The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Cross says "My forces shooed more than needed too hold the territory." Lady Lightstep leave the group.
Panich was silent for most of the exchange, mostly because it wasn't her place to decide whether any of them would be staying with the Breakers.

"So are we staying or going...?" She blinked a few times at this back and forth with all the new information being thrown her way. Her attention turned to Lucifer at his greeting. Her tail tensed as as the man's lips touched her hand, snatching it away as quickly as possible and glaring at Lucifer intensely. "Don't do that again." 

She huffed and turned to Spina, trying to forget that little incident by changing the subject. "Anyways, is this Demi-fiend something we should be concerned about?"
Slayer nodded to Bernkastel, then held up Snow's coin, before tossing it to Brachi "I figure you might want to hold on to this. Between us, you actually knew him best after all. I'm hoping to find the rest of the family, but i won't hold my breath." He vanished, only appearing beside Lucifer "I will not lie to you. I don't trust you, but I will work with you this once, Morningstar. After all, Pride comes before the Fall."
Gogeta furrowed his brow once Lucifer kissed his forehead, having made no movement to retreat or avoid the gesture. He eyed Lucifer with a confused stare, his dual voice flat.

"Huh...that was weird."

He then turned his attention towards Spina, having also stood silent throughout the remainder of the conversation. He narrowed his eyes a bit at Spina's reaction to the name Demi-Fiend, soon walking up a bit and leaning down. Gogeta rubbed his chin, musing to himself in suspicion at the stutter in analyzing Spina closely.

"Hmm...are you actually scared?"

Gogeta didn't wait for a reply, excitedly clenching his fists together.

"Oh wow, with a name like 'Demi-Fiend' and seeing this super strong guy get all terrified, he must be really really strong and cool! He sounds like some ancient evil monster that is super big and powerful!!"

He turned to Spina specifically this time instead of Bernkastel, pumping his muscular arms up and down as his Metamoran vest wiggled in his excitement.

"Screw this Coin Hunter guy; let's go find this Demi-fiend!!"
Cuki turned to Bernkastel and gently slapped a hand on her own forehead, groaning in annoyance. With more members usually come more problems, especially with ones making deals. She was not upset, however, knowing that there were benefits from the added members.

Why do I even bother stating concerns..? Once Bernkastel sees a mystery to solve, there's no stopping her curiosity... Cuki thought to herself before lifting her head to face the others with a smile. But I guess it's not all bad. With new people in the Breakers, things will certainly get lively. This will be very interesting...

Cuki chuckled, listening to Lucifer until he mentioned a name that sends shivers for her spine. She knew Demi-Fiend and felt the fur on her tail stand on ends. Her shoulder rose with disgust and quaked with fear as she began to remember Demi-Fiend and the battle with him. The mere thought of that boy left a bad taste in her mouth. When Gogeta mentioned his excitement to fight Demi-Fiend, Cuki hissed under her breath.

"Demi-Fiend is not a joke, he easily handled both me and Kassava at our absolute limits..." Cuki didn't bother to face Gogeta but instead, stare at the floor. "We couldn't hurt him. My new form barely scratched him and Kassava barely touched him in her Ultra form thing. We barely got out of that fight in one piece... Everything we threw at him was useless. Physical attacks, magic, time, everything. He's... He's literally a Godslayer."

Cuki lifted her gaze to glare at Lucifer. 

"And he's your disciple?! That means you're supposed to be responsible for him! Do you have any idea how much trouble he gave us?" Cuki puffed her cheeks. "How the heck are you his Master when he's so... not like you?!"
“And that’s Cuki underestimating him. Vegetto, when he was trying to tap into Ultra Instinct earlier, did nothing to him during that battle when Demi-Fiend was hardly putting any effort. I won’t be lying to say that he’s the strongest being I ever saw. His powers is nothing to laugh at—his enormous, malicious energy holds no bounds, and I still think we never saw his true powers. Even as now, I don’t think any of us will stand a chance against Demi-Fiend except for Bernkastel. She’s the only one who can stalemate him in battle.” Spina turned to Gogeta. “You understand? This is a battle you can’t win. Definitely not in the state you are right now.”

