Panich was startled by the sudden voice in front of her, having no time to react before being moved to a new location. "Wh-... Where am... I..?" She muttered slightly, to herself before looking to the stranger who brought her. "Coin Hunter...!"
The princess leaped back a bit preparing to fight, but then hesitantly followed the hunter after seeing that his goal was only to lead her. She wiped her eyes quickly of the rest of her tears and silently watch the Coin hunter open the door to the cafe. Only to reveal even more Coin hunters! Panich's eyes widened seeing Hart in the center of the gang of Coin hunters and... Ultraman...?
The princess remained silent, waiting for the question Hart would ask her. Just what the hell was happening here...?
The princess leaped back a bit preparing to fight, but then hesitantly followed the hunter after seeing that his goal was only to lead her. She wiped her eyes quickly of the rest of her tears and silently watch the Coin hunter open the door to the cafe. Only to reveal even more Coin hunters! Panich's eyes widened seeing Hart in the center of the gang of Coin hunters and... Ultraman...?
The princess remained silent, waiting for the question Hart would ask her. Just what the hell was happening here...?