in objection to their theory. "Well... I didn't really understand what was going on with Gogeta until it was too late, but I could've talked him out of everything he did when I had the chance. I tried but I screwed it up because... I didn't know what to say and just wanted Gogeta to follow my lead without really listening to him." she confessed, holding a staring contest with her tea as she spoke.

"Let's not accuse Spina of anything just yet, okay? He's on edge and we don't want to overwhelm him. But it would be bad to let him keep to himself for too long. Maybe I should talk to him... I'm worried I'll screw up if I go alone though." The Witch pondered aloud, feeling tempted to forego her ability and try to get Spina to open up without it.

"Also... you should know better than to let a kid peer-pressure you into overeating, Zenta. That diet of yours probably shrunk your stomach to the size of a pea."
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Coella jumped slightly when her name was shouted, turning to Damian curiously. She flashed a cute smile at his apology and ruffled the boy's hair.

"Don't you worry your sweet little head, Dayday! Your group saved me from having to serve as Kaiba Kid's little trading card! So thank you all for intervening! It certainly kept him on his toes! I was pretty lucky to have played a game with the mighty Breakers!"
The witch's ears twitched again at the mention of Spina, and her attention abruptly shifted toward the group to discuss his disappearance. Without another word to Damian, Coella floated over to the group and landed behind Bernkastel, resting her head gently on the top of the witch of Miracle's head as she spoke.

"Oh dear, Spinny has gone missing? Then fear not, Bernie! I'll join you in the search! You two are my darling little champions after all! Even if you did end up losing to Dayday!"
"Yup, as Zenta said...he's a god that was too weak to take care of mortals he hated, so he stole Vegetto's body in another timeline. Kinda sad all things considered..."

Cayde stopped, however, at Bernkastel's interjection, sitting quietly while Vegetto also turned his head. The Potara fusion instinctively scowled at the mention of Gogeta; having watched the debacle that unfolded during the dilemma with Hart from the sides. He wanted to immediately talk down to the witch, especially because it was specifically Bernkastel and made his point all to clearly on how she caused problems.

Yet during the short time he had already spent with the group, Vegetto had developed a very small amount of self awareness; knowing well enough that he had no place to speak on the mistake Bernkastel at least felt repentant for. So the Potara fusion merely scoffed and glanced to the side once Bernkastel asked for the group to avoid accusing Spina of anything, and to talk to him herself.

Cayde leaned back in his seat, rubbing his chin while Coella offered her aid as well.

" would probably be better not to put him on the spot like that...even if he's being mind controlled by Black."

He sat up promptly, preparing to leave already with vigor and a light smile.

"We should all head out and go back Bernkastel up on this. This group could use a bit of couples' therapy with him anyway...or well...friendship therapy."
“Black… yeah, he was a bit of a preacher I guess.” Clark remembered Vegetto Black during his time with Doctor Doom. They didn’t interact too much and from the jump, despite his boredom at the time, didn’t appreciate Black’s views on people. If Black is behind it, it explains why Spina had been so out of it as of late. Perhaps explains why his body is so different from the last time he saw the old man.

At the mention of Gogeta, the Kryptonian pondered about his role in the matter. The last time there was an incident where one had become truly unruly, Clark took upon himself to end it by killing Gogeta. It was better, he thought, to nip the bud straight away. But that was his mistake, and the Breakers and Vegetto never truly connect in a way that they had an understanding. The potara’s scorn did not go unnoticed by him. Here, seeing Bernkastel choosing to discuss with Spina to see the root problem of the issue.

“I’ll sit this one out,” Clark decided. “Not really the best position to be offering any advice after the stunt I pulled. Besides, I’m sure he’ll want to hear it from you guys instead of me! I’ll help clean up the mess around here though!”

Seeing Cayde already heading off, the Kryptonian took the cue to nudge the others. “Off you go!” He quickly grabbed each Breakers and pushed them outside. “Let grandpa though that I’ll keep his food warm!” He turns to both Mooli and Daiman. “Oh, help me with the mess guys! Especially that young ma’am over there.” He pointed at Roya.

“Who’re calling young lady!” Roya was on the verge of passing out on her table.

“Huh?! Y-yeah, I did make that wish…” Daiman agreed.

Outside of the Restaurant

“That guy…” Vortex-Man crossed his arms, annoyed that Clark decided to stay and clean up. He was a bit uncomfortable with the Breakers considering their history. “Maybe I should sit this out too. He probably not going go crazy or something… I hope.” He turns to Bernkastel—this was the first time they would have a rather straightforward interaction. “How you want to play, Witch? If Vegetto says his body-snatcher is taking over people’s minds, he might know what’re up too.” He turns to Vegetto and Cadye. "Any comments? You know how he thinks..."
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