Spina turned to Lucifer and Panich, whom had different concerns regarding the status of Demi-Fiend. “If I recalled correctly, I only saw a fraction of that battle, and after whatever Kassava did, Demi-Fiend was stuck in that dimension and didn’t move for some reason after being defeated. The best bet is that he’s still stuck in that dimension within Doom’s Castle. Definitely not accessible now since Doom is a Vortex Coin. So, he’s not a problem now. Hence why we were surprised to sense his energy coming from the house, but it was you… Lucifer.”

Lucifer’s eyes widened. “I see, that’s rather surprising that Naoki would even tag along with Doctor Doom.” He rubbed his chin. “Though, I would bet that he did this simply for a reaction or test something out of you guys. He has a knack for knocking down people who think too highly of themselves, especially those with godly status.” The blonde angel turns to Cuki, whom asked him about Demi-Fiend’s personality. “Oh, I can’t take the credit for what Naoki had become strength wise and personality—even I was surprised that he was that strong when I challenged him to see if he was truly ready to fight ****.” Lucifer said the name of someone, but it was hard to pronounce that it sounded like gibberish to the rest of the Breakers. “Naoki had truly surpassed my expectations of becoming the perfect God slayer after I change him—able to choose his own path for salvations. The fact that he was able to deal with you guys… Oh, warms my cold heart. But if he’s currently stuck in that dimension, I guess there’s nothing I can do about that, but it’s good to know this is where he had been when he disappeared from my world.”

He turns to Slayer appearing before him. “Young one, I don’t need your trust for now. You can become weary of me, but I preferred the trust of the original Breakers. They have that tick, and I wish to ensure that tick says ticking.” Lucifer smiled. “Well then, I think that’s all that needs to be said. Unless you have any questions for me, I supposed we can venture out?”
Cross thinks "I will let them think what they will." Cross says "With the expectation of wanting and have committed deicide, Demi-Fiend seemed to me to be a normal kid."
"Vegetto was a stubborn meathead, but I think you outclass anyone for being the most absentminded around!" Bernkastel tapped her foot in clear irritation about Gogeta's easily distracted mind, pinching the bridge of her nose with exasperation. "And since Demi-Fiend is too out of your league and won't be within reach like Lucifer said, you've no choice but to help us search for the Coin Hunter. Because if they get to Vegetto before we can..." the witch scolded, "You will never master Ultra Instinct if he's turned into a coin! Just end up a second-rate fusion with a third-rate skill set."

How did Whis maintain his sanity doing this for so long?! I'm no good at things like this... She thought in vexation.

"H-how about I even let you practice using it on me? If you can best me, then you can definitely surpass Vegetto and take on Demi-Fiend with better odds. Sound good?" Bern smiled, though she scolded herself internally for volunteering as a moving UI target just to rouse motivation. If he's even got a fighting spirit that is... she sweated at the thought.
Gogeta's eyes were wide at the full explanation between Cuki and Spina specifically. Despite the two obviously attempting to dissuade him, Gogeta's glee only grew with each passing sentence. The aforementioned level of power beyond the Breakers and warnings only raised his excitement, Gogeta grinned widely.

"Oh man!! Kass AND Vegetto couldn't beat him with Ultra Instinct?! He's even stronger than the Breakers?! I gotta fight this guy; I wanna see just how strong he is!"

He suddenly broke his excitement, however, turning his head after finally processing Spina's comment mentioning only Bernkastel could potentially defeat Demi-Fiend. He blinked a couple of times, his hands on his hips and leaning over to his side, looking over Bernkastel while she begrudgingly scolded him without much of a reaction.

Gogeta walked a couple of steps forward, his smile soon returning.

"Wow, so you're the strongest Breaker huh? That's cool, but you don't look like much."

He lowered himself in a small squat to get to Bernkastel's level, his eyes narrowing in suspicion as he lightly reached up with his right arm. He prodded Bernkastel's shoulder a bit in a few pokes of his pointer finger, suddenly whizzing around to her side and lifting her opposite arm and inspecting it briefly before finally moving back to his original position and lightly sniffing her hair.

Gogeta rubbed his chin, hopping back a step.

"Huh, you don't seem that strong. Are you sure you could take on Ultra Instinct?"
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