The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Panich was startled by the sudden voice in front of her, having no time to react before being moved to a new location. "Wh-... Where am... I..?" She muttered slightly, to herself before looking to the stranger who brought her. "Coin Hunter...!"

The princess leaped back a bit preparing to fight, but then hesitantly followed the hunter after seeing that his goal was only to lead her.  She wiped her eyes quickly of the rest of her tears and silently watch the Coin hunter open the door to the cafe. Only to reveal even more Coin hunters! Panich's eyes widened seeing Hart in the center of the gang of Coin hunters and... Ultraman...?

The princess remained silent, waiting for the question Hart would ask her. Just what the hell was happening here...?
Bernkastel had her head still planted firmly on the table, too drunk to notice if anyone had actually left, or if anyone was still there near her. Brachi's commentary just stewed in her wine-drowned brain. "Insanity izn't wannin absiloot power 'er killin' people yew dun like. The real insanity... is tryna undo everythin' bad by goin' back in time, man. Yer just gunna get stuck dewin' the same shit over an' over... thinkin it'll turn out diffrint."

"Even if yew could, howz anyone sure it won't be even shittier than the last time? You can't control how everyone's gunna do-over cuz they won't remember except you. It'sa loada bull, man!" Bernkastel balled her fists on the table, grabbing her solo cup to chug even more of the wine, uncaring that some spilled onto her collar as she continued her drunken tirade towards herself. The witch stumbled out of her seat to retrieve her dinner crystal, seemingly forgetting Cross was still present. "And then?! yer gunna go crazy doin' that over an' over cuz you just KNOW this time'll be the last n' you're SURE everything'll be fixed! It's like tryna solve a maze that resets each time you get a dead end an' die. 100 years of doin' that's all it takes to go fuckin' crazy!" Bern slouched over the table at the end of her rambling, slowly letting go of the half-empty wine bottle before releasing her food from its storage.

"... An' gimme my damn chicken." She muttered flatly before tearing off one of its roasted legs to eat.
Brachi heard what Bernkastel said while ripping some meat of part of her meal with her teeth, making sure she swallowed it first before talking, as it was impolite to talk with one's mouth full after all.

"I'm honestly surprised I haven't gone completely bonkers already, Bernie," she snarked, "perhaps it's due to me still having hopes of seeing all of my friends from my universe again, something that got only reinforced with the return of this lovable goofball here..." 

Bara giggled a bit as Brachi then patted her head while chewing on some candy.

"Back in my universe, we had an amazing team working together to keep the universe safe as best as we could... Humans, Androids, Saiyans, Hybrids, Namekians, Majins, Martians, and inviduals of other races... even ones defected from a former planet trading organization all united in one alliance... and then one day, during a routine check, I found myself in this place, shortly joined by my Majin bestie and our universe's Goddess of Destruction, being subjected to new rules and whatnot completely foreign to us... and then having to fight some mad scientist with a god complex that far surpassed the likes of Siber... or even Ruthas for that matter..." Brachi said, now in borderline ranting mode, "I have seen and witnessed things that would put the sanity of any seasoned warrior to the ultimate test... how long would they hold out against a race which occupy multiple planets, attack without provocation and can genetically modify their body forms over a single generation to counter a specific threat to them... or facing villains capable of consuming invidiuals whole, absorbing them if those villains find them useful for their cause and hold some kind of leverage over the other heroes..."

Brachi then sighed as she took another bite of her meal, pausing for a moment to let it sink in with Bernkastel for a moment.

"I am aware that time travel may not be the optimal solution... it was something that came across my mind... and you happen to overhear it as I speak... but know this; I will not rest until I see every single one of my dearest friends again, even if it means to push myself beyond my limits and cut down every single threat who even has the gall to get in my way... not even that Coin Hunter or whatever can stop me... they can either aid me... or regret to have ever crossed me!"
In Bernkastel's drunken fugue, it took a good minute or three for her to fully process all of Brachi's rant after she finished speaking, though she did take her time thinking about it with her chicken leg. She just ate it until there was only bone and cartilage while she stared back with drowsy-looking eyes.

"Y'see... I dunno a lot of those words you just said, but I think I geddit. I'unno what it's like to feel that sorta thing cuz the one person from home that liked me's prolly gone fer good..." Bern slurred her words all over the place but even underneath the crass and unrefined speech pattern, there lacked the usual biting sarcasm and mockery one would've expected at any other time. Evidently she was beyond the point she could filter her feelings into a composed front that revealed nothing. "But I won't stop ya if yer mind's made up on that stuff, yew lot are mega stubborn... it's just a big mess to clean up like dat. That and there's one real annoyin' thing in the way," she pointed the chicken bone in her hand at the Vortex Moon with a wobbly. "The one guy who can erase ya fer it. He stuck us with a shiddy job we dun even want! Scroo dat noise! I'm gunna... uh..." Bern trailed off. "Blow up da moon! Someday..." She started to dig into her roast chicken. "I needa wishbone to make it a wish!"
Brachi nodded at that, noting that Bernkastel was quite drunk at this, while Bara continued eating her candies.

"I do agree with you one thing... being the CEO of Capsule Corp. was much better than this... I could be having a barbecue session with all my friends right now... instead I am stuck in this place which feels like those games where you can browse a home and interact with stuff, yet you can't get out of the house and it feels like it's being haunted by whatever is present there, causing the player a lot of misery and grief as if being confronted by their own personal misdeeds..." She said, before tossing a chicken bone herself into a nearby wastebin, "and what on Mars are we expected to even accomplish here? What a frigging mess this all is... it makes me quite homesick..." 

Brachi sighed as she continued to eat, only to notice a small bowl of candies being placed in front of her, before turning to Bara, who was staring at her with the infamous puppy-dog eyes, causing Brachi to smile a little bit.

"I... never thought to see you... so miserable again..." Bara then spoke, making Brachi frown at that, "I heard you crying more than once during the nights I remained as a coin... we really mean all that much to you..." 

Brachi nodded.

"Not a single day went by where I hoped and prayed to see all of you again... seeing you back with me is a first start... and yet there is this emptiness within me that isn't something I'll be rid of... not for the time being that is..." She said.

"I miss them all too, you know... especially Celicia, Tonika, Mashati, Karo and Shaza, taking the fact that those latter four happen to be fellow Majins aside..." Bara then said.

Brachi nodded.

"We're in the same boat it seems... we'll just have to make the best of it for now... yet continue to strive to our main goal... and make those who cross us run with fear, make the hunters become the hunted... I want them to know how wrong they are to cross us... and if they offer us assistance, I don't want any strings attached... if that is the case, then those fools will pay dearly for it..." She said.
Cross says "this may be a concept that restively new too most you but you do literally have more than eternity in terms of time if you play your cards correctly." Cross starts to eat Pizza he ordered.
Spina entered the apartment complex with concern look on his face. He looked up when Cross spoke to him. “Ah, thanks. Saiyan Specials, huh? Oddly specific…” He looked around, noticing that practically everyone, aside from Bernkastel, Cross, Brachi and Bara was here. “Question… where did everyone go? I noticed Panich and Lucifer heading off… then I felt a similar energy.” The old Saiyan looked around. “Where’s the buffoon?”

The unpredictable nature of drunken Gogeta’s loose movements, Broly was headbutted to the chest, and collapsed on the ground from the tackle. Broly’s face was riddled with irritation. He grabbed Gogeta by the collar of his jacket and tossed him aside. He gritted his teeth as his black eyes narrowed. Visible veins became apparent across his face as he attempted to hold in his desire to fight.

“Who the hell is this idiot?” Detective Goku noticed yet another person had appeared on the scene. “You know him!? Get this slob out of here!” He shouted at Cuki. “Damnit, Broly is already having a shitty day after finding out the news, and now this. Captain! Relax! Just calm down—”

Broly’s suit was ripped into shreds from the damage, as his black eyes locked onto the Gogeta. “That power… Kakarotto…. Vegeta….!”  His own power starts to swell up within.

“The moment we locked eyes; I knew you were something that I can engage with. You’re seeking something more.” Hart faced Panich. “Have you ever wondered, the purpose of existence? People claims that you find that answer by doing various things in life. You give your own purpose. Yet, in this world, a world of irregularities—it doesn’t have answers. It questions, doubts our mindsets, and ultimately, our identity is now in ruins.” Hart narrowed her eyes as she walked forward towards Panich with no hint of malice. “I know that you were not been told a lick of truth about this world—something that the Breakers failed to do. Are you prepare to know the truth? About your world? About whatever kin you seek?” Hart’s voice changes from different tones—from male, to female, to high, to low as all the Coin Hunters turned to Hart simultaneously.
Gogeta let out a excited giggle as he flipped backwards from Broly tossing him aside.


Flying across the city streets, he soon crashed into a nearby building back first. He barely moved or made a sound that could be heard over the cascading rubble and the sound of cement bricks shattering, the fusion indented into the wall in a sideways angle with his arms above his head. His eyes fluttered, blue energy forming between the two palms raised above his head.


Gogeta howled in an excited, delighted glee before throwing his arms down in front of him as he laid sideways in the wall. Hundreds of devastating, blue energy beams instantly spiraled and arced outwards in a half dome like shape in hurtling towards Detective Goku, Broly, and Cuki. The blasts tore through the city street with ease, some erupting in violently explosions under the ground entirely. Fissures of energy and light shot upwards from cracks in the streets itself, coupled with the absolute destructive rampage of the planet-busting energy shredding through city skyscrapers and apartment complexes with ease to create a scene of devastating chaos in the wake of one of Gogeta's most powerful attacks. A once, near peaceful night of sleep and quiet time had now turned into a destructive warzone: already a large amount of coins began to fly outwards in every direction along with the debris of glass, steel and broken fixtures cascading downwards in every direction.

Gogeta happily shot backwards from the overwhelming amount of energy pouring out from his open palms, flipping around and riding the momentum of his attack in arching upwards into the air. He continued to rise, and should the fusion reach complete upwards trajectory, his attack would undoubtedly send hundreds more of his energy beams blasting downwards onto the entire Reality Metropolis.
Cross says "You be surprised common Saiyans are." Cross says "apparently picking a Drunk fight for Gogate, Lucifer finished telling Pinchi a painful truth in one the more painful ways possible, and Pinchi if I were to gest has started her meeting early."
